
Slow Saturday

Good morning, my friends. Do you ever have a day where you just relish lying around and doing nothing? My Saturday was like that. There were plenty of things I could have done, but I spent most of my day sitting or else lying on the couch. I blame cats. They're at their best when people are sitting around or lying around. There are plenty of nooks and crannies in human laps that allow for excellent kitty warming spots.

A few things were accomplished. I turned the fourth corner on the Domestic Affairs quilt.

There was still most of a long side to finish, but I got 'er done. And that's a finish. It's been washed and it's ready to pass along to the new mama. I hope she appreciates it. And if not...then, maybe somebody else will appreciate it.

Here's how it looks from the back. I was glad to use up that backing fabric. It was already used as the backing in a different quilt, and so that gives you some idea how much yardage I bought.

When I couldn't stand my lazy self any longer, I headed into the sewing room. I figured at the very least, I could pick out the fabrics I wanted to use to finish off the Snow Happens runner. I'm going to do it like the one on the pattern cover...different fabrics, of course. The border is sewn from strip sets. They're cut and sewn like any strip set, and then turned on point like that with the triangular edges cut from each side. I'll take pictures as I go. The only other time I've done a diamond border like that, I made a zillion square-in-a-square blocks. This looks a lot easier.

So, once I had the fabrics picked out, there was plenty of time for cutting. First, I needed to trim the stitchery to size. Sadie held the ruler.

No doubt my accuracy was improved with her help.

She takes her payment in catnip. Yummeowy.

And then I cut the rest of what I'd need to sew it into a finished top.

I'll use th fabric below as my quilt back. I purchased this fabric at Lavender Rose Fabrics in Eureka, California, after an emergency departure for a winter trip south. We had to leave home early to avoid getting snowed in, but even along the Oregon and California coastlines, we were encountering snow. This fabric looked to me as if it combined the ocean with snow, and that was its contribution to the Shop Hop 2.0 quilt. It was a small store, and a nice woman, and so I purchased a full yard. 

For the binding, I'll use this blue aspen fabric. If I weren't cutting this into binding strips, you'd see some frosty aspen trees. I've never used it that way, but I've used it in borders and bindings for several winter quilts. 

So today I'll start sewing it all together. I'm not sure how much I can get done in a single day, but we'll see. I want to get in a walk on the treadmill, and I have one housekeeping chore to do. Aside from that, it'll be a sewing day. 


Barbara said...

Slow down and enjoy life. It's not only the scenery you miss by going to fast - you also miss the sense of where you are going and why. ~ Eddie Cantor

Linda from NM said...

Barbara, I love your domestic affairs quilt and what a beautiful gift for a new mother. All women need extra love and support at that time in their lives.
Your snowman project is so cute and I’ll be watching to see how you do the border the “new” way. Thanks for your interesting blog. Also appreciate the recipes!

karen said...

I do believe the new mother will love and appreciate the Domestic Affairs quilt. If she doesn't ; I'll be waiting to take it and appreciate it. It's my favorite quilt. I love it for many reasons. You have done well.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Despite the fact that there's the dreaded four-letter word in the title of the blue and white quilt, you know I like it. Will be watching how you create that border. It looks tricky to my untrained quilting eyes.

Karrin Hurd said...

Beautiful quilt, love the snowmen. I have spent a couple of days doing nothing but reading!

kc said...

Beautiful fabric choices!! (As usual!) We have taken up with "well, I would.....do whatever....but I can't, cuz, the puppy is snuggling.". Always a good excuse. I mean reason, lol. I have also taken the road, gift it and it becomes theirs. To do with as they please. It's a lot less sentimental that way, in the event that it's not as treasured as you would hope. Fingers crossed for appreciation!

Kate said...

Congrats on finishing off Domestic Affiars, it's a fun and cute quilt. I can't see anyone giving that one away. You have a fun plan for your snowmen stitchery. That backing fabric is really cool.

william hartman said...

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piecefulwendy said...

That snowman stitchery is very cute, and the backing is perfect for it!