
Gearing Up

Good morning, my friends. It was kind of a wasted morning yesterday. I had a 10:20 a.m. appointment with my dermatologist. At 11:20 a.m., I was still waiting to be seen. It was tempting to leave, but I was sitting there in a gown, and I knew if I got up to put on my clothes again, someone would come in. So, I waited. In the end, she did two biopsies. I expect one to be benign. As for the other, I'll just have to wait and see. I'm not leaning either way on it. If anything, it will be a basal cell, and those are not dangerous as long as they're treated. So, I'm not really worrying about anything, but I am miffed at hurrying myself around in the morning just to sit and wait for more than an hour. I understand that doctors are busy and things come up, but my time is valuable too. Nobody is getting any younger around here.

Before I left yesterday morning, I had some time to finish up the 11th block for the "Kittens" quilt.

Finishing this block was my goal for August's 

and so I'll link up there when the party starts at the end of the month. These are all the blocks I have for this quilt so far.

There's just one more to do. I'll take it along when we head to Moab next month, and finish it along the way.

From there, I headed off to my doctor's appointment. When I got home, I had some lunch, and I definitely needed a nap after all that. When I was ready, I headed into the sewing room. Next up is to work on my quilt for the "Spices" prompt. I wasn't quite ready to work with any fabric beyond gathering it up and giving it its own project bin. I'm working from a photograph again, and so I spent some time tracing it onto a sheet of vinyl. Here's your peek.

These art quilts are completely engrossing. Once started, it's hard to walk away from them. Having just completed the Vintage quilt less than two months ago, I wasn't quite in the head space to start on this yet. I'll probably start on it today. 

There was no kitty help in the sewing room yesterday. When I went back upstairs, I found these two lazy cats snoozed out in the living room. And let me just say that Smitty has claimed this chair and quilt for his purrsonal use. He's put out if anyone else has the temerity to sit there.

With Smitty's chair-of-choice selected, Sadie has taken over all three levels of the kitty pole. 

It turned into a hot day yesterday, and I needed to water the potted plants. I noticed quite a crop of cherry tomatoes on our plant. It took this one a while to get going, as it does every year. We usually get one or two tomatoes right away, but then nothing for weeks after. I'm hoping these will ripen before we go.

The gerbera daisy has been allowed to put out three more flowers. I've noticed the squirrels bite it off at the stem, and then just leave it on the sidewalk with nothing eaten. Maybe they don't like the taste, and they'll leave it alone now.

Looking at the far end of the field, I noticed one of our trees sporting some red leaves. It seems early for that, and so I walked down for a closer look.

And lookie there! It's getting a head start on fall, I guess.

Back up by the house, a couple of the dahlias are looking promising. This is another I hope will do its thing before we leave next month. Buds on two of the plants are starting to get larger, and I can almost see petals under the green stuff.

This one was hanging it head. I had to carefully tip it back for a picture.

And, of course, the echinacea continues to delight the bees and the gardener. It's the bright spot in the garden right now.

It was nearing dinner time by then. I caught Smitty out enjoying the afternoon sunshine on his catio.

We had leftovers for dinner, and so it was an easy-going evening before bedtime.

Today I'm going to wash a couple of loads of clothes and do some cleaning in the kitchen. Also, I'm still working on the frozen shredded zucchini, and so I'm going to bake a cake for our dessert tonight. I'll be taking the first stitches on the latest Girls' Getaway block, and then I'll get back to my sewing. Probably there will be no actual sewing today, but I'll get a start on creating my quilt for the "Spices" prompt.

It's a busy day ahead. Time to get to it.


Barbara said...

On the plains of hesitation bleach the bones of countless millions who, at the dawn of decision, sat down to wait, and waiting died. ~ George W. Cecil

Helen said...

i just love those little kitty cats. So darling. It will make a precious quilt for someone. Maybe a kitty there! hah!

Helen said...

Love that quote too. so true!

Jenny said...

Your kitten blocks are adorable.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Resident Chef has to see his 'skin dr' later this month and he knows there's likely a better than good chance he'll be coming home with some 'burnt off' spots. His dr. is a believer in preventative measures and if anything looks the least bit suspicious he zaps it.
Enjoyed seeing the kitties all together. They look so vintage so it will be interesting to see how you choose to finish them.

piecefulwendy said...

Those kitty blocks are coming along well! Your gardens are looking good, too!

Sara said...

Such cute kitty blocks!

Kate said...

The kitty blocks are pretty cute. Do you have a plan for setting them together? I hate going to the doctor, though the last time I went to the dermatologist the wait wasn't too bad.

Anne-Marie said...

Looks great. I agree, the waiting times are frustrating. Hope it all comes out well.

Rebecca Grace said...

Your kitten blocks are adorable! And yes, we can all relate to the frustration of endless waiting in doctors' offices. I don't mind it as much if I've brought some hand stitching along with me, however!