
A Finish in Black and White

Good morning, my friends. It was a sit and stitch day yesterday. I was able to get all the way around my quilt binding, and I have a finished quilt to show you today. It was created from Moda's Catnip panel. The panel was a gift from my friend, Sharon, quite some time ago. I'm making a concerted effort to turn several different panels I've acquired into finished quilts, and this was among them. This is the Catnip quilt. It ends up at 67 x 67 inches. 

If I'm remembering correctly, I found a similar layout on Pinterest. I liked it done in all these blacks and whites, and so that's what I did. Also, I had some really fun cat fabrics in my stash, and I was able to put those to work. Here's a look at the back.

Here's a little closer look at the back. I really love those cat fabrics.

When I sat down to work on this, I was probably a skosh less than halfway around it. It meant I spent most of my afternoon sitting and stitching. It was a good way to spend an afternoon. When I got sleepy, I tipped back in our recliner and took a nap. When I woke up, I continued on.

Smitty was on standby on the couch across from me. Cats are always in the mood for napping, but he was willing to help out if I needed him.

You might remember when I sewed this into a quilt top. I didn't use all the cats from the original panel. The leftover cats went into this quilt donated to Quilts for Kids. I called this quilt Paws & Purrs.

So I'm happy I was able to put the whole panel to use. Last week I was motivated to number all the quilts in my Finished Quilts Gallery. I've probably missed including a few along the way, but we'll assume I'm close when I say that the Catnip quilt is my 343rd finished quilt.

The only other thing I did yesterday was to bake some zucchini bread. I had a yen. It tasted good with our afternoon cup of espresso.

Today I'll get started sewing "A Joyful Journey" into a finished quilt top.

Mike is close to being finished with his work in the garage, and so I'll be able to set up my sawhorse and plywood tables soon and get busy sandwiching more quilts for quilting. As it stands, there are 11 finished quilt tops and backs on the pile. If Joyful Journey goes together quickly, I might end up with an even dozen.


Barbara said...

Finishing something is the hardest part. You know it's not as good as you hoped. You know there are plot problems. You know that by finishing it, you're saying - even if only to yourself - 'This is the best I can do.' And because it's not perfect, that's really hard. ~ Antony Johnston

Helen said...

Love the quote of the day that you posted. Finished is better than perfect!! my motto! have a good one.

Vicki W said...

Your day of binding/napping sounds perfect! It's a super cute quilt.

Sara said...

Awesome use of that cat panel, and each one looks unique.

Jenny said...

Oops, where did that comment go, I wonder? The black and white cat quilt us a wonderful finish. And I love those pretty embroidered blocks too.

Kate said...

Congrats on a fun finish. I'm really impressed with the numbers of finished quilts you have, my total number is pretty minimal compared to yours. You've been very prolific.

piecefulwendy said...

I think that's why I enjoy hand binding, you can start and stop, take a nap, etc. You can't lose with a striped binding, in my opinion! Nice finish!

Magpie's Mumblings said...

343 quilts? Wowzers!! Well done on this one. I love all the different cats and that striped border is just a perfect finish.

Kristin said...

I also recently started numbering my quilts! I've made 55 quilts. I'm even thinking of making books of my quilts using Shutterfly. I've kept so few, and I like to go back and look at them again.
When I told my husband, earlier this year, that I was about to finish my 50th quilt, he suggested that I number them on the quilt label. So, I do now! And I've gone back to the quilts that I have kept and added the number to those. I don't make a fancy label on the back. I just use the alpha-numerics stitch on my machine. So my 50th quilt says "Hartwig Handmade # 50" Spaces required to be able to read it. And I love it!