
Top and Bottom

Good morning, my friends. As working people, we used to refer to today as "Moanday." I don't know how Mike feels about Mondays. I'm just happy for a new week of crossword puzzles from the New Yorker. (I'm not a subscriber, but they let me play their crossword puzzles anyway.) 

It was a full day yesterday, but I don't have a lot to show for it. Sadie was my helper cat in the sewing room.

She helped me piece together a back for It Takes a Village. That colorful "village" fabric was used as a quilt back for another quilt. I needed more length and more width added to make a back large enough. A while back someone gifted me with that yellow, and I still have lots of it. That will also work as a binding.

With that all put away, I could get back to finishing off the top for the "Spices" quilt. Sadie helped me with that too. 

Together, we finished off the quilt top. Here's your peek.

And that brought us to the end of our sewing day. Sadie needed a nap, and she was settling herself in when I turned off the lights.

Smitty was happy to have a day off from sewing.

As I mentioned yesterday, we were trying a new recipe for Gochujang BBQ Ribs With Peanuts and Scallions. Mike started these on our Traeger grill around 3:00 p.m. They were brushed with a sauce every hour. When they came off the grill, they looked like this.

We had them with a side of steamed broccoli, and that was a tasty dinner.

They started with a rub on Saturday evening. Then, they were wrapped in plastic, and left in the refrigerator overnight. I made the sauce yesterday afternoon. We thought they were a little too salty. The only salt in the recipe is in the rub, and so I'd use half as much salt as listed in the recipe next time. Otherwise, they were tasty...and pretty easy too. It's another NYTimes recipe, and so you'll need a subscription to open the link I've given you. If you can't open it, you can always email me. It's a simple matter for me to email from the Paprika app, and I'm happy to share it.

So that was my day. I suppose I did some things in the morning, but nothing worth talking about. Today I'll have another relatively slow day. I'll get back to my quilting. The "Spices" quilt is on hold until I receive some stabilizer I have on order. Finishing it off will probably have to wait until we get back from our trip. The upcoming week will include cooking and packing for our trip. We'll be leaving a week from tomorrow, and so it's time to get going on those final preparations. It's going to be a short trip, and so it feels like easy packing compared to some of our longer cross-country voyages.

It's time to get going on breakfast, and my slow-stitching awaits my return. One should never keep one's slow-stitching waiting. 


Barbara said...

Barbecue may not be the road to world peace, but it's a start. ~ Anthony Bourdain

Kate said...

You made quick work of that backing, I always struggle with that step, too much fabric to wrangle. The ribs look really yummy. Hope you get lots done today.

Lyndsey said...

the ribs look very tasty. We use very little salt in cooking and so I find most recipes too salty especially when making it for the first time. I love the village fabric and it goes well with the yellow.

Rita Anne Hope-Haverman said...

You are a rock star cook. Yum.

piecefulwendy said...

I bet those ribs were good - yum! Hope your stabilizer arrives soon so you can finish the challenge quilt.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

I would happily have helped you eat some of those ribs.
Glad there was enough of that fabric to use on the backing of the Village quilt because it's perfect and the yellow just sets it off even more.