
Mystery Quilt Revealed

The past couple of weeks, I've been teasing you with these images of my latest project:

Wanna see the whole thing?

Here's the front.

Here's the back:

I'm calling this quilt "Santa Fe," named for the city in New Mexico where I found the pattern and the fabric.  This is my handmade gift--a table mat--for my gift exchange partner, Farzana Khan, who lives in South Africa.  Now I'm ready to put it in the mail to her.  I hope she likes it!


The Vegetarian Hunter said...

It turned out great, what a lucky partner you have! Is she sending you something in return?

quiltzyx said...

Great job Barbara! She's sure to enjoy it - who wouldn't like those 'jars' on their table (or wall)? :D

Lynda Halliger Otvos (Lynda M O) said...

Very beautiful, Barbara. Love the colors you have used.

Kate said...

Very classy project. Great use of color too.

LethargicLass said...

That looks great! I have mine all planned now I just need to do it LOL