
Next Steps

Good morning, my friends. Since I'm here writing, you can assume I survived my dental appointment yesterday morning. The traffic was terrible driving in, and then there was a minor snafu at the parking garage. Parking downtown seems always to turn into a snafu. The drive home wasn't bad. When I arrived home, I took a too-long nap, and that cut into my sewing time for the day. I'd awakened too early in the morning with dentistry on my mind, and found it hard to get back to sleep. Thus, the nap, but I probably would have done that anyway.

So I'm writing fast again today. Sue and I are having breakfast together this morning. She had a birthday last month. Mike and I were traveling at the time, and so we're just now getting around to celebrating her birthday. I happen to know she was off to Missouri to visit her son in the meantime, and so we'll have lots to talk about. After that, I'll make a short stop at the grocery store. 

Despite leaving early in the morning, I had some time to work on my slow-stitching. I decided to move my hoop up to encompass the clouds and I started from there.

When I woke up from my nap yesterday afternoon, I sandwiched the Beach Bum ladies for quilting. They'll spend some time in my office/quilting room until their turn comes up for quilting.

A couple of you with sharp eyes have let me know there are only four sets of flip-flops among the five ladies. And, yes, the pattern has it that way too. I'm guessing this was done for the sake of symmetry. I did it like they were done on the pattern.

There are also only three drinks between the five ladies. Two of them must be tea totalers, or maybe they've had enough already. I'm assuming one of them arrived barefoot.

In other sewing, I wanted to finish up September's and October's blocks for Joy in the Ordinary. Sadie was my reluctant helper.

I'm only here for the catnip.

After she'd imbibed in her catnip, she left and didn't return. Oh well. It's hard to get good help these days. And these kids and their drugs. It's appawling.

Okay, so I went to work finishing the borders on these blocks. Here's September's block:

And here's October's block:

She's already posted November and December, but I'll do those when we reach those months. Here are the ten blocks I have for this quilt so far.

Okay, well, I hate to run and eat (which one assumes is as bad as eating and running), but that's where I'm headed next. I have just a little time for slow-stitching. When I get home this afternoon, I'll get to work quilting the Shop Hop 2.0 quilt.

I'm pretty sure I know what to do with the blocks. I'm kind of stuck on how to do the sashings. I'll figure out something as I go.


Barbara said...

I like to use 'I Can't Believe it's Not Butter' on my toast in the morning, because sometimes when I eat breakfast, I like to be incredulous. How was breakfast? Unbelievable. ~ Demetri Martin

Barbara said...

Perhaps the two ladies are holding their drinks so we can't see them from the back. Fun piece.

Anonymous said...

You cracked me up with 'maybe two ladies already had enough'
Thanks for the info about the flip-flops :-)