
One Plus Two Equals Three

Good morning, my friends. As I've said before, I'm very good at math.Yesterday, I started with one of four blocks finished for my Scrappy Plus quilt. Now I have two more for a total of three. Just one more to go. But before I tell you about that, let's back up to earlier in the day. As I mentioned in yesterday's post, I went to the farmer's market with Erik and Mae. The weather was nice. We were expecting a warmer day, but some high clouds kept things cooled off. I didn't find the tomatillos I was hoping for, but I came home with some nice heirloom tomatoes and some nectarines.

Back home, the kitties were itching to go outside. We all went out together. I decided to work on my slow stitching while they kept me company. Smitty was my sentinel cat, purrtecting me from any marauding squirrels.

We had a front-row seat to the hummingbird wars. This is the thug hummer. Can you see his disgruntled expression? He runs off anyone who tries to sip from this feeder.

Sometimes while he's chasing off another bird, a third one will slip in while he's away.

Smitty kept me company until Sadie came along. She was a cat on a mission.

I finished up the shoe on my embroidery piece...

And then moved my hoop up to encompass the kitten. The best was saved for last. I stitched just a little bit there, and then stopped.

The kitties were hunting mice, gophers, voles, and moles in our grassy field.

When it needs mowing like this, it gives good cover for hunting cats.

Taking a walk around, I'm always gratified to see how much the bees enjoy the echinacea

The variegated hydrangea is looking really pretty right now. It's covered in flowers.

The mint is blooming. It's another one popular with the bees.

We have lots of dandelions and daisies sprouting up in our needs-mowing field.

Seeing those prompted me to check out the bee garden. I believe these are coreopsis.

And then there are these. They're about shoulder high on me right now. You can see some evening primrose off to the right. They're mostly bloomed out now.

Also, I was happy to see some Black-eyed Susans.

Oh, and remember when I showed you the newly bloomed gerbera daisy in yesterday's post? This is how I found it. (Sigh.)

There are still apples on the tree, no thanks to the deer. They never seem to get any larger. They're about the size of golf balls.

Back inside, Smitty brought his dirty feet to help me in the sewing room.

This is why I always leave my work covered with rulers when I stop at the end of the day.

I'd laid out the second of four blocks the day before. It just needed to be sewn together.

Then, I made another one.

Before stopping for the day, I laid out the fourth one.

I'll be glad to have these finished for this go-round. They're kind of a PITA to lay out and sew together. Next up, I'll make another row of blocks for the Lightframe scrappy quilt. This is where I left it last time.

There's not much to see with just one row of blocks. If I'm remembering right, I have all the half square triangle blocks finished. I just need to add the remaining scrappy strips, log cabin style.

So that's where my sewing will take me today. I have a couple of little things on my to-do list. I really need to get out and pull some weeds and cut back a few things, but I'm waiting for some cooler weather. It didn't get as hot yesterday as we thought it would, but it's looking like a bright and sunny day ahead of us. Mike is still asleep as I'm writing, and so I guess my next stop is to keep going on my slow-stitching. The day ahead will be pretty low-key, and that's just the way I like it.


Barbara said...

A day so happy. Fog lifted early. I worked in the garden. Hummingbirds were stopping over honeysuckle flowers. There was no thing on earth I wanted to possess. I know no one worth my envying him. ~ Czeslaw Milosz

karen said...

Beautiful, happy pictures of Sadie and Smitty.

I have a thug hummer too. I can always tell when mamma has had her baby. She visits often.. he chases her away. She comes right back.
I will sit beside the feeder and they come to eat and talk.

Kate said...

Sounds like an almost perfect Saturday. Hope your Sunday is low key and chill too. Happy stitching.

dgs said...

Mr. Smitty, please check your feet before you help in the quilt room. Your job could be working with white fabric, or a light color and you don't want to contribute dirt smudges on a beautiful new quilt in progress, or do you? Maybe you are working in secret to come up with a Halloween Costume with a lot of red/brown makeup? Either way, I still love you.

The Cozy Quilter said...

It must be hard to work on your stitching outside with so many cat antics to distract you. Love those scrappy blocks. Beautiful flowers!

Deb A said...

I an just picture those cats hunting in the fields. Such a fun sight. Enjoy your day.

Karrin Hurd said...

Love the scrappy blocks, and your beautiful flowers!

Auntiepatch said...

I have a thug hummer, too! He sits on the Pencil plant or on top of the feeder. The other 9 hit it at the same time and it looks like a WWII fighter fight. We have to fill the feeder twice a day for those pigs! 8-10 cups of sugar water every day! The cats are glued to the back sliding door, chattering.

piecefulwendy said...

The weeds in my flower gardens are so bad, it's difficult to tell which is weed and which is flower. All the rain has made it difficult to get out there. Bummer about the dahlia. I sure hope Smitty was rewarded with something after all that digging.

CathieJ said...

Thanks for all the garden and kitty photos. I like the kitty embroidery. Those blocks are so pretty but I get the PITA comment.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

We don't get enough hummingbirds this high up (3rd floor) but if we are lucky enough to find a fuschia in the spring they will come. Of course we couldn't find one this year so ended up with something else that the 'gardening person' assured us would attract them. Nope. Not a one. Pretty flowers though and, to its credit, it has bloomed all summer.
That hydrangea is a stunner!