
Making Progress

Good morning, my friends. The fog never really burned off yesterday. Mike had to drive into town, and he said it was even foggier at the valley floor. It's foggy again this morning, but I peeked at the forecast. It's supposed to burn off into sunshine. We'll see. It's a grocery shopping day, and so I'll be happy if it just doesn't rain. 

When I went downstairs yesterday, I noticed the spider webs and moisture coating the Andromeda just outside our living room window. I took several pictures of it. This was my favorite of the bunch.

I'd worked out four days in a row, and so I took a break. Besides, I had some housework to do. That counts, right? When that was finished, I baked these Healthy Applesauce Oat Muffins. The recipe is from Mel's Kitchen Cafe. I'm making it just a little different from her recipe. I substitute buttermilk for the milk. It'll lower both the calorie and fat content. Each one has about 130 calories.

Raisins or dried cranberries are an option in these. I had just a little left in a bag of dried cranberries, and so I tossed those in too. Those will keep us in pre-breakfast snacks for a few days.

Heading into the sewing room, Smitty took a break from his duties in HR to join me.

I was adding scrappy strips to the half square triangles I made the day before. Smitty helped me pick through my scraps.

In pretty short order, I had the six blocks I needed. They're kind of a half log cabin block.

Then I sewed them into a proper row...

And then sewed that row to the rest of the quilt. There are just three rows to go on this. I'll probably add a border when it's all finished. I'm hoping I still have some of that dark green left. Pretty sure I do.

Next up was to make two more pieced blocks from the centers I embroidered a few weeks ago. First was the Sweetheart's Floral & Gifts block.

And then the Orchard Bakery.

Unless I've miscounted, there are just three more pieced blocks to make for that quilt. Of course, I'm still working on the embroidery.

So, that brings me to the last thing on my list of WIP's...two more blocks for the Shop Hop 4.0 quilt. I've already embroidered the names and places. I just need to sew them together.

As a reminder, I'm making suitcase blocks now. Here are the two I made last time.

The background pieces and handle are cut now, and so today's effort shouldn't take too long. When those are finished, I'll be at the "Quilter's Choice" section of my whiteboard. Since I just took time out to make a baby quilt, and since Project Quilting is under way, I'll skip that section this time around and start back at the beginning with a quilting project.

Next, I'll be quilting the Domestic Affairs quilt. It's been hanging out with Eliza for several weeks now. I'm pretty sure I know how to quilt this one, and so it'll be good to get it started. Starting puts one well on the way to finishing. (Deep thoughts, I know.)

When I finished up in the sewing room yesterday, I spent another hour or so on the Bicycles piece. I should finish this today. I've been working on it for almost a full month, and so I'm ready to move on to something else. Just the blue flowers and the "lace" at the top are unfinished. 

So, aside from grocery shopping, there's nothing else on today's agenda. When we get home, it'll be nothing but sewing. 

How's your day shaping up? Just now, I looked out the window. I see blue sky! Despite grocery shopping, it's going to be a good day here. I hope you have a good day planned for yourself too.


Barbara said...

I like the muted sounds, the shroud of grey, and the silence that comes with fog. ~ Om Malik

Magpie's Mumblings said...

The andromeda photo is picture postcard worthy. You're at least accomplishing something in your sewing room. Me, not at all. Can't get motivated to do anything so have to force the issue I guess.

Pam Dempsey said...

The Andromeda is so pretty! Just doing laundry, chair yoga and then grocery store too. We are expecting very cold weather, below freezing temperatures in a few days 🥶

Anonymous said...

We are still in the really low temps here….I am ready for spring, and we are still in January!
We were up at 4:30 this morning! Mike (my husband) got a pacemaker today. It was an all day spent at the hospital…we thought it would be shorter, but they were late getting started, which put everything behind. The surgery went well, so if taking more time is what is needed, that’s okay! And we are glad to put this all behind us!
I am planning a nothing but sewing day tomorrow….it will be the first time I have done that in a while, and I am looking forward to it!
I love how all of your projects are progressing!!
Sandra B

Kate said...

You made really good progress down your board. Hope the grocery shopping trip was short and sweet and your nothing but sewing day was really productive.

Anonymous said...

The Andromeda is so pretty! Just doing laundry, chair yoga and then grocery store too. We are expecting very cold weather, below freezing temperatures in a few days 🥶

piecefulwendy said...

I've been out of commission for a few days, so I'm catching up. Those half log cabin blocks create such a fun design. You balance all of your projects well!