
Bad Day for Kitties

Good morning, my friends. I'm writing fast this morning. We're taking both kitties to the vet. Smitty needs an annual physical and an immunization. Sadie needs just an immunization. She'll get her physical in December. Possibly the only thing I hate worse than taking the kitties to the vet is going to the dentist. Possibly I hate colonoscopies even more, but they don't happen as often. And let me just say we're scraping the bottom of the worst-things-on-earth barrel by bringing all those things up in a single paragraph.

So...here we go. Read fast, okay? Both kitties were happy to help out with yesterday's sewing.

I could see this was going to be a case of too many cooks (or cats) spoiling the broth.

So, I opened up the doors to their clubhouse and gave them the day off. 

With no help at all, I was able to finish the third of eight rows for the Lightframe quilt. The first step is to make six half square triangles and trim them to 4-1/2 inches. I'm doing them two at a time, and so these are pretty quick to make.

Then I sewed strips to two sides of each, log cabin style, and then sewed the finished blocks into a row. When I sewed the third row to the first two, it looked like this:

I'm starting to see the pattern pretty clearly now.

That brings me to the next project on my list of WIPs...two more pieced blocks for the Girls' Getaway quilt. I'll be making two of the same block...basically, a nine-patch star. The next to photos are from the pattern cover. There's a pink one.

And a yellow one.

I dug through my scraps and came out with these fabrics. 

I'm not happy with the ones I've selected for the nine-patch. I was having a hard time seeing the color of that checked fabric when I was in the sewing room yesterday. Now that I have it up on my screen and enlarged, I can see that it's a blue check. So, I'll probably choose something different, but that will have to wait for later.

For now, I need to hit the shower and round up some cats. We'll be starting the process of very quietly and sneakily closing off all the escape routes so that the round-up can happen smoothly. After many years of rounding up these two, we've learned their tricks. Unfortunately, they've also learned our tricks. We started strategizing two days ago for the best way to capture our quarry. I think we should start timing ourselves and consider this for our entry into the Guinness Book of World Records. (As I've said before, I'm always trying to get into the Guinness book.) We might be able to set the world record for fastest capture of cats and placement in kennels with no bloodshed. The "no bloodshed" might be our downfall.

Okay...I must go. Of course, I'll update you on what promises to be the morning's fiasco in tomorrow's post.


Barbara said...

If I could stomach the awful part of being a veterinarian, which involves sticking your hand up animals' behinds, I would be a vet. ~ Allison Janney

Violet Withey said...

Crazy thought, have you ever considered taking them to the vet in the truck camper? They seem to travel well in it. Not sure if it would be worth it or not.

Lyndsey said...

I feel your pain. Casso would happily go to the vet if he was ill but vaccinations and yearly checkup were a nightmare. He would scratch bite and hide to avoid it. once he'd had his vaccinations he'd look at the vet and demand treats.

Sara said...

I totally understand. As soon as I brought out the cat carrier, Sammy would disappear. So we learned to tag team - one held onto the angry kitty and one brought out the carrier and held it open. And yes - very high on my list of things I hated. Plus he would howl all the way to the vet clinic.

Jenny said...

Yes, you have to be sneaky, and calm, to get a cat in the cage. They seem to know what we are thinking.