This morning, we were trying to get out early, and so I didn't have a lot of time for blogging. I decided to try uploading my pictures and then writing my blog post on the Blogger app as we headed down the road. It's working fine, except that I don't have the full complement of editing tools, and so everything is going to be centered makes me feel a little more balanced than is within my usual unbalanced comfort zone. But here goes anyway. Please excuse my typographical errors. You try writing while going down the road. Go ahead...try. I dare you.
We left Redding fairly early yesterday morning, headed for Visalia, California as our next stop. We arrived late the night before, and so I hadn't actually checked in at the office. They had our credit card, but I wanted to check in formally anyway...just to avoid a surprising charge at journey's end. While I was there, I saw this. You wanted to see it too, didn't you?

The road was long and boring yesterday. Once you get out of the Siskiyous and Mt. Shasta area, it's flat, flat, flat with lots of agriculture. Mostly fruit and nut trees, rice, and some other stuff that we couldn't identify. Here's what we saw for most of the ride yesterday.

As we approached Sacramento, we could see the city off in the distance. My friend Marei lovingly refers to California's state capital as "Excremento". She used to live there, and so she's entitled to make rude comments about her former beloved home.

It was a long drive, and sometimes the rest stops along the way are the most exciting part of the journey. At one rest stop, the birds were singing like crazy. I stopped and took a short video of it. Here you go. Be sure to turn up your volume. If you can't see the video, click right here
At another, we saw baby goats. Squee!
I have to say I'm loving my Fitbit, and I've been dedicated and motivated to meet my daily goal. Despite driving nearly 400 miles yesterday, I still managed to fit in 10,000 steps. I did it by walking at every rest stop and during our lunch break. When we arrived at the RV park in Visalia, I had about 2,000 more steps to go, and so I walked around the park a couple of times to get it all done. Ta-Da!
We'll reach Borrego Springs today. It's raining cats and dogs right now. Thanks to my friend Quiltshopgal for warning us of bad weather ahead. High winds are in the forecast. According to the Weather Channel, Borrego Springs shouldn't see the storm until after we arrive, but we're being careful all the same. And there you go...blogging on the road!
WOW!!! you are just moving right along!!! (song pun intended) how are the kitties doing? is Maggie doing better now? I know Mr. Smitty is just fine, he adapts easily. Enjoy your vacation.
Glad to hear you are monitoring the weather closely while you are on the road and should be able to arrive in Borrego Springs before the bulk of the storm hits.
Very cute reference to "Excremento". I wonder if there is a somewhat similar version for Los Angeles.
Safe journey.
Safe journeys - driving a truck/camper is the pits in the wind.
The skies look fabulous - even if storms are looming. Be safe on your travels please. Maybe this trip will help Maggie turn the corner & feel more like actual family by the time you're home again. Give Smitty an extra skritch from me for so graciously sharing "his" catio!
You did a terrific job under adverse conditions. It was good to hear from you!! :-)
I like the clouds in all your pictures, gives them lots of atmosphere. Be safe!
What fun to see goats, hear birds and be able to blog while traveling. Wish I were in your catico with Smitty and Maggie watching it all pass by. Have never been to those areas before. Have a safe and fun trip.
I love my Fitbit, too. I have reached 10000 steps only once. I feel good to get in 5000!
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