
Bordering on a Finish

Good morning, my friends. It's a grocery shopping day, and so I'm writing fast. Ordinarily I don't like grocery shopping on a Friday. It always seems busier as the weekend approaches. We shopped last Friday, however, and it wasn't too bad. We try to get in and out early, which is just a good way to do it no matter what day of the week it is. We'll reward ourselves with our favorite Egg McMuffin breakfast. Mike likes the Sausage McMuffin.

The annuals needed watering, and the bird feeders needed attention, and so I was out early to take care of things outside yesterday morning. While I was out, I discovered the first ripe cherry tomato.

Back inside, my first stop was to bake up some muffins. I have several frozen 2-cup portions of shredded zucchini in our freezer from last year's garden, and so I'm on a quest to use it up. These are Kathie's Zucchini Muffins. They were easy and they are tasty.

From there I headed into the sewing room. Smitty was there to help, but he has to stay near the phone. You never know when his agent might call with a modeling job for kitty swimsuits. He has a dream of being the cover cat for Spurrts Illustrated's Kitty Swimsuit issue.

My goal was to finish sewing together the Joyful Journey blocks. Row one was already finished. I added the second row.

And then I just kept going. A couple of hours later, I had them all done.

It seemed too late to do any more, and so I folded it up and set it aside for the night. Later, I opened it up to show Mike. Now, look at that image above. Do you see it?

How about now?

Doh! All I can say is I'm glad I saw it before I added the borders. It'll be an easy fix as it is. And today's goal will be to finish sewing on the borders. I'll need to make a back for it too, and then it'll get in just under the wire because I'm going to start sandwiching quilts tomorrow.

When I came back upstairs yesterday afternoon, I saw the current resident fawn. The doe must have been nearby, but I didn't see her. This little fawn was very rambunctious and kicked up his heels as he ran toward the woods on the left side of the image. So cute.

Sorry it's not a better image. I was shooting through my [clean] window, but from quite a distance away.

Okay, so I need to get on my way if we're going to get that early shopping trip done. There's nothing else on today's agenda except to finish adding borders to my quilt. 

I hope y'all are staying safe from wildfires right now. The pictures coming out of Jasper, Alberta, in Canada are heartbreaking. We visited Jasper some years back, and I was saddened to see about half the town burned to the ground. We have plenty of fires burning in Oregon right now as well. So far we've escaped the smoky haze. We're told by our weatherman that we can expect to see some of that today with a change of the wind. Be careful out there, my friends. 


Barbara said...

I don't have to take a trip around the world or be on a yacht in the Mediterranean to have happiness. I can find it in the little things, like looking out into my backyard and seeing deer in the fields. ~ Queen Latifah

Julierose said...

Beautiful choice of fabric to sash these lovely blocks, Barbara!! It adds just the right amount of interest without taking over. Hugs for a great weekend, Julierose

Vicki W said...

I love the border you made for this quilt!

Kate said...

Joyful Journey turned out beautifully! It's always good to catch those errors before you get too far. Hope the grocery shopping wasn't too bad. I had to run in for milk the other day, thankfully it was a quick in and out.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Resident Chef picked a handful of roma tomatoes off his little balcony patch and they are delicious. Nothing tastes better than fresh-from-the-vine.
I surprised myself by seeing the 'oopsie' right away because normally I have to hunt for it.

piecefulwendy said...

Funny how we miss those little mistakes at first glance. Glad you caught it and it was an easy fix!