November was a busy, but fairly productive month. My goals are looking pretty good this time around. Let's see how I did.
I have a perfectly good pumpkin top to quilt, I'm going to put that on my list to quilt in November. And that will be my goal for:
2. As I mentioned in an earlier post, I'd like to take this Barn Quilt, my oldest UFO, to flimsy stage.
In Progress.
Monthly Challenges
I'd still like to give the Happy Villages a try from my October goals (pictured above), and so I'll attempt to complete that goal in November.
Complete! It was a good choice for the last Let's Book It challenge.
4. I didn't make a block for last month's Block Lotto, but I want to put myself back into the lotto in November. Of course, it always depends on the block, and I haven't seen November's block yet.
November's block turned out to be paper-piecing, and you know how much I hate paper-piecing. That means I crossed this goal off my list. Better luck next month.
5. I'd still like to complete a row of blocks for the Hobo Quilt, pictured above, and so I'll continue on with that goal in November. Complete!
6. Make the 5th block for the Chicken Buffet quilt. Complete!
7. I won the block lotto earlier this summer, 48 of leaf blocks. Also, I won the September block Lotto of some Barn Door blocks.
Initially, I was going to make them into a quilt top, but then thought better of it. I'm not looking to add any large projects to my list of WIP's, and so I decided to give the Block Lotto blocks to my friend, Marei. I know she'll make good use of them and she'll enjoy it more than I will. Maybe another time I'll be ready to use some Block Lotto winnings, but for this month's goals, I've crossed these blocks off my list. That's one way to finish your WIP's!
I always assign myself something for Bonus Points. This month, and with great trepidation, my goal was to start sewing together the Wind in the Whiskers quilt. No Progress.
No bonus points for me this month. 😿
December is a busy month for many, including us here at the Three Cats Ranch. It's made less busy since our decision not to exchange Christmas gifts with our adult children a couple of years ago. As some of you know, we plan a family weekend together in lieu of Christmas gifts, and it certainly has made the season a lot less stressful.
So let's see what's on my wish list of goals for the month.
Quilting and Flimsies
1. Quilt and bind the Gingerbread Square quilt.
This one is my choice for
2. Stitch in the details, quilt and bind the Barn Quilt. I'm determined to get this oldest UFO finished. (Pictured above.)
3. Make the first appliqued and embroidered block for Summer Holiday. Here's the picture from the book. This one is called Packing the Suitcase.
4. Complete the fifth and final section for A Quiltmaker's Garden. Here's what I'll be working on next:
Yes, there is paper-piecing to be done. Commence wailing and moaning in three, two, one...
5. Depending on the block, I'll make a block for
Generally, I'll cross this off my list if it contains templates or paper-piecing, but there's no way to know until I see the block. I've missed the last two months, and so I'm hopeful December's block will be agreeable to my tender piecing sensibilities. In any case, I always have good intentions.
I'm keeping my list fairly short this month because those projects I've listed will probably take more time than I expect. Nevertheless, you know I always give myself something for
Since I made no progress sewing together the sections for Wind in the Whiskers in November, I'll keep that as my project for bonus points in December (pictured above).
That list ought to keep me out of trouble. What are you planning to keep you out of trouble in December?
Though a short list, there are some heavyweights there. Spend time enjoying the season.
Sounds like some pretty lofty goals for what will be a busy month! I'd be delighted to just finish one quilt, ha!
I am always inspired to read about your goals & finishes every month. Being sick in October has left me with hardly any energy by the end of my work day, so I'm not planning much of anything. I would like to make some microwave bowl "potholders" for gifting, but we'll see. I did download & print out some instructions, so there's that!
Congrats on your successful November. Looks like you pared your list down for December. It's going to be a crazy month.
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