
Squashed and Clean

It was my day for the big squash.  You would think I'd be used to this by now, but it always fills me with angst while I wait for the tech to return with the results of my images.  Today when the images flashed onto her computer screen, I noticed instantly that there was a bright white spot on the right side.  This concerned me greatly.  Sure enough, she came back wanting to take another picture.  Her explanation was that the tissue was more dense in that area.  This didn't surprise me, but it unnerved me for sure.  After that, however, she returned saying that the radiologist could see through the area and that there was nothing there.  (Huge sigh of relief.)  A few of you have written to say that you have dates for the big squash coming up.  I'm wishing for clean results for all of you too.


Mommarock said...

Congrats on the good news!!

Lynda Halliger Otvos (Lynda M O) said...

Excellent, Barbara, I am really quite glad to hear that news.

Maria said...

happy for you and your good results.

LethargicLass said...

So happy to hear that!