It was well after lunch time when I was able to get any sewing done. I'm just working away at the blocks on the Great Outdoors quilt. It takes about an hour to prepare the blocks, sew them into a single row, and then sew the row to the rest of the quilt. When I had the second row done, it looked like this:
As I've been working at this, I've noticed a few places where the fabric has a little doubt from kitty claws getting stuck there. Also, one of the four-patches (so far) had about an inch-long spot where the fabric was starting to fray. I'm not doing anything with those seams, and so it will probably develop a hole there eventually. I considered stitching over that section with a satin stitch, but decided to leave it alone. When (and if) a hole develops, I'll put some applique or else just a patch in that spot. I believe I still have scraps left from when I made the quilt originally. Three rows remain, and so I expect I'll get this to snipping stage by the end of the day. Probably I'll get started on the snipping, but there's no way I'll finish it today. Maybe tomorrow.
Instead, I'll get a start on the quilting for the Vintage Linen quilt. As a reminder, here's how that quilt looks.
I've been giving this some thought. Probably, I'll use a yellow thread. As for quilting, I'd like to quilt around those pentagon shapes using a motif that will appear as flower petals on the if I'm quilting a big flower with the embroidered center as the flower center. I can do some pebbling or else some stippling in the center. Last night I spent some time perusing border motifs I've saved to Pinterest. I've found a couple of motifs I like, but I'll need to try stitching them first to see if I'm even capable enough to do them. You should know right here and now that my ability to actually stitch a motif is probably the biggest factor in the selection. Sometimes (but not usually) I can surprise myself.
Also today, I'd like to finish the slow-stitching I started a few days ago.
When it's finished it'll need borders added, and then I'll make three more pieced blocks to finish off February's assignment.
It's going to be an NBS day for me. I feel like being lazy. No workouts for me, and no housework. All sewing, all the time. Sounds like a good way to spend the day, doesn't it? I'm starting to think every Saturday should be an NBS day. Who's with me?
Hearty laughter is a good way to jog internally without having to go outdoors. ~ Norman Cousins
I'm with you! It's going to be winter forever. I do need a NBS day.
Here I come. I have my list of things to to accomplish. Enjoy your day.
I agree! We need a designated one day a week- NBS ! Your Great Outdoors quilt is looking good! Reminds me of the Great Outdoors movie with John Candy and Dan Akroyd. So, so funny 🤣!
Oh, count me in! NBS Saturday’s sounds like a good solid plan for good mental health ;-)
A NBS day sounds wonderful. Hope yours went well. I'm hoping for a NBS today.
I'm glad your plan for redoing the rag quilt is working out. The snuggability factor alone makes it worth doing. Careful with the snipping though - you don't want to aggravate your wrist.
I admire your Vintage Linen quilt and could easily do something similar because I certainly have enough linens. I don't have enough selection with cottons though so would have to get really creative. Hmmm - maybe all greens?
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