
Quilter's Dozen

Good morning, my friends. Are you ready to get back to life as we know it? I sure am. Happily, my quilt sandwiching is finished, and I can get back to the parts of quilting that I love. The morning felt less forbidding yesterday, knowing there were just four small quilts left to sandwich. I spent the earliest part of the day finishing off Block 5 for Grandpa's Bridges.

It still needed its Sticky Fabri-Solvy rinsed out, and so I started it in the washer while I got ready for my final battle with the quilt sandwiches. Sadie considered different ways to tell me she was already finished with the sandwiching. She hates to disappoint, but enough is enough.

So I was going it alone for the final four. First up was the Amish Sampler.

Then A Joyful Journey...

Then Domestic Affairs...

And the last one, Stitching Wisdom.

And there it is. A stack of quilts for my quilting pleasure. It's like having a full gas tank or money in the bank. This will keep me in quilting for months to come.

By that time, the embroidered block was washed and dried. Here it is pressed and pretty for its picture. There's a lot of stitching in this one.

Here are the five blocks I have for this quilt so far.

Knowing we're going to be traveling next month, it seemed like a good time to prepare a couple more blocks to take along. These are the next two. Stabilizer has been ironed to the back, and the designs printed on Sticky Fabri-Solvy are stuck down. 

I'll be starting on Block 11 for the Kittens quilt this morning. There is one more block for this quilt already prepared, and I'll probably take that along when we go too. I want to be sure I have plenty of stitching with me. You know how I hate a stitching emergency when we're on the road.

It was past lunch time by then. I had some lunch, and I had a nap. By then I was feeling rested enough to start making the first of nine blocks for the Merry, Merry Snowmen quilt. Sadie felt rested enough too. She wanted to help with this.

Yesterday's effort was to make the block background. Check. The little white pie-shaped piece at the top center is a part of one of the snowmen peeking out from the corner there. I wanted to catch the edges in my seam. I'll add the snowman face today.

Today I'll start on the applique. The faces of the snowmen will require some embroidery, and there's also some embroidery on the sign. The straight lines for the snowman arms and the string attached to the sign can be stitched on my sewing machine, but I'll want to do the rest by hand.

By then, we were both tired. I headed upstairs to make dinner while Sadie settled herself in for a late afternoon nap.

Our sewing day was finished.

Today I'll take the first stitches on the 11th Kittens block, and I'm hoping to finish off this first block for the Merry, Merry Snowmen quilt. I have one housekeeping chore. (I gave myself a reprieve from housekeeping chores while I was sandwiching quilts.) Also, I want to get back to my morning exercise. (I gave myself a Bowflex reprieve too, reasoning that sandwiching quilts was almost the same thing.) Today I'll get back to walking on the treadmill, and normal life can resume. 

Just now it's time for breakfast. We had a good soaking rain off and on yesterday. This morning looks a little foggy. The sky is growing brighter as I'm writing. It'll be good to get back to my usual routine...starting right now.


Barbara said...

Ideas are like rabbits. You get a couple and learn how to handle them, and pretty soon you have a dozen. ~ John Steinbeck

abelian said...

Congratulations on the sandwiching! “A Joyful Journey” makes me smile whenever I see it. I love the stars in the sashing. I’ve been looking for patterns to use with my blogiversary prize, and may have found one. But I’d need to buy a bit more fabric! Dot in NC

piecefulwendy said...

Yay for the finish of the sandwiching! Always good to have that task done so you can get back to your usual routine. Good that you have such purrfect help in the quilt room, too!

Pam Dempsey said...

That’s a heap of quilting to do! Is the fabric sticky solvy design traced with a light box onto muslin or background fabric? I’ve not used any, was going to trace onto background. 😻

Jenny said...

Havent you done well with your sandwich marathon!

Kate said...

That definitely was a marathon, but it certainly paid off. Have you decided which one you'll quilt first.

Vicki W said...

I love it when there are a stack or projects ready to go. I like spending a week cutting out a year's worth of veterans quilt kits.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Phew - you must be seeing quilt sandwiches in your dreams! Nice to see that lovely pile of quilts waiting for the next part of the process. I've enjoyed re-visiting them all.