
One Way to Skin a Cat

Good morning, my friends. It's a grocery shopping day here. We have a long list since we didn't go last week, and we're halfway through this week already. It's just as well. The less time spent in the grocery store the better, if you ask me. I am kind of curious if we'll see any price increases now that tariffs have gone into effect. Anyone want to place any wagers?

My day was busy yesterday, but I finished everything I had on my list. When I'm doing embroidery, I always do at least two lengths of floss, which, when separated, end up being six lengths. And six lengths is precisely the amount I need to fill in a single hoop of my design. So, you might say I'm working at this one hoopful at a sitting. I'm halfway across, so I'm making progress. It hasn't been as tedious as I'd feared.

After that, I took a walk on the treadmill. When I'd finished that, I went to work baking some Pumpkin Biscotti

While I waited for that to bake, I finished the remaining items on my to-do list, so it was all very efficient.

Continuing on, my DOSRE (Department of Sewing Room Efficiency) expert helped me finish off March's kitten in a cup. 

When I had the kitten in the cup, it looked like this. Hm. There's something not right about it.

First of all, I used the cup portions where I should have used black cat pieces. 

And so...where was I supposed to use those cup pieces? Well...I was supposed to use them below the paws.

Sigh. So...what to do? What...to...do? I picked up my seam ripper, thinking I'd have to take it apart and fix all of that. It seemed overly tedious. Those little pieces are 3/4-inch square. Sheesh. Could I even take them apart without fraying them out of existence? Also, I considered just leaving it. Who would notice? Well. I would. I knew if I left them that way, it would be the only thing I saw when the quilt was finished. So, okay. I had the best idea yet. I simply took a yellow crayon and colored the white pieces yellow. And then I used a black Sharpie to color the yellow pieces black. Don't tell anyone, okay? Just zip your lips. Mum's the word.

When I was satisfied I'd covered up my crime, I finished sewing on the handle, and March's kitten was finished.

Here are the three blocks I have for this quilt so far.

It was nearing the end of the day by then. My last gasp was to sew together the background for Block 6 of the Merry, Merry Snowmen.

Today I'll start on the applique. These generally take more than a day to make, and so I don't suppose I'll have this finished until sometime tomorrow.

When that's finished, I'll be ready to make the 7th of 8 rows for the Lightframe quilt. Here's what I have so far.

So that's another full day. The weather is supposed to be fairly spring-like today...always appreciated when we make a grocery store run. It's supposed to be even better tomorrow, and we're hoping to get up to the zoo to see the new baby elephant. The zoo is offering special pricing for this first week of March. But heck. I'd pay full price to see the elephant. Sounds like fun, huh? Wanna come with? I'll let you think about it overnight, and get back to you tomorrow. 


Barbara said...

Zoo animals are ambassadors for their cousins in the wild. ~ Jack Hanna

Anonymous said...

So sorry that Kitten in a Cup block gave you some trouble, but that was some trick of yours, to fix it right up, without having to use the dreaded seam ripper! All three of the finished blocks look great!
Of course I want to go along to see the baby elephant, so count me in!
Sandra B

Jenny said...

Good thinking colouring in those tiny pieces, it would have been such a fiddly job to take it all apart.

Sara said...

My thought is that yes, the grocery prices could go much higher. But I'm guessing that groceries will be the least of our problems. Very clever cover-up of your stitching crime. Good thinking!

Nancy said...

That was a sneaky good idea with the cat block. Love the idea of not ripping. I remember when Packy was born. We were on elephant watch almost the entire pregnancy. The newspaper we took at the time had a cartoon on the front page everyday. I had a huge scrapbook of them. I have seen all the other baby’s over the years so we may just need to make a zoo trip. And now Packy has been gone form many years. Boy that makes me feel old today.

Anonymous said...

I’m a firm believer in ‘fudging’ a little when necessary, to save my sanity! Good job! Those tariffs are definitely going to affect prices and lives on both sides of the border. Very sad!

Jane said...

I love your solution for the kitty block! And, I can't help but admire your DOSRE expert! I laughed a lot when I read it. We need something to laugh about in these trying times. My daughter works for the FDA and she gets emails from DOGE weekly if not oftener, asking her what she has done in the past week. I'm sending the link to your blog, so she can see Smitty - aka the DOSRE expert. She needs a bright spot in her day! Thank you!

abelian said...

Your use of the Sharpie reminded me of a class I took at Empty Spools. The teacher said that her brother, who was a plumber, watched her fix some quilting error with a Sharpie, and said, "Ah, a Sharpie is quilter's caulk!"

Pam Dempsey said...

Don’t know what is going on. Must be a gremlin- your blogposts have been going to junk mail again and I went to find them. Ggrrrr😡
Before you mentioned using the sharpie I thought to myself I would just use a sharpie 🤣! Easy fix and no seam ripper involved. Looks good, I salute 🫡 you and Smitty!