The past few days, I've been working on my swap blocks for January.
Participants in the We Bee Learning Block Bee were asked to make a block from Modify Tradition called Forest Paths. We were told to choose whatever colors we wanted. Since all the swap blocks I've been making lately have had a white background (not to mention the blocks for the Just Takes 2 Quilt Along), I decided I wanted something with color this time.
The floral fabric was used in a quilt I finished up about a year ago. I'm trying as much as possible to use my blue scraps in whatever I do since my blue bin is quite full. To that end, I used blues for my swap block on the Quilting Board too.
My Quilting Board partner is from Rhode Island, and she asked for:
It might look a little complicated, but it really was fairly easy. It was time-consuming, however. I probably spent a good 2 1/2 hours on this one block. I hope my partner likes it.
Finally, I received a doll quilt from my swap partner, Juanita from Bakersfield, California. Recall that the theme for this month's doll quilt swap is "Show Us Where You're From." I think Juanita did a wonderful job capturing Bakersfield with this little quilt.
Isn't that great? She used her zig zag stitch to do the cables and the cross beams on the oil derrick. I've traveled through Bakersfield, and it wouldn't have been easy to come up with a doll quilt to fit the theme. Juanita did it so creatively. Thank you, Juanita. Good job!
Tomorrow I have to have a skin cancer removed from my nose in a procedure known as Mohs surgery. I had a similar surgery some 7-8 years ago, and the recovery was terribly painful . . . for my nose, at least. I was working at the time, seeing clients one on one, and I had to go into work the next day looking as if I'd been in a boxing match. It wasn't pretty.
The objective with a Mohs is to minimize scarring, and I'm happy to say that I am hard-pressed to find where it was. I'm hoping for as good a result this time. It's my pay back for my years as a competitive swimmer in Hawaii and as a lifeguard in southern California. Back during the 14th Century, the risks of sun exposure were only beginning to come to the forefront, and sunscreens were not yet widely available. The best we had was zinc oxide--that lovely bright white stuff.
Having the vanity and the poor judgment of a teenage girl, I avoided it as much as possible . . . which was pretty much all of the time, and so my poor skin got a lot of sun exposure. Being fair-skinned, my nose and cheeks were sunburned more often than not. Oh well. What's done is done.
All of that to say that I'm not leaving the house for the next few days, which will give me plenty of time to do some free motion quilting. When I'm not icing my sore and swollen nose, that is. It's the one happy accident in this nose nuisance. Wish me luck.
I'll be linking this post to:

Participants in the We Bee Learning Block Bee were asked to make a block from Modify Tradition called Forest Paths. We were told to choose whatever colors we wanted. Since all the swap blocks I've been making lately have had a white background (not to mention the blocks for the Just Takes 2 Quilt Along), I decided I wanted something with color this time.
The floral fabric was used in a quilt I finished up about a year ago. I'm trying as much as possible to use my blue scraps in whatever I do since my blue bin is quite full. To that end, I used blues for my swap block on the Quilting Board too.
My Quilting Board partner is from Rhode Island, and she asked for:
"a star block in the colors of either blues, purples or greens. Any star pattern you choose is fine. White or white on white background please."Just for grins, I checked Quilter's Cache for a star block related to Rhode Island, and I came up with this paper-pieced block called "Rhode Island". Perfect!
It might look a little complicated, but it really was fairly easy. It was time-consuming, however. I probably spent a good 2 1/2 hours on this one block. I hope my partner likes it.
Finally, I received a doll quilt from my swap partner, Juanita from Bakersfield, California. Recall that the theme for this month's doll quilt swap is "Show Us Where You're From." I think Juanita did a wonderful job capturing Bakersfield with this little quilt.
Isn't that great? She used her zig zag stitch to do the cables and the cross beams on the oil derrick. I've traveled through Bakersfield, and it wouldn't have been easy to come up with a doll quilt to fit the theme. Juanita did it so creatively. Thank you, Juanita. Good job!
Tomorrow I have to have a skin cancer removed from my nose in a procedure known as Mohs surgery. I had a similar surgery some 7-8 years ago, and the recovery was terribly painful . . . for my nose, at least. I was working at the time, seeing clients one on one, and I had to go into work the next day looking as if I'd been in a boxing match. It wasn't pretty.
The objective with a Mohs is to minimize scarring, and I'm happy to say that I am hard-pressed to find where it was. I'm hoping for as good a result this time. It's my pay back for my years as a competitive swimmer in Hawaii and as a lifeguard in southern California. Back during the 14th Century, the risks of sun exposure were only beginning to come to the forefront, and sunscreens were not yet widely available. The best we had was zinc oxide--that lovely bright white stuff.
Having the vanity and the poor judgment of a teenage girl, I avoided it as much as possible . . . which was pretty much all of the time, and so my poor skin got a lot of sun exposure. Being fair-skinned, my nose and cheeks were sunburned more often than not. Oh well. What's done is done.
All of that to say that I'm not leaving the house for the next few days, which will give me plenty of time to do some free motion quilting. When I'm not icing my sore and swollen nose, that is. It's the one happy accident in this nose nuisance. Wish me luck.
I'll be linking this post to:

Wishing you a speedy and painless recovery after your surgery!
Good luck with your procedure tomorrow!! I hope you have a very speedy recovery. I love all your blocks btw, especially the first one!!
Good luck with your nose procedure it's sure a good thing you are getting it taken care of. Your blocks are beautiful!
I'm waving theeee wand, "May the Pain be GONE!"
I was definitely a sun worshiper in my earlier years. I have to say, I do miss the look of being tan. It seems to even the skin out a bit...=( I know it's bad tho and I try to be good.
Hmmm. Getting the impression that the old saw "She who dies with the best TAN wins" no longer is a mantra whose praises we sing heedlessly. Probably best that we left the Tropics then and came to the land of long pants and sweaters...
I had a basil cell removed from my nose a few years ago. It took some grafting and several stitches. I was the local librarian at the time and looked like I had been mugged. I told the kids this is what happens when you don't use sunscreen. But, it healed perfectly with no scar. Good luck with your procedure.
Good luck. keepin' fingers and toes crossed for you.
Good luck with your surgery, God stay with you. Good 2012 , with health and joy
Wishing you a speedy recovery.
I've seen a few other blocks you've made and they are all beautiful.
Good luck with your surgery! Hoping for a quick and easy recovery for you!
I'm catching up on blogs and hope your procedure went smoothly today and you get lots of quilting done while you hide at home :)
Good luck tomorrow :) And if the pain gets really bad, hit your big toe with a hammer and *poof!* nose pain gone :)
Hope the surgery went well & the recovery is not as bad as last time!
Your swap blocks look terrific, as usual. :D
Juanita did do a wonderful job on the "Bakersfield" quilt!!
"The 14th century" - LOL :) I'm sorry you have to go through another Moh's though. Sure hope it turns out as great this time, too. Love your blocks! Especially that top one.
My hubby and his father have both had this done. My hubby's was on his back. They took a piece of skin the size of a soda can bottom and about 1/4" deep off his shoulder area. I did tell the surgeon that he should consider taking up quilting. His stitches were beautiful. Hope you are recovered now.
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