
Break in the Clouds

Yesterday, we had a rare occurrence in Portland...rare in December, that is.  We saw the mountains!  They're still there!

It's so seldom that the fog and clouds clear long enough to see them, that we sometimes wonder if we've been abducted by aliens and are now living on a fog-shrouded planet.  Since we can't see past the bush just outside our window, it's sometimes hard to tell.  And speaking of fog, I meant to post this image yesterday, but then forgot.  I've resolved to be less forgetful in the 2013, and I'm determined to do it.  Unless I forget, that is.  On the other hand, being forgetful often comes in handy with my other resolutions to diet and exercise; to-wit:  Oh shoot!  I forgot to exercise!  Or (after eating a whole bag of Peppermint Patties in one sitting), Oh darn!  I forgot I was trying to lose weight.  Hm.  I might have to give the whole resolution to be less forgetful more thought.  Now what was I saying?

Oh yes, the Vintage Miniature Sewing Machine block.  Yesterday (Saturday is my day for living in the past), I posted that I'd made up the embroidery transfer for the latest Vintage Miniature Sewing Machine BOM.

But the website I usually use to find photographic images of these sewing machines let me down.  Several of you were so sharp-eyed that you found it for me.  Interestingly, it is on the website, but it's not listed alphabetically.  In any case, here it is:

And here's a little bit of history about this machine.  It is a chain stitch machine marketed in the UK by Smith & Starley during the mid-1870's.  It was made of heavy cast iron with a well-defined paw foot base.  The column is fluted with elegant finials, and it was finished with painted roses and gilding.  It was designed by James Starley who was raised with a farming background.  As a teenager, he left home for London to work in a sewing machine company called Newton Wilson.  Starley quickly saw the potential of the sewing machine world and set up a shop in Coventry, where the clock and watch industry was going through a depression.  He started "The Coventry Sewing Machine Company", but then renamed his company "The Coventry Machinists" because bicycle parts were in high demand at the time.  After that, sewing machines took a back seat to his successful bicycle business.

That's pretty much all I know about that machine.  I believe this is the 9th of 12 blocks, and I'm already nearly a month behind.  I should be receiving next month's block any day now.

Today we're going to take down the Christmas tree, bringing this year's Christmas to its official end.  Smitty will miss the tree since he loves lying under it.  He did pretty well for his first Christmas.  Only two broken ornaments, and the tree is still standing.  Not bad.


Deb@asimplelifequilts said...

My daughter is coming for a 10 day visit (yay!) tonight with the grandcats... my tree may be coming down in a big hurry!

Kate said...

You have a beautiful view when you do get to see it.

The tree is coming down at our house as well. I'm working on getting the lights off, but decided to take a quick break for a blog fix. I just discovered an ornament that didn't get removed and put up with the rest. There must be some universal law that states even if you double check, there will still be at least on ornament on the tree that you don't find until the lights come off!

sunny said...

You're forgiven your forgetfullnes and all your indiscretions for posting that awesome mountain photo. Is that really the view from your house??? Wow. I love the stitchery blocks. Where did you find that BOM? poor Smitty...

WoolenSails said...

That is a spectacular view. Love the sewing machine, that is a fun stitchery.


ana-ane said...

Es un bordado precioso.

Feliz 2013

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

I love your view. I could not understand my daughter in law when she moved from Washington saying she would NOT miss those mountains! The sewing machine block is very true to the original.

Denise :) said...

What a pretty little machine!! Lovely photo of your distant mountains . . . so regal!! :)

Ray and Jeanne said...

Thought you'd appreciate what a friend said. He is in the military and she just moved back to Oregon from Hawaii while he is deployed. She said it was so nice to be back where the sky was the right color - gray! ~Jeanne

Marei said...

Oh, I forgot....were those YOUR peppermint patties....she asks with chocolate on her breath and just a touch of creamy white patty on her cheek???

Kathy Felsted Usher said...

Great view! Not too bad for the first Christmas Smitty has experienced. Mom had been here for a week and she left today, between snow storms! The tree may come down this weekend since I'm off until Wednesday.

Needled Mom said...

The snow covered mountains are just glorious.

evelyn said...

Beautiful mountain view. I love to see photos of the old sew machines. They really were made to last.
Aren't calories cheaper by the dozen? I hope so, cause I just ate a box of a dozen mint patties!

Barb Neiwert said...

Great photo - gorgeous. My son is home now but is going to PSU, so he missed this rare sight. I'll show him though, just so he knows the mountains are still there, lol!

Dana Gaffney said...

What a beautiful view! I hope you had hot chocolate, cat in lap and just sat and enjoyed it.

quiltzyx said...

Are you sure those are really the mountains? Maybe they are just mountain-shaped clouds....

Good job for Smitty - only 2 ornaments broken. My friend Kim chickened out putting up a tree this year with their 2 cats!