Good morning, my friends. It's another bright and sunny day, but man...burrass cold. I'm writing fast this morning. It's a chilling thought (did you see what I did there?), but in a little bit, I need to leave to get my hair cut. Also, I need to stop off at the grocery store and pick up a few things we'll need to get us through the weekend. We'll do our regular grocery shopping next week.
My yesterday started with this view: Ears to you!
The first of the final three blocks is finished now. It still needs borders. I'll get to those in a minute.
This morning, I'll start on the second one. This one is Fish for Tea, which I don't understand at all. Anyone of the British or Australian people out there care to explain? Is "tea" just another word for "lunch"? Inquiring minds want to know. And after asking that question, I inquired of The Google, who gave me a
less than satisfactory answer.
I was hoping to get a good start quilting the blocks for the Vintage Linen quilt. Each time I passed by the quilting room, I did one block, starting here:
When one block was finished, I spent some time baking some
Frozen Blueberry Muffins. (The muffins aren't frozen, but the blueberries were.) These turned out nicely...just what I was looking for. Just a plain blueberry muffin with no frills.
When I'd quilted to my limit, I had six of nine blocks finished.
When those were finished, I took the quilt off the machine and laid it in front of our living room window. (The light is very blue there.) I wanted to see how my "flower" was looking from the back. And I don't know if it looks like a flower, but it looks good enough.
Here's a shot of the darker purple fabric.
Here's one more look a little farther back.
So I'm hoping to finish the final three blocks today. If I'm up to it, I'll start on the sashings. Probably, I'll do my favorite upsy-downsy heart motif there.
After having some lunch, Smitty helped me cut all the strips I'd need to make borders for the embroidery block.
When it was finished, it looked like this.
Before turning out the lights for the day, I traced out the pattern for my "Circus" art quilt. I'll be doing another collage quilt for this.
So I don't know how much time there will be for sewing today. I have some time to work on my slow-stitching this morning, and that might be the extent of it. I know I'll want a nap when I get home this afternoon, and my sewing time will probably suffer for it. One can always hope. And for now I'll call it a good day if I can find some eggs at the grocery store. I hope you have a good day too.
You're only as good as your last haircut. ~ Fran Lebowitz
Tea can be Afternoon Tea - as in savoury tartlets, scones, and small cakes and maybe small trifles, as often served in high end restaurants with fragrant tea served in the best china cups (or not the best china in our house) or High Tea is a more substantial meal maybe for workers coming home later in the day, a warming cooked meal - fish for tea would be the thing then.
Those little ears peeking out of the quilt - too cute! It is terribly cold here. I was going to make a grocery run, but my car had other ideas. We won't starve, and I get to stay in where it's warm.
Hi Barbara from Queensland Australia! Tea is the same as your "dinner" the evening meal. My darling Mum is 88 on Friday and it has been 'tea' her whole life.....although "dinner" is creeping in at a fast rate! I do love your blog. Colleen
Tea can also mean evening meal, aka supper, which is different from afternoon tea (which has both sweet and savoury elements).
Fish is also still a popular meal on a Friday in the UK, normal in the form of fish and chips. With chips being thick cut fries (not sure of the right American term)!
I think your flowers look pretty good. And now you have me craving blueberry muffins.
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