
More Blocks

Good morning, my friends. We had grocery shopping to do yesterday. The kitties had to wait until we got home before they could go out and terrorize the small furry mammals. There isn't much terrorism going on these days. It's too hot for kitties with dark fur to be out in the sun chasing squirrels. They pretty much stay close to the house, lounging on the cool deck.

Sometimes, when he wants a different view, Smitty moves to the corner of the deck. This is one of his favorite places to survey his territory.

So it was late in the day before I was able to get to my sewing. My first task was to sew borders on July's Joy in the Ordinary block.

Here are all the blocks I have for this quilt so far.

With that finished, I knew I was going to need to make up two more blocks for The Story of My Day. This time around I'll be stitching "Feed the Animals,"

and "Preen, Wash, and Clean."

When those were ready to go, I went to work making pieced blocks for the Amish Sampler. The first one was the Dutchman's Puzzle. 

Then, this one QuiltersCache calls "Flyfoot." I've also heard this block referred to as "Virginia Reel."

I used it when I made my "Full Circle" quilt to represent our time in Virginia. You can see it in the lower left corner of the image below.

With that one finished, there was time for one more. This is one of my favorites. It's the "Friendship Star."

And then I was able to lay out three of the five rows of blocks I'll make for this quilt. I won't sew them together until all the pieced blocks are finished.

The next one I'll make is called "Hole in the Barn Door," but I was getting kind of tired of sewing by then. We turned on the news, and I stitched up one more book spine while we watched. If I'm remembering right, this shop was near Fort Worth.

There's just one more to stitch for the current Shop Hop quilt. When it's finished, I'll start on The Story of My Day blocks above.

Okay, and so I have another busy day today. I'm getting my monthly pedicure, and I have several things I want to finish this morning before I need to get ready to go. The annuals need water, and the birds need feeding. Also, I want to do some slow-stitching. When I'm finished with my pedi, I need to stop off at a specialty grocery store for some champagne vinegar. I can never find it in our regular grocery stores, but I know who has it. 

When I get home, I'm going to puree some watermelon for watermelon sorbet. I've made sorbet from many different kinds of fruit, but watermelon is my favorite. (It's also easiest to make.) And then I'll make a fruit salad with whatever watermelon I have left. Also, I need to go over lesson 9 of my Photoshop Elements course. We've finally reached the material I was most interested in, and I'm learning some new things about the program.

So you can see my list of to-do's is long today. Time to get to it. I hate to write and run, but there's not a minute to waste. And, don't get me wrong...you guys are never a waste. Have a good day, Everybody! Try to stay cool!


Barbara said...

Get busy living, or get busy dying. ~ Stephen King

piecefulwendy said...

I like your layout of the Almost Amish quilt. It's coming together really well! Of course, your stitcheries are lovely as usual!

Signe said...

Your flying geese in the dutchman's puzzle are perfect! I struggle with flying geese. What method do you use to make them come out so perfect?

Helen said...

Your full circle quilt is stunning. Love that and the amish sampler is going to be another great one. Your piecing is always perfection! have a good day! Helen

Cherie Moore said...

Specially grocery stores are generally better than main stream ones in my experience…..perhaps you won’t be tempted to run anyone over with a shopping cart ;-)

Sherrill said...

Must Love Fabric is one of my VERY near local stores though I admit I haven't been in a LONG time. I do most of my shopping online or at Joann or Hobby Lobby. Those kittys are too cute!

Magpie's Mumblings said...

I really like the blocks you are choosing for the Amish quilt - to me they really suit the theme.

Kate said...

Grad Girl's kitty has been laying on the kitchen tile, it's so much cooler than the carpet. So I get the kitties choosing to stay in the shade on with the cool concrete on their bellies. More fun blocks for the Amish Sampler. it's fun to have a quick to make project.