

Good morning, my friends. Well, it seems I'm dead in the water for a day or two. My wrist is giving me trouble, and I've had to resort to immobilizing it. Certain movements are excruciating, and rather than risk the sudden pain, I'll just put a splint on it for a few days and give it a rest. Fortunately, it's my non-dominant hand, and so I can still manage most things. Sewing is going to have to be off limits for a bit, however.

It was a nightmare of a traffic day when I went out for my pedicure yesterday. They've been doing some construction around the salon for the past year. Finally, things seem to be coming to a close. Some landscaping has been added to the salon grounds and to the building still under construction on the other side of the parking lot. Of course, I took pictures of every blooming thing.

These roses were so brightly colored, I had to tone down the saturation on them.

I love the Black-eyed Susans.

I've always loved these ornamental grasses. If we had a place for them in our own yard, I'd plant some.

While I was out, I remembered a fabric store close to the salon. It was just about a five minute drive to get there. It's not really a fabric store. Rather, it's a sewing machine store that happens to have a little bit of fabric. I looked at what they had, but didn't see anything I liked better than what I had at home. Also, I checked online this morning. I found one fabric I liked, but it was shipping from Turkey(!), and the shipping charges were more than the fabric. Yeah. No. Unless I go sooner, I'll check in at my favorite local quilt shop (Boersma's) after my return visit to see my dermatologist next week.

Flower pictures are all I have for you today. Except for slow-stitching, there was no sewing yesterday. My wrist would not allow it, but it was also a harrowing drive getting home. Traffic was absolutely awful. Road construction was part of the problem. In Oregon one must make hay and new roadways while the sun shines. Within a month or two, sunshine will be in short supply, and so it's the season for that sort of thing. On the positive side, I received a text message that a prescription was ready for pick-up, and I was driving right past the pharmacy. Despite my wrist, I did manage to accomplish at least something during the day.

Today is a grocery shopping day, and our list is long. We'll get out early for our beloved Egg McMuffins. Generally, we avoid shopping on Fridays, but there are some incentives that go along with Friday shopping. If we get in and out early, it isn't too bad. 

With my wrist keeping me from doing most things, I'm going to take a couple of days off from blogging. (Frankly, typing hurts too.) I'll aim for being back on Monday. If I get too full of words between now and then, I might be back sooner. Have a good weekend everybody!


Barbara said...

The trouble with retirement is that you never get a day off. ~ Abe Lemons

Julierose said...

Hoping you will feel better soon...rest is definitely the best thing...
Hugs and good thoughts Julierose ;)))

Cherie Moore said...

Pesky, pesky wrist. Here’s hoping a couple days off will do the trick. I sometimes forget I need to limit rotary cutting activity, as my left wrist detests the pressure of loading down the rulers…..and then I’m in the same boat as you.

CarolE said...

So sorry your wrist is giving you trouble. Have a wonderful restful weekend.

Anonymous said...

So sorry your wrist is giving you problems….sending you positive thoughts in hopes it will feel better very soon!
Sandra B

Mary C said...

Hope you feel better soon!

Pam Dempsey said...

Sorry about your wrist. Found out Wednesday I have strep throat but also a bad cough. Don’t feel like doing anything 😷rest well😻

piecefulwendy said...

Well, shoot. I'm sorry to hear that the wrist is not feeling better, but worse. Hope you are on the mend soon!

CathieJ said...

I hope your wrist feels better soon. I know that pain and it takes a while.

Sara said...

Hopefully a couple of days rest will solve your wrist issues. I'm a big fan of egg mcmuffins too, and planned to grab one yesterday on the way to pick up a friend I was taking to the airport. Bummer - it was 10:10 and they quit serving them at 10.

Anonymous said...

Our local McDonalds serves egg McMuffins all day long, but if you’re looking to make it a meal after 11:00 a.m., you get French fries, not hash browns! I like fries, but probably not for breakfast, lol! Candy

Kate said...

So sorry your wrist is giving you fits again. It's not fun to hurt and even less fun to not be able to do much. Hopefully it's healing up and the pain is much less today.

dgs said...

I hope a few days off will help your wrist feel 100% better soon. I think it is a sign you need time off. In the meantime, enjoy doing other fun things (e.g. egg mcmuffin breakfast, farmers market, walks and lunch with friends, etc.).

Lyndsey said...

I hope your wrist improves quickly so you can get back to your stitching etc. Road works of any sort are a pain in the neck and here in London they seem to appear over the day.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

No doubt the tense driving conditions didn't help your wrist much. I was thinking of you this afternoon when I was doing some sashiko stitching and my thumb kept insisting that it wasn't such a good idea and kept reminding me with shooting pains now and then. Argh.