
Productive Day

Good morning, my friends. I love a day when I can cross all the to-do's off my list. That would include most days, but some days I'm lazier than others. For whatever reason, I felt energized yesterday and moved from one thing to another. 

Mike needed me to help him get the cover off our truck camper. It's an awkward thing to maneuver around, but mainly, I'm standing by to dial 9-1-1 if he falls off the roof of the camper. (It has happened.) I could also unhook the thing as it caught on the rain gutters and awnings. So that's all done. Mike has been working on one thing or another ever since we returned home from our trip. And now, he's getting things ready for our trip to Moab next month.

While I was out, I noticed the deer missed one of the rosebuds on their last visit to our rose bush restaurant.

The kitties were guarding their territory. They're always in hunting mode.

I had a couple of things to do inside before I could get back to my sewing. My first stop was to finish the fourth block for the Scrappy Plus quilt. I'm glad to have those finished for now.

They're a pain to sew together, but I really like how they're looking. Here are the eight blocks I have for this quilt so far. I'll just keep doing them four at a time until I have 20.

From there, I could turn my attention to making another row of blocks for the Lightframe quilt. After making those Scrappy Plus blocks, these went together like a dream. I needed six half square triangles. I'm doing these using the two-at-a-time method. I had the squares already cut, and it took about five minutes to make six HST's.

Then, I added borders on two sides to make six blocks. I'm picking scraps at random.

And then I sewed them to the one row I made last time I worked on this quilt. With two rows sewn together, the pattern is starting to emerge.

That was the end of my sewing day, but I took out the Girls' Getaway bin and had a look to see what I'd be working on today. I'm making the pieced blocks for this quilt two at a time. Today I'll get busy making two of these Grape Basket blocks. This is the picture from the pattern cover.

When I finish the "Kittens" embroidery block I'm working on, I'll be ready for the next embroidered block for Girls' Getaway, and so I'm planning to make this today. It's a large block. This is the picture from the pattern cover.

That will probably keep me busy for a whole day of sewing, and maybe part of tomorrow too. 

For our last gasp before dinner, I helped Mike stick a new map of the states on the side of our truck camper. There's just one state left. Since we're taking our truck camper to Alaska, we needed a map so we could add the last state when we get there. As I'm sure you can appreciate, the trip cannot be successful unless we have the map along to finish it off. You're next, Alaska. 

Okay, so I have my day pretty well planned out. I want to walk on the treadmill. Oh yes, and I need to vacuum and dust the main level. Just about bedtime last night, our power went off. As I was falling asleep, I was wondering if it would be back on this morning. And what would I do if I couldn't vacuum or sew? Well...perish the thought, and the power was back on when I awakened around 2:30 a.m. Phew! I was really worried about the vacuuming. (Not.)

Breakfast is next, and then I'll do some more stitching on the "Kitten." You guys in the path of the hurricane...you have me worried. Please stay safe.


Barbara said...

Day and night gifts keep pelting down on us. If we were aware of this, gratefulness would overwhelm us. But we go through life in a daze. A power failure makes us aware of what a gift electricity is; a sprained ankle lets us appreciate walking as a gift, a sleepless night, sleep. How much we are missing in life by noticing gifts only when we are suddenly deprived of them. ~ David Steindl-Rast

piecefulwendy said...

All of your quilt blocks look good, fun to see what you are working on. Glad your power came back on - wouldn't want to miss out on the vacuuming. Ha!

Kate said...

Those scrappy plus blocks are looking really good. That's going to be beautiful scrappy quilt. Hope you got lots done yesterday.

Vicki W said...

I really like those scrappy plus blocks!

karen said...

How do you aquire a map? I've always appreciated this colorful map and how you place a new picutre for evry state you vivit.

QuiltGranma said...

Northern Michigan seems to be missing. Have you been there yet?

Magpie's Mumblings said...

I think maybe you should sit the kitties down and explain to them that their game hunting should include chasing those marauding deer away from the flowers.
I'm sure you are glad to put those Scrappy Plus block in the rear view mirror and do something that requires no less skill but less brain power. After all, it's too hot to have to think!