
All Long Seams

Good morning, my friends. It was a good day of sewing yesterday, and I have a finished quilt top to share today. It always feels good to move one onto the next phase of sewing. Of course, the day started with a little slow stitching. The rubber ducky is stitched now.

Before I can finish the ears and the muzzle, I'm going to need to come into some DMC 604 pink. There was a skein on order from Amazon. After four days, it still hadn't shipped, and so I canceled the order. At this point, I can stop in at a nearby Joann when I drive into town on Wednesday. There are still grays to stitch and some dark pink where the bow is on top of the head. Still, I think I'll run out of stitching before I get that new color of pink. Here's where I'll pick it up next time.

Finishing this stitchery is my goal for September's OMG, and so I need to be moving it along if I'm going to have it finished before the end of the month. 

Moving on to sewing, Sadie was my helper cat yesterday. She's taking over as Smitty's social secretary and so she likes to sit near the phone.

Yesterday's task was to add sashings and borders. I started with the horizontal sashing between rows.

And then I added a blue border all around.

And then one more border, and I had myself a finished quilt top. It finishes at 63 x 80 inches...a big quilt.

I've worried over this quilt ever since finishing the blocks. I wasn't sure how it was going to look with blocks of different sizes, but I like this setting just fine. When it was finished, I decided to order a little more of that outer border fabric. When it comes, I'll piece together a back for it. Today, I'll cut binding strips from the same blue sashing fabric.

Today I'm getting an annual physical. I'm having trouble hanging onto a PCP since my old one retired a couple of years ago. I was seeing another one closer to home, but now she's left the group she was in, and I'm seeing someone different today. Hopefully, I will like her, and she'll hang around for a while. After that, I'll make a quick stop at the grocery store to pick up a couple of items we forgot last time. 

Despite the interruption to my routine, I still think I'll have some time for sewing this afternoon. Happily, the stabilizer I've been awaiting will arrive tomorrow, and I can get back to my "Spices" quilt. I'm itching to get at the thread painting and finish it up. 

In the meantime, I'll start working my way through my list of WIPs. I believe the Merry, Merry Snowmen are at the top of the list. So far, I have just one block for that quilt.

Since I'm barely started on it, it still seems fresh. It'll be fun to start adding blocks. And it'll be a good winter project. We're staying home this winter. There's going to be lots of sewing time once the rain sets in.

Also today, I'm trying a couple of new recipes. One will be a quiche for dinner, but I'm going to bake some Healthy Apple Oatmeal Muffins today. And I don't know about you, but when I see the words "healthy" and "muffin" in the same title, I know that's something I'm going to enjoy baking and eating. Of course, I'll tell you all about it tomorrow, and I'll share the recipe if it's something worth baking.

For now, a quick breakfast, and then I must be on my way. Enjoy your Monday, Everybody!

1 comment:

Barbara said...

I love to bake, so I made vanilla bean and blueberry muffins for sick hospital children. Just kidding! All of that is true except the sick children part. ~ Sloane Crosley