
Starting to Finish

Good morning, my friends. It's a pretty day here at the Three Cats Ranch. Window washer man is coming today after rescheduling from last week. It'll be nice to have the windows clean so we can better see these pretty summer days. Of course, you can always view a pretty day without glass between yourself and the outdoors. My companion cats and I tried it out yesterday.

When I said there wasn't much going on in the garden in yesterday's post, I believe I might have offended the hydrangeas.

This one has both pink and purple on the same plant.

But this blue is really the star right now. So pretty.

We have some fat and happy squirrels hanging out on our patio.

This guy was stretching out for a good sunbath.

Back inside, Sadie and I went to work sewing together the Joyful Journey blocks into a finished quilt top.

We started by adding borders to all of the blocks.

And we started "snowballing" the sashings. The horizontal sashings are ready now.

I'll work on the vertical sashings today. When they're finished, I'll be able to start sewing things together. I'll admit to being a little hesitant to start this setting with all the stars pictured on the pattern. 

As it turns out, it'll be easier than I thought it would be. When the snowballing is all finished, it'll just be a matter of sewing them together with cornerstones. Since I'll be staying out of the way of window washer guy, I expect to have lots of time for sewing. It's one of the few times I'm glad there are no windows in my sewing room.

It doesn't seem as if much to accomplish in a whole day, but I did some housework, and I got in a Bowflex workout. Mike has finished with his project of getting the Jeep set up for towing. He's taken it down the road, and everything is working as it should be. He has one other garage project to finish, and then I should be able to get busy sandwiching the quilt tops awaiting my attention. Probably I have a couple more days before I have to start on that. In the meantime, I'll just keep working away at the Joyful Journey quilt. It might squeeze in under the wire to be sandwiched with the rest.

That's all I have for you today. I hope y'all are safe from the wildfires burning right now. This morning I read that the interstate is closed in both directions in eastern Oregon. I'm sorry enough about the fire, but now worried we'll have to reroute ourselves to get to Moab. Our trip is still about six weeks off, and so we'll hope for the best. And I'm sorry for those living in the area and under evacuation orders. Having lived through an evacuation ourselves, we have a greater appreciation for what a nail-biting experience it is.

But enough of that doom and gloom. Let's all get out there and have a good day. There's lots of sewing to be done and a whole day ahead. When the day ends, I'll be seeing clearly through clean windows. 


Barbara said...

If a window of opportunity appears, don't pull down the shade. ~ Tom Peters

Kate said...

Those blue hydrangea are so pretty! It's one of my favorite flowers, but they don't grow well here, it just gets too hot. Hope you made good progress on Joyful Journey and have wonderfully clean windows as well.

piecefulwendy said...

we have so many squirrels this year, both gray and the little reds. Those blue hydrangea are gorgeous!

Magpie's Mumblings said...

The blue hydrangeas are stunning!
I feel for all those affected by the fires, both in the US and here in Canada. So many people have lost everything and I can't imagine the trauma they've been through.