

Good morning, my friends. Our weather warmed up significantly overnight. We have a dense cloud cover keeping everything warm. This is good news for travelers. Matthew's flight is supposed to leave for Mexico during the 10:00 hour (that's all I know). Checking in with the airport this morning, I notice there's a flight for Cancun (near where he's going) that is listed as "on time." If he can get to the airport, I expect he'll take off on his badly-needed vacation from the cold. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for now. (It makes typing difficult. If you see any typos, my apologies. Desperate times, you know.)

This was the extent of kitty outdoor time yesterday. Smitty said "nothing doing" when we invited him to go outside for a while. Sadie was all about it for about ten steps. Then, she remembered something she was supposed to do inside. She couldn't remember what it was, but the fireplace was involved.

My day was kind of slow yesterday. It was one of those days when I had a hard time blasting myself off the couch. I spent a little extra time finishing up the second of three blocks for The Story of My Day quilt. It still needs borders.

I took a walk on the treadmill, and I had one small housekeeping chore to do. And then I went to work quilting the vertical sashings on the Vintage Linen quilt. 

Only the outer border is left now. (I'll leave the narrow purple border unquilted.) Looking at it from the back, it looks like this.

It's harder to see the quilting in this darker section of the quilt back.

When I had it that far, I spent some time perusing Pinterest. Checking my "borders" folder, I decided to do the motif below. It should be pretty easy.

It seems like a good choice for that lavender fabric. I'll stick with the yellow thread. I left it needle down right here.

Remember when I decided on a different Bottom Line bobbin thread? I had this much thread in the bobbin.

So far, I've not run out of bobbin thread. I expect I'll get about three inches from finishing today before I run out. Isn't that the way of things?

My next stop was to head into the downstairs sewing room to add borders to the embroidered quilt block. Smitty took a nap with Mike yesterday, but he kept on sleeping long after Mike got up. I wandered across the hall to the bedroom to see if he wanted to help me in the sewing room. "Nothing doing" was his answer to most everything yesterday. When there's snow on the ground, the cat sleeps.

That's okay. Sadie was willing to help.

But then, I noticed the clock. It was too late to start on that, and so I called it a day. I'll get those borders sewn on today. Also, I'm hoping to get the binding sewn onto the Vintage Linen quilt today. I've still made no progress on the "Circus" quilt. Maybe I'll start on that today. More than likely, it'll be tomorrow.

So, did you see what I did there with my title? "Sewturday." Well, a couple of weeks ago, I floated this idea of giving myself Saturday's off. No workouts, no housework, and leftovers for dinner. The day would be reserved for sewing. Well. About two weeks on, I'm thinking I'll go ahead with this, and so I am proclaiming Saturdays as NBS days (Nothing But Sewing). You can join me if you like. And as long as we're renaming things these days, I'm going to sign a Catxecutive Order purrclaiming "Saturday" will hereafter be known as "Sewturday." Please proceed with changing all of your calendars...especially you, Google.

And with that, I'm off to eat some breakfast and get started on the last block for The Story of My Day...this one:

I started embroidering the blocks for this quilt more than two years ago. It's good to be stitching the last one. 


Barbara said...

I'm thinking about naming my first son Emmy so I can say I've got one. I want Emmy, Oscar and Tony - and my daughter Grammy. ~ Noah Wyle

Quilter Kathy said...

Stopping by on this snow day to see what you're up to! I adore the embroidery blocks you have been stitching and can't believe it has been 2 years of fun stitches! Will you be sad when that last block is finished?!?

Magpie's Mumblings said...

I'd be with Sadie and beating a hasty retreat from all that snow. Sez I, as it continues to fall from the sky ad nauseum.
I like 'Sewturday' and that's precisely what I've been doing all day. Made a new-to-me pouch pattern which I ended up liking but will make a few design changes if I make any more.

Pam Dempsey said...

Oh Miss Sadie, you’re so funny, at least you tried!🤭😻❤️

Kate said...

Love the idea of Sewturday! When I retired, I deemed weekends as chore free so I could sew as much as possible. It has mostly worked well. Vintage Linens is looking lovely. Hopefully you've gotten it all finished and ready to spend some time hand stitching the binding.

dgs said...

I hope Matthew's flight went smoothly and he is now settled into a vacation spirit and enjoying warm weather. Cute photo of the cats footprints in the snow. Makes me laugh. Looks like a great day sewing. Good to hear your weather is improving. Sew day for me today, although I do need to spend time unpacking and putting things away (after house Warranty repairs caused me to pack the sewing room away).

Vicki W said...

The kitty tracks are so funny! I think you are able to read their minds perfectly.

piecefulwendy said...

I concur with your Sewturday idea. A purrfect day!

karen said...

My vote is for Sewturday. I'd already garnered Friday as a NBS day, but I can do two.