
Girl Sewing

Good morning, my friends. It was a pretty easy-going day yesterday. I had a couple of to-do's on my list, and I went for a walk on the treadmill. Everything was finished by lunch time, and so I had a leisurely afternoon of sewing. We'll make up for yesterday's easy-going day by going on a grocery shopping trip today. Except for picking up a few things here and there, we didn't go last week. I only mention that because it means today's list is long. Oh well. When we get home, there's nothing else on the list today, so I can soothe my frayed nerves in the sewing room.

Of course every morning must begin with a little slow-stitching. Just the dark and light gray parts of the kitten remain to be stitched.

It'll be finished in a day or two, and so I wasted no time getting to work tracing out the next block for the Girls' Getaway quilt. 

When it was traced, I added some color. And, yes, I noticed I missed the bush and the grass on the left side. I fixed that when I heat set the color.

And this comes up just coincidentally as I'm ready to make two more of the pieced blocks for the same quilt. As I mentioned in yesterday's post, I'm making two of these Grape Basket blocks. This one is from the pattern cover picture.

It looks fairly complicated, and so I went back and forth about making them one at a time or both together. Sadie helped me choose the fabrics.

Each block has four fabrics.

In the end, I thought of a way to keep the pieces organized and decided I could cut and piece both of them at the same time. Sadie watched carefully while I did the cutting.

And then I used some old post-it notes to letter and organize the pieces for the two blocks. I don't know why I haven't thought of this before, but I have stacks of post-it notes that don't get used much any more. I really need to bring them into the sewing room and put them to work. For the moment, I had a bookmark style group of them that I used to organize these pieces.

Sadie was 'zhausted after that. She took a nap while I cleaned things up.

When I get home this afternoon, I'll get to work piecing those two blocks. After that, the only thing left on my list of WIPs is to make two more blocks for the Shop Hop quilt. These are the blocks I have so far.

I need four more to finish it off. I'll do two more this time around.

When those are finished, it will bring me to the "Quilter's Choice" section of my whiteboard. There's a new prompt for The Endeavourers art quilt group. This time around the prompt is "Spices." I had one idea in mind, but it required permission from someone who hasn't responded. It's a little disappointing to be ignored, but oh well. I have another idea. I'll do a photo I found on Creative Commons. Here's your peek.

It's enough to drive you crazy, isn't it?

Okay, so that's all I have for you today. It's time for breakfast, and I'm hoping to get a little slow-stitching done before we need to leave. Except for grocery shopping, it should be a pretty easy-going day. As for the grocery shopping, this too shall pass. And speaking of things that will pass, y'all stay safe there where the hurricane is wreaking havoc. You guys are in my thoughts.


Barbara said...

Our grocery store now has self-checkout, for your convenience. It's like getting punched in the throat, for your comfort. ~ Dana Gould

piecefulwendy said...

I'm with Sadie, all that cutting and organizing is exhausting! And I just realized I hadn't checked to see what the next theme was! Hmm. I'm going to have to think on that one!

Kate said...

I have a Walmart shopping trip on my list today. Definitely not my favorite thing to do, but we need stuff we can't get at the grocery store. You've got a lot of fun sewing stuff waiting for you once you finish. Hope you can de-stress this afternoon.

abelian said...

So far, so good, with Debby. It’s moving very slowly, so there will be flooding. But the total rainfall will likely be less than the original forecast. We did have one tornado warning around lunchtime, so I picked up my sleeping cat and his blanket, took him and a few other things into an inner walk-in closet. He went back to sleep in the closet, and no tornado developed. Dot in NC

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Curious to know what you used to colour the block? I'm assuming regular crayons and then heat set but I could be wrong.