
Three Projects

Good morning, my friends. It was an early morning for me. I woke up too early, and then I was finished sleeping for the night, apparently. It's okay. I have a doctor's appointment this morning, and an early start means I have more time to finish up my "morning things" before I need to leave. By "morning things," I'm mostly talking about slow stitching. Yesterday's stitching session took me very close to a finish. I filled in enough on the right side to decide to move my hoop again.

Now there's just a little bit to finish at the top.

And I can fit the last of it in my hoop. This is where I'll start this morning.

Just after taking that picture, I looked outside to see Smitty had taken up his post guarding the cherry tomato. We've had deer munching on the left side of the plant, and the kitties are hard at work to prevent further incursions.

Later in the afternoon, I quilted two more blocks on the New Mexico Kitchen quilt. That makes eight of twelve blocks quilted. I'm still using my splint, but my wrist feels pretty much back to normal now. I'll probably continue to use it as I quilt the rest of the blocks. And since I'm in no hurry, I'll continue to do them two at a time.

From there, I went back to work on the blocks for "It Takes a Village." I wanted to see how the cornerstones will look, and so I added some sashing across the bottom of the two blocks I'd sewn together the day before.

And I like the looks of that, so I went ahead and sewed the first row together. My plan is to do a plain black border around the outer edge, and then add a more colorful border from one of the two fabrics I've selected.

Continuing on, I sewed together the second row before quitting for the day.

Except for the doctor's appointment, today's sewing will look a lot like yesterday's. But I'm also going fabric shopping today, hoping to find something I like to finish off my "Spices" quilt. Since finishing the collage portion, I've been thinking of different ways to finish it off. I have fabrics in my stash I can use, but I'm kind of "meh" about all of them. I'm hoping I'll find something I like better with today's visit to the quilt shop. 

I'm also looking for some fabric to use for sewing together the Homestead quilt blocks.

This one has me kind of stumped since the blocks are different sizes. I'll have to sash all of them to get them to the same size. The sashing will probably be some solid color, but I'm hoping to find an appropriate background fabric. When I find the background fabric, I'll know what color to make the sashings.

So it's a busy day today. Mike had to the good sense to stay in bed until just now. Breakfast is next, and then I should have some time to spend on my slow-stitching. There might be too much to finish this morning, but nothing says I can't spend some time with it this afternoon. With such an early start to my day, I can't rule out an afternoon nap.


Barbara said...

I have always been delighted at the prospect of a new day, a fresh try, one more start, with perhaps a bit of magic waiting somewhere behind the morning. ~ J. B. Priestley

Sara said...

The NM Kitchen quilt is so fun looking. Glad you are able to get it quilted and that your wrist is holding up.

Kate said...

So glad the quilting didn't bother your wrist. Your Little Houses quilt is coming together beautifully. Hope you had a very successful fabric shopping expedition.

karen said...

How do you clean the tiny blossom holes on the humming bird feeders? Just curious. My hummers hve been crazy this week. It's cooler and the babies hve been born now so it's way more entertaining.

piecefulwendy said...

I do like the look of that sashing for the Tiny Houses quilt. Glad the kitties are on watch over your tomatoes! Will be fun to see what you decide on for sashing with those other blocks!

Magpie's Mumblings said...

I'm liking your choices for the sashings. It's lively, just like the houses, but yet not over the top.