
Monday's Moves

Good morning, my friends. How's everyone doing? Things are pretty slow around here. We're doing our grocery shopping today, and I'm getting a pedicure tomorrow. The energy level is going to need to pick up some. I was all set to take a walk on the treadmill yesterday, but I was discouraged when the TV wouldn't play my latest Ken Burns documentary...The West. And, obviously, I can't walk on the treadmill if I can't watch television at the same time, so what's a person to do? Well, I vacuumed and dusted. I suppose that counts for something. Mike has been doing something to the TV...don't even ask...which involved getting some new cables. The cables arrived yesterday, and so the TV is working again. No more excuses about the treadmill. Bummer.

Before that, I took the first stitches on my newest embroidery piece, "S" is for Sew.

Probably, I'll finish it this morning, and then I'll get started on the second of three.

From there, I made a little more progress on my "Circus" piece. Here's your peek.

There was no kitty help in the sewing room yesterday. When I went back upstairs, I found Smitty lounging on his new kitty pole. It's hardly new any more, but it has taken him some time to decide it's worth his attention. Now, he's claimed it for his very own exclusive domain. When he looks out that window, he's the king of all he surveys. And when he turns around and looks inside the house, he's still the king of all he surveys.

And that works out great for Sadie because she's the queen of the top rung on the old kitty pole now. 

Except when there's work to be done. When she saw I was gearing up to do some slow-stitching on the quilt binding, she couldn't get on my lap fast enough.

With her assistance, I've turned the second corner now. Even though I've turned two corners, I'm only about one-third of the way around. 

Finishing this quilt is my goal for February's 

There's still plenty of time left in the month, and so I'm confident I'll have it finished in time.

Except for grocery shopping, today will look a lot like yesterday. My embroidery pieces won't take long, and so it probably makes sense to make up the next block for A Year in the Garden...this one:

Her designs are always so delicate and pretty. These are the blocks I have for this quilt so far.

Also, I'll continue on with the "Circus" piece. So far, I'm adhering to the one-hour rule, but it's getting more interesting now. An hour might not be enough. And, of course, I'll continue with my quilt binding. Sadie demands it.

Breakfast is next. Time to get on with my day. I hope y'all have a good day planned for yourselves.


Barbara said...

We owe a lot to Thomas Edison - if it wasn't for him, we'd be watching television by candlelight. ~ Milton Berle

Cherie Moore said...

Oh, your quote is too funny and appropriate given the TV situation….and of course you cannot do the treadmill thing with no TV. I’ve been wondering about the Alaska trip with the kitties. Is there anything special they have to have to cross into Canada? Kitty passports, perhaps.