
Whiskers on Kittens

Happy Boxing Day to those of you who celebrate. And lucky many of you who get one more holiday out of the deal. Things are pretty much back to normal here at the Three Cats Ranch. We do all our celebrating on Christmas Eve. When the kids were little (and when we were little kids), we opened presents under the tree on Christmas Eve, and then there was more from Santa on Christmas morning. Of course, those days are long gone, and so now, it's mainly a Christmas Eve get-together and done. We usually spend Christmas morning undecorating everything, as we did yesterday.

We had one errand to run, and then came home for lunch. Then...I was exhausted. It was my day of the week to catch up on sleep, and so I took a long nap in the afternoon. Eventually, I got to work doing some more of the embellishing on Wind in the Whiskers. After a couple of false starts and experiments with thread, I put whiskers on this kitten.

Then more on these kittens in a basket.

The butterfly was given some antennae.

And another bird got a beady eye.

The iris have beaded centers. There were lots of beads, but these were harder to do. I opted to give just half of them beads, and only three each.

The beaded centers of the dogwood blossoms have proven easiest to do. The beads are a little larger. I put one in the center, then three more on each side, and then tie them off. The embellishing that remains to be done on the quilt consists mainly of beading the centers of the dogwood blossoms.

Smitty was at the ready to lend a paw.

Also, he was careful to clean said paws of any debris since he was walking around on the quilt.

Now two sections are finished, and I'll move on to the next. This section had the most embellishment (if you don't count the clothesline). I'm estimating I'm about halfway finished with this part of the quilt now. Possibly I can finish it up today.

As for Sadie, she didn't help with the quilt at all. We finally started banging on the wall and calling her since she'd been in the Clubhouse for most of the afternoon. She finally appeared looking down on us with sleepy eyes.

So there's little to do today other than work on this quilt. Possibly, just possibly, I can get it finished. Wouldn't that be nice?


Quilting Babcia said...

I think Smitty was modeling his whiskers just for you. He is such a helper! Interesting how our little Christmas traditions evolve over time, though you may be the only folks I know who undecorate on Christmas Day. Our tree arrived on the scene so late this year it will probably stay up until after New Years, unless the needles begin dropping en masse. One more "Christmas" to celebrate with my daughter and her family on New Years Eve day. It will be fun seeing how much her little guy has grown, now that he's two, his favorite word is 'octagon.'

Julierose said...

I think it's so typical and funny to say he had to clean clean clean--after walking on your quilt lol Whiskers and beading looking really great.
We also celebrated on Christmas Eve and the day itself was quiet...so nice...no fol-er-ol- at all...;))) hugs, Julierose

Beth said...

I love to see Sadie living a life of leisure.

Sue said...

I love the look on Sadie's face when she emerged from the clubhouse- looks like she's saying, "What do you want- I was sleeping!"

Brown Family said...

I like the whiskers. WHat thread did you use to make them stand up?