
A Little Bit of Sewing

Good morning my friends. Did you remember to spring forward? We have a clock that displays the time on our ceiling. When I opened my eyes this morning, I was surprised at how late I'd slept. And then I realized the clock had done the work of springing ahead. Actually, it was my usual getting up time, but the clock was already up and at 'em.

After finishing yesterday's post, I found myself in dire need of a nap. I'm not sure why I was so tired, but I'm chalking it up to a busy week. There was all the excitement of finding our furnace not working on Wednesday, followed by a lengthy grocery shopping trip. And then there was the fun trip to the zoo, and all the walking that entailed. Friday was an easier day, but then Saturday had me up and out early for the farmer's market. It was all good, but so many days in a single week just caught up with me yesterday. Usually I only nap for about half an hour, but yesterday's nap was longer...and refreshing.

So that left little time for sewing by late afternoon. Sadie was my helper cat.

It's hard to see in this image, but I've top-stitched everything except the white snowmen.

Today, I'll finish that off, and then I'll do the machine stitching of the arms. From there, it'll need some hand embroidery of the faces, and button embellishments sewn on. Also, I'll want to add a bow to the gifts on the right. It sounds like a lot, but I expect to finish it off today.

There was a little bit of daylight left. Looking out the window, I noticed buds on the star magnolia. This is one of my favorite blooming things in the spring.

It has such pretty and delicate flowers. Here's an image from April of 2023. Seeing all the flowers in this image makes me realize it will be blooming soon.

Also, I noticed more of the mini iris in one of the whiskey barrels. 

It's a floor-mopping day, but aside from that, I can focus on my sewing. I didn't get in any slow-stitching time yesterday, and so I'll spend a little extra time on that this morning. I'm close to finishing this long piece, and I am going to run out of the floss I'm using for the little flowers. 

Another skein is supposed to arrive in tomorrow's mail. I just hope it's the right color. To my eyes, this looks tan, but the color name is "Spray Green." Hm. The picture on the website looked right, 
so fingers crossed. If it turns out to be the wrong color, I have another bobbin with a color that is just one number off from the original (367). The color is slightly different, but I might just use it anyway.

Okay, so there's plenty of sewing on today's agenda, but I'm going to give myself an easy day. With so much excitement last week, and then springing ahead, it seems like a good day to replenish my energy level. Blueberry oatmeal pancakes will get me off to a good start on the week.


Barbara said...

I don't feel old. I don't feel anything till noon. That's when it's time for my nap. ~ Bob Hope

Dorothy said...

Thank you for the trip to the zoo. It brought back a lot of memories. I spent a lot of time at your zoo in the early '60's
Sat must have been the day for "pre catch up on the sleep" naps. I spent the day sewing with friends and when I got home I was exhausted, so thought I'd take my usual 30 min nap----3 hours later I woke up and wondered what the heck had happened
Dorothy in W W

Pam Dempsey said...

You both must have needed those naps bad 😻! I’m hesitant to nap because sometimes sleep doesn’t want to happen. Even with my sound machine playing crickets 🦗 and a Benadryl chaser.