
Nearing a Finish

 Good morning, my friends. Happy Friday to you! We're expecting some warm weather today. We have the windows open, and we're letting in the cool air while we can. It was warm yesterday too, but never warmed the house enough to require the air-conditioning. 

My agenda over the next few days will be a lot of cooking things ahead. I was perusing the calendar for the next couple of weeks yesterday, and I realized I'll be making enough food ahead (and taking enough frozen leftovers) that there won't be much need for any cooking along the way. Of course, breakfast and lunch don't count. Dinner is the meal that requires the most effort, and I'll have that pretty well taken care of for the whole trip.

Usually, I tackle my to-do list in the morning, and then sew when everything else is done. Yesterday, I was pretty sure I could finish off the quilting in less than an hour, and so I did that first. It went swimmingly, and I had it finished early in the day. I'd worried about using that colorful variegated thread in the borders, but I like how it looks.

As I was quilting along, I couldn't help remembering some of those jump rope jingles we used to say.

Mabel Mabel, set the table. Don’t forget the red hot peppers!

And that got me going on some of the others:

Not last night, but the night before
24 Robbers came knocking at my door
As I ran out, They ran in 
I asked them what they wanted and this is what they said:
Spanish dancer turn around 
Spanish dancer touch the ground
Spanish dancer give a high kick
Spanish dancer get out before you miss

There...you could run out of the rope, but if you stayed in, someone would yell "Hot Peppers!" and then they started turning the rope real fast. 

I'm actually amazed I was able to remember this. And I'm even more amazed that I could ever jump rope. I could even do "Double Dutch" (polishes fingernails on shirt).

But, I digress. When it was finished, I laid it out in front of the living room windows for a picture. It's pretty hard to see the quilting.

Here's how it looks from the back. I used black in the bobbin for the whole quilt.

Sometimes I have trouble turning corners with different quilting motifs. For this one, I just made a little loop, and then continued on my way.

Okay...so enough procrastinating. It was time to make the dish I'd assigned myself for the day. This is a Tuna Noodle Casserole. That went straight into the freezer. We'll eat it down the road. It's a Cooking Light recipe. If I'd used fat-free milk and reduced-fat cream cheese, I'd say it was diet friendly. My casserole has full-fat everything, and so all bets are off.

That was my only cooking-ahead job for the day. I had one last housekeeping chore before we leave. When that was finished, Smitty helped me square up the quilt for binding.

Sadie wanted to help too. She likes this quilt. 

Mmmmmm...everything looks delicious. I just love Meowxican food!

She held the quilt down while I sewed the binding strips together.

And then I sewed it on. Is there a better part of quilting than machine sewing that binding? Well...maybe finishing the hand-sewing, but we take these little victories where we can get them.

I'd wanted to quilt the chili peppers going in opposite directions in the two borders, but that would have required having the whole quilt resting in my lap. (Or it would have meant quilting it backwards, and I'm afraid my feeble mind is not capable of that.) It would have been nearly impossible to maneuver such a large quilt that way, and so I settled for varying their locations. The inner border has the peppers positioned roughly at the middle of each block. The outer border has them positioned roughly near the sashings.

And now the binding is clipped all the way around, and it awaits my hand-stitching needle. I'm hoping to get this finished before we leave on our trip. It would be nice to feel as if I'd finished something before taking a two-week break.

I'm happy to say the fabric I was awaiting arrived yesterday. This will allow me to finish off the quilt top for the Homestead quilt. It makes me happy that this fabric is called "Homestead." It's a good scale, and it gives me some good possibilities for sashing those unevenly-sized blocks. As one of you mentioned, who doesn't love those windmills?

Also, the stabilizer I've been waiting for will arrive today. I'll use it to finish off the "Spices" quilt, but that will have to wait until we return from our trip. It'll be at the top of my list when things get back to normal.

Okay, so breakfast is next, and then some slow-stitching. On today's list is to bake some cookies. I'm taking two kinds of cookies for our snacking pleasure. We always take Clif bars with us, but sometimes our respective sweet tooths demand something less healthy. When those are finished, I'll get going on with my quilt binding. It's going to be a nice day to sit by the window with my feet up and hand-stitch.


Barbara said...

If you like to make things out of wood, or sew, or dance, or style people's hair, or dream up stories and act them out, or play the trumpet, or jump rope, or whatever you really love to do, and you love that in front of your children, that's going to be a far more important gift than anything you could ever give them wrapped up in a box with ribbons. ~ Fred Rogers

Linda said...

Barbara, I have followed you along this journey with your beautiful quilt. It was interesting to watch as each square was finished. It’s colorful and bright and a very happy quilt. I grew up in the Pacific Northwest but we moved to New Mexico when my husband accepted a college teaching position. That was a long time ago. Anyway, the striped sashing and binding just made this a work of art. Thank you for sharing on your blog. I look forward to reading it daily.

Lyndsey said...

I remember when you were making the individual blocks for the Mexican quilt. The bright colours of the individual blocks always brighten my day but now they are all together they are phenomenal and generate such joy. Great work and I love the quilted chillies. The homestead fabric is also really cute.

Kate said...

You picked a fun motif for the borders. They look great with that thread. Enjoy the final hand stitching. I always enjoy that last long goodbye to the quilt.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

I'm sure the kitties love playing with the fringes on the quilt. Glad to see you went with the variegated thread for the borders because otherwise I don't think the design would have shown up enough.
I haven't heard that skip rope rhyme but then I rarely was able to join in at school because I was too tall and the rope turners were too short and I always ended up with it wrapped around my neck. All I could do was the single rope and even that didn't work out very well.
Mmmmm - tuna noodle casserole. Haven't had that in awhile. Must admit we like it just as well served cold as a 'salad'.

piecefulwendy said...

I've fallen behind on commenting again, so I'm catching up. (Don't feel you need to respond to each of my comments - you can lump them together) I do like that chili quilting you did with the variegated thread. It really brings the whole quilt together, and striped binding - yes!