
Two Blocks

Good morning, my friends. First of all, thank you for your many kind comments about the Tin Cup Store quilt. I'm so glad you like it. It was the most difficult of the art quilts I've attempted, and completing it has enhanced my confidence level. There are two prompts left in this round of quilts. I have ideas for both, and so I'll be working on the next one soon. To see how others in the group interpreted the "Vintage" prompt, visit The Endeavourers blog right here.

In other sewing, I finished top-stitching the first block for the "Merry, Merry Snowmen" quilt.

There was some extra time to work on the Kittens block yesterday. After stitching this far, I decided to move my hoop to the right in order to finish off the rest of the shoe. When that's finished, I'll move the hoop up to encompass the kitten.

Making my way into the sewing room yesterday, I completed August's cat wearing orange pajamas.

This is my project for this year's

and so I'll link up there when the party starts tomorrow. Here are the rest of the blocks I have for this quilt so far. I'm thinking September's cat will be Siamese.

After that, I went to work making four more blocks for the Scrappy Plus quilt. As a reminder, these are the blocks I have for this quilt so far.

All the pieces I need to complete the quilt are already cut, but there's significant arranging and sewing together to be done. It starts with the making of somewhere in the neighborhood of 40 half square triangles. I sewed them together yesterday. Today I'll get to work trimming them, and then I can start sewing the blocks together.

In all this sewing there's been no kitty help at all. I know where Sadie is, but has anybody seen Smitty? I've looked all around for him, and I can't find him anywhere. He's a master of disguise, I tell you.

In Q&A, there were a couple of questions in yesterday's list of comments. 

Janet asks:

Q: How do you print on fabric?

A: There are a few different ways to print on fabric. A search of YouTube videos will show you a number of different ways. Some involve pressing fabric to freezer paper and running it through your printer that way. I happen to use Printed Treasures, which can be found in most craft stores. It requires an ink jet printer. You can run it through your printer just like any paper, peel the back off, and you have your image on fabric. 



 "Unknown" asks:

Q: How did you do the lettering on the sign at the top of the building?

A: The lettering is fusible applique, just like the rest of the piece. With such a small scale, these were tiny and so not top-stitched. When top-stitching small pieces, I've found the piece will be lifted off the quilt top by the needle, and so I left the letters in the sign as they were.

Okay, so that's all I have for you today. I'll continue on with the Scrappy Plus blocks today, but I'm going to be spending some time in the kitchen baking too. I have some leftover blueberries, and I want to make some From-the-Freezer Blueberry Muffins for our upcoming trip. Also, I'm working at using up some more of the frozen shredded zucchini from last year's garden. For our dessert pleasure tonight, I going to bake some Caramel Frosted Zucchini Pecan Bars. My friend, Debi, sent me this recipe last summer, and it was sooooo good. Definitely worth a repeat.

So that should keep me busy today. The summer heat has returned to our area, and so I'll get out and give the annuals a drink of water and fill the bird feeders. Then it'll be all sewing, all the time.


Barbara said...

One morning I shot an elephant in my pajamas. How he got into my pajamas I'll never know. ~ Groucho Marx

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Ha ha - love your quote!!
The first snowman looks so cute but I have to say the 'peeking one' is adorable.

CA Bobbie said...

I'm in love with the kitties in pajamas , it will be so adorable.

karen said...

Smitty, yer so funny. My cat hides to me that way too.
I thought I wouldn't be able to breathe... where did my computer put 8/1 post ? Well, after a couple of refresh/restarts...the 8/1 date did show up. How dare it try to escape an important date. Really!
I did find Tin Cup to be very well executed. You did such a good job with the fabrics you chose. High five + .
Applique is my absolute favorite method of quilting.
Cats in PJ's is looking cute too.
Thank you for all the entertainment.

Pam Dempsey said...

I got sidetracked yesterday halfway through your tin cup post so am commenting today. It is awesome!!! 👏 I enjoy that type of quilting, replicating something real, love appliqué for that reason. You did an excellent job! Have spent the morning pulling grass/weeds and trying to get rid of wisteria. Trying to beat heat advisory time and succeeded but now feeling sore, tired and done. Smitty hides so well 🤭

piecefulwendy said...

Your Cats in Pajamas block is so much fun. I still haven't bought that pattern, but I might have to!

Kate said...

Your Cat's PJ's blocks are so cute. That's going to be a very fun quilt for your collection.

Susie H said...

Your Scrappy Plus blocks are really pretty and unusual. Great for RSC. Of course, your Cats in PJs are fabulous and is going to be a super quilt upon completion. I took the caramel zucchini bars recipe Talk about yummy sounding!! Thanks for the link!

Pat at Bell Creek Quilts said...

Your kitties in pajamas are so darn cute!

Sara said...

All of your current projects are so bright and cute. Love those kitties in PJs blocks especially.