*Sorry, this giveaway is over.*
Good morning, my friends! Are you feeling lucky? Today marks the 14th anniversary of Cat Patches. Today's post will be my 5,653rd post. When I started blogging, it was because I wanted to learn from more experienced quilters (I didn’t learn until July of 2008). Also, there were online groups and events I wanted to join in and participate via blogging. With the passage of time, it has evolved into my daily “letter to friends.” When I started writing, I never dreamed I would stick with it for so long.
Over the years, I’ve met new friends from all over the world. People from some 145 countries have visited at one time or another. It has become a personal reference manual and a great way to settle disagreements about the ”where and when” certain events took place. Like exercise, it is an important part of my morning routine. The day doesn’t get off to a good start until I’ve emptied my brain of the words that accumulated there from the day before. Daily writing forces me to pay attention and to be grateful for every good thing that happens. And I am so grateful to the many of you who have followed along over the years, and left so many supportive hints, ideas, and comments. Today I'll be thanking you with a chance to win some fabric. I'll be giving away a 9-fat quarter bundle of "Sunray Day in the Life" fabric.

Pretty, huh? If you're only here for the giveaway, you'll want to skip to the bottom. Before I get to that, I need to empty my brain of the words that accumulated yesterday. No bad words today, I promise.
The kitties and I went out to feed the birds and water the annuals. As it turns out, the annuals didn't need water, but the birds for sure needed feeding. Sadie and Smitty were on the hunt for some non-dandelionized grass. Sheesh...the gardeners around here. Slackers. That's all there is to say about it.
Sadie agrees completely.
Oh well. You can't please everyone.
Today is the day we've decided to pick the cherries. They've turned more red than orange, and I'm tired of waiting for them.
As I'm writing this, it occurs to me that we could go outside this morning and find them all gone, having been absconded with by raccoons. (I don't know if that sentence is correct grammatically, but you know what I mean.) Let's hope not. I have a couple of ideas of things I'd like to do with them. On the menu for sure are a skillet cherry crisp, cherry sherbet, and a cherry galette. Also, I have an interesting-sounding recipe for a black rice salad that I'd like to try. It uses cherries and plums. I have cherry pie filling and cherries in syrup left over from last year's canning, and so I won't be canning any cherries this year.
Checking in on the rest of the garden, the echinacea have finally opened. There are only a few flowers so far, but many more are coming.
I have three colors of echinacea. The ones above are standard pink. The ones below are "Powwow Wild Berry." There's another called "Cheyenne Spirit" that is more yellow and orange, but it has yet to make an appearance.
With the temperature cooled down some from last week, the variegated hydrangea is much happier.
The blue one is still going strong.
Recently, I replaced our hummingbird feeders for these new fancy ones. I'd been using the
"Hummzinger" style of feeders. They finally drove me crazy because they required almost daily attention. These will be easier to clean and they'll require filling only every 3-4 days. I like the humming birds, but those feeders nearly did me in. This style was recommended on one of the Facebook bird sites I follow. I'd been watching for the hummingbirds to actually use them, and I was able to capture this guy while I was out yesterday.
Back inside, I finished sewing together the Amish Sampler quilt. I'm pretty happy with how this turned out, and I'm glad I remembered this block setting.
From there, I went to work making a back for it. This was the fabric I selected. I was sorry it wasn't a solid, but I was determined to use something from my stash.
When I opened it up....whoa! I could use the wrong side of the fabric!
Oh...but upon closer inspection, I could see where some of the dark dye had come through. If it's not going to be a pure solid, then I'd just as soon use the prettier side.
So that was done. And, hey! Remember those black binding strips I cut for the Blackwork Baskets, and then lost track of them? They'll work for this quilt, and I had the exact number of strips I needed. It's almost like it was meant to happen that way.
So for the last gasp of my sewing day, I got Eliza set up for quilting the Catnip quilt. I'm using a black thread top and bottom, and I'm quilting a straight line diagonal grid. I checked the tension, and then left it needle down for today's sewing.
There's quite a bit on this morning's agenda. We're going to mop the kitchen floor, and then we're going to pick cherries. Since I didn't water yesterday, I'll need to water the annuals today. Also, I should get in a Bowflex workout. I was going to do that yesterday, but then my Photoshop Elements class put me in a bad mood when I couldn't figure something out. By the time I gave up, I was feeling too pissy to exercise. I posted a question in the discussion area, and that's all been settled now. I was able to accomplish the assignment this morning before I sat down to write to you guys.
Okay, but enough of this useless prattle. Let's get on with the real celebration. Would you like to win some fabric? Consider this my thank you for your readership, your many kind comments and suggestions, and your encouragement over these many years. Here's what you need to do to be a winner.
1. Just leave a comment...any comment will do. If you can't think of anything, then tell me about any travel plans you might have for what remains of summer. Please leave your comment here on the blog. If you are an email follower, simply click on the title of this post to be taken to the actual web page. You can leave your comment there.
2. Since this giveaway is to thank those of you who have followed along over the years, this prize is reserved for followers only...new, old, salty, sweet, bitter, and twisted...just step on up and tell me how you follow. If you want to become a follower, you can find some ways to do it there in my left side bar. Also, I will ship internationally, so all residents of Planet Earth are welcome to join in.
3. If you're no-reply, be sure to leave an email address. You can't win if I can't contact you.
So good luck, and a big thank you for helping me celebrate the day! I'll leave this giveaway open through Wednesday, July 17th and announce the winner sometime on Thursday, July 18th.
The one thing that you have that nobody else has is you. Your voice, your mind, your story, your vision. So write and draw and build and play and dance and live as only you can. ~ Neil Gaiman
Love your idea to use sampler blocks as alternate blocks for your 'amish' quilt.
And huge congratulations for your 14th blogging anniversary. I enjoy reading about your kitties, your quilting adventures and your travels.
Thank you!
Marian in British Columbia, Canada
Congratulations on your 14th Blogiversary. I've enjoyed reading your blog and seeing your pretty pictures for about 8 years now. I appreciate that you share all of that with your readers. Hope your cherries were still there when you went to pick them :)
Congratulations on your 14th blogaversary! I used to follow with bloglovin but they seem to be toast so I added myself as a FB follower to cover my bases. Really I just go to your blog page every day. I enjoy all the topics that you post about and you inspired me to do more hand embroidery. Also we built a catio this summer for our two cats.
Happy 14th Blogavversary. You have a delightful blog which I have thoroughly enjoyed following and getting to know you. I love your creative projects, your garden, your adventures, recipes, your kitties and more. Even my DH enjoys your adventures and always eager to get an update.
Congratulations on your Blogaversary! I read your musings every day, and I get motivation to continue working on my projects. I am currently embroidering Crabapple Hill’s Alphabet Garden, letter L. Planning a getaway to Oceanside this next week to celebrate our 45th wedding anniversary.
I think i have followed you by email since almost the beginning. I was looking for quilting blogs and yours came up. Always enjoy your sewing ideas, quilting tips, beautiful nature pictures, and especially like your personal quotes at the end of your posts. You've done a great job! Here's to 14 more good years! Helen
Love your recipes also! Helen
Happy Blogaversary! I look forward each morning to seeing what quilting and embroidery projects you are working on, and your garden updates, too! I have greatly enjoying your vacation travels, as well! Thank you for brightening my mornings!
Congratulations on your 14th Blogiversary! I follow you using the Feedly RSS reader. I love seeing your quilts and hearing about the kitties, your travels, recipes and garden. I don’t have any travel plans; just staying home with my kitty these days. Dot in NC
Yours is one of three blogs I read daily, the others tend to be hit and miss. I would love to get in the habit of blogging daily, perhaps now that I am (newly) retired, I can aspire to do so. Hope to see you next summer on your way to Alaska. I follow you on Facebook, your blog and on my blog you are in my quilting blog list!
Happy Blogiversary, Barbara. I follow you by e-mail and read you online for years before that. Not to get gushy, but I love pretty much everything about your blog...the kitties, your patterns (I've bought 2 of them used), your garden, your recipes, photographs and your travels. I forgot to mention your
self-deprecating humor and Mike.
I hope to be reading and enjoying your adventures for many years to come.
I enjoy reading your blog daily, especially new quilting ideas and processes, your travels, and life with your cats. I used to have cats, but when I got together with Paul, he had a dog. They lived together uncomfortably, but the cats were older and passed away one by one. When our dog died, we decided we wanted to travel and hated to leave him at the kennel, so we didn't get another one. Anyway, I enjoy reading your recipes for two - I'm always happy to try something new. Thanks for writing!
happy blogiversary. i've followed for about a year now. love your travels, quilts, kitties, pictures. i especially love that you are so generous with pictures and explanations. the cats seem to live such pampaered lives, but don't all cats? thanks for the opportunity to win fabric (not that i need any but new fabric is always fun). good luck in your adobe class. patti in florida ( pleal@cfl.rr.com )
Thank you for being my entertainment value. I love the kittys, the every blooming thing, and of course the quilts...oh and the history lessons. Never to old to learn. Happy blogaversery.
I have visited your happy spot almost daily for years , and hope to for many more.
Hugs to you, Mike and Sadie and Smitty.
Happy Blogiversary!! Haven't been with you for all 14. I'm going to guess ten, maybe? Always love your mix of quilting, embroidery, cats, gardens, gardening, cooking, travels, life and oh so much more! We are all so fortunate to have the benefit of your brain-drain most every morning! So, how are YOU celebrating your 14 years? And no, picking cherries do not count, but they will be oh so delightful!
My day always starts with reading your blog. You always get me going to make something good out of what could be a lonesome day. Thanks Barbara for always being there. On to some slow stitching!!!
Congratulations on your blog-anniversary. Like you I have traveled and camped with my cats for many years. In everything from a retired, converted 1953 Greyhound bus to a very small Casita trailer. I, and they, wouldn't have it any other way. Next trip....Alaska next summer via the AlCan Highway.
Happy tails and trails.
Congrats on your blog anniversary. I really enjoy your funny take on life and quilting. I just came across your blog and bookmarked it and read daily. Not a follower in a formal fashion - but a part of my morning routine!
Happy Blogiversary, Barbara. I follow you by email and thoroughly enjoy your quilting and embrodiery projects, the kitty antics, the travel experiences, every blooming thing, and your sassy sense of humor. You can leave me out of the drawing as I am on a fabric diet and don't need any more. I hope you got a good cherry haul.
Good afternoon from SK, Canada! I access your blog from another blogger who has you on her blog list. Most of the quilting blogs that I follow have stopped blogging, so I have my morning coffee and look through Gretchen's blog list and it works for me! My daughter is going on a missions trip to Mexico next February and if I'm lucky enough to win this fabric, I'll use it to make a quilt and add it to the already made quilts that I hope to sell for her trip. Thanks so much for this giveaway and chance! Your Amish quilt is making me rethink my aversion to solids lol!!! Have a great day. traceyholzer@gmaildotcom
Congratulations! I read your posts everyday through email so I don’t comment much. Your sewing and quilting processes have inspired me to change so I am getting so many more projects done. I look forward to seeing photos of your cats and flowers every day. My Sadie Lynn (cat) was named after your Sadie since they look so much alike! Looking forward to 14 more years of posts about your adventures, cats and projects.
I really enjoy your daily posts. And thanks in particular for making up the quilt with the cat panel as I own it and still had not decided just "how" to use it! I will take inspiration from you.
Your flowers are pretty and I love the Amish quilt. How wonderful that you got to use those black bindings. I follow you by having a link to your blog site on my own blog and also via Facebook. Thanks for hosting a giveaway. Congrats on your blogiversary!
You, Smitty and Sadie are how I "begin" my day. Thank you for your wonderful writing, quilting and photography.
I have found the best hummer feeder is from First Nature (my opinion). I use the 16 oz. wide-mouth feeder. I first met this feeder at a State Park in Ohio. They had 10 of them hanging from the roof overhang of the one-story park office building. Hummers galore. I have three off our deck and put one cup of "nectar" in each. They are empty by the next day during July and August. I only wish they had a glass reservoir, but they are the best that I have ever used. Bonus is that the Baltimore Orioles will also use them. I sent for their oriole feeder and the only difference between it and the hummer was the color and it was 32 oz, orange for the orioles.
Just popping in to say congrats on you anniversary; I love your blog! Don’t include me in the drawing-Lord knows I don’t need any more fabric!!
Congratulations on your Blogaversary! I read your blog each day and follow on Facebook and Instagram. I love seeing your works in progress and the completed projects as well as all the cat photos! Thank you for the opportunity to enter the giveaway.
Happy blogiversary! I have read your blog for a number of years now (I just google it every day). I enjoy your everyday activities, and also following along on your travels, especially when you get to the Oregon coast … my favorite place! Thanks for sharing your adventures with us! By the way, I notice someone in our neighborhood walking their cat on a leash quite often. Always makes me think of Smitty, of course. Have a great weekend! Candy
Happy 14th Blogiversary!! I follow you every day by logging in to your blog site so that I can read the latest post while I eat my lunch. I have done this almost every day for many years (if I have to miss a day, I always go back the next day to catch up!) I love that you include so many aspects of life at Three Cats Ranch… I enjoy them all….the quilting, the embroidery, the challenge projects, the pictures of every little thing, the great recipes, and all the information you provide for the places you, Mike, and the kitties visit, and also the kitties’ antics!! Thank you for all that you share, and all the inspiration you provide!!! I hope you will continue doing this for many years to come!
Thank you for the chance at the giveaway! You do not need to include me, though, as I am trying to get my stash under control so I am not adding anything new.
Sandra B
I have followed your blog since you were traveling to see the eclipse and have enjoyed it every day since. Thanks! I am a quilter too so it is a win win!
Congratulations on your blog I’ve teary! Not sure when I discovered your blog but I’m so glad I did! Because of your travels I’ve enjoyed seeing parts of the US that I’ve never been to. I finally signed up with Followit so I don’t miss a single post.
Hi Barbara, I must say that I really enjoy your blog,the quilting, cats, cooking and your travels. We travel too, here in far away New Zealand in our caravan, and take Gemma, our Birman cat with us. How do I follow you? I went to your blog, clicked follow, and you pop up like magic on my list every day! Many thanks for the chance to win your blog anniversary give away.
Hello, and happy anniversary. I've been following you by email. It's weird how people can feel a connection without ever meeting in person. It's kind of like pen pals that I used to write to when I was a kid. It was so much fun writing and getting a letter in the mail. One odd thing about me is that I know the names of cats and dogs in my neighborhood, but sometimes forget the names of my neighbors. Guess you know who's most important. It's the same thing with the bloggers I follow, I know all the cats and dog names. I do remember your name and wish you many more years of joyful blogging and quilting. I'm making a big pot of bean soup tomorrow, so I have lots of time to do some sewing.
Happy happy anniversary! No need to enter me in the giveaway since I'm trying to use up what I already have.
Congrats on your 14 years blogging!! I enjoy reading your daily activities and hope you continue!!
WOW - congrats on your Blog Anniversary. I've followed you for many years and appreciate the inspiration in each post ; )
Congratulations! 14 years is amazing……I think I’ve been reading for 5 plus years and I especially enjoy your writing. I especially love hearing about the kitties and your travel logs, but feel like I’m having a cup of coffee with friend each day….THANK YOU!!!
Congratulations! Be proud! I follow you on email on followit. We are not going very far this summer due to babysitting commitment. I look forward to your daily letters to friends. Thank you.
Love your new humming bird feeders! Where did you get them? Also you mentioned a book in you recent travels posts that helped you to find great camping spots - can you remind me if the name again?
I started following you when I lived in Juneau alaska starting in 2018. Originally it was for your trips around the country to different quilting stores. And the cat pictures. I volunteer at a cat shelter now that we have retired to Texas. Marleen. landeisms@gmail.com
I would love more fabric.
Happy Blogiversary - I'm so glad you are still writing your daily posts. Glad you got those cherries picked. We are taking a quick trip tomorrow to grab ours, provided there are still some there to pick!
Congrats! I can't believe it's been that long!
Give Sadie & the 2 hunks a hug from Auntiepatch!
Happy blogversery! I feel that we are friends even though we've never met. I love to follow you on your adventures and hearing about the kitty highjinks.
Truly not here for the fabric, Goodness knows, I've got plenty as it is. In all honesty, just tonight, I was thinking you might be getting close to cherry picking by now. Thought you might know a good way to preserve some that requires no jarring or water bath. I'm thinking maybe frozen? If so, just pit and freeze? Does that mush em up like strawberries? Maybe dehydrated?? Cherries are least expensive here only right now, and even tho they're pricey, they're really good. Amish quilt turned out nicely! And your hydrangeas are stunning. We planted 3 this spring, and they are currently showing new growth! We are beyond excited about that! Congratulations on 14 years flying by!!
I love your blog. I read it right before I go to bed. Something upbeat to have in my head before I go to sleep.
14 years! A great accomplishment and we are the lucky recipients. So good to reconnect with you my friend. Cheers to 14 more!
Wowza, 14 years! That is much sharing and all of your wonderful travels!
I reclaimed a Maine Coon from my aunt who moved. It took a few tries to find the safest halter and he is now getting acclimated to farm life. His twin brother sits next to his catio. All of these ideas have been gleaned from you. Thank you for writing such heartfelt posts and sharing your sweet life.
I planted 2 more Sweetheart cherry trees and hopefully soon I will get my share of cherries! I made 6 gallons of tart cherry juice (froze) and 1 gallon of cherry vinegar (so yummy on spring baby greens).
Congratulations, I do love reading about the cat adventures. I can no longer have cats so it's fun to hear what they are up to. Jmikebalou (at) aol (dot) com
Since I do not travel I love all your pictures of your trips, love your two cats and of course follow closely every quilt pattern you post you make my day!
HI Barbara, Congratulations! I enjoy everything about your blog! I love going along on your travels. I recently went on a road trip of a life time with my son in his RV, grand dog (don't tell Sadie or Smitty!), my daughter, her husband and my 3 1/2 yr old great granddaughter, she lives in Spokane. It was a blessing to spend 2 wks on the road, especially the time with that precious child who lives 15 hrs away from me. Riding in a RV is like seeing the world on a large screen TV!
Marilyn in Placerville, CA
Happy 14th Blogiversary! I started following you when you were hosting the Foto Finish Saturday (an oldie, but definitely goodie). It's hard to believe it's been 14 years, I notice that the most when we blog about our kids or you blog about the kitties. It's been fun to read about and see where you and Mike have traveled, check out all the stitching and quilting projects. I'm currently using Feedly to follow your blog.
Congratulations on blogging for 14 years! It is a wonderful achievement. I have included your blog on a tab list that I open daily. I have been reading your blog for maybe 8 or 9 years. In particular, I enjoy your quilting adventures, both at home and on the road. I have picked up some of your tips for cooking for two -- something I find hard to do as my family downsized, so thank you for writing about that. May you blog for many more years! All the best, Kim from Dripping Springs, Texas. tnjmom1 @ gmail dot com
Congratulations on 14 years! I read your blog everyday, following your adventures with Feedly. I hope you get those cherries before the critters do.
Congratulations and Thank you for 14 years of friendship. I have not followed you for the complete time, but, approximately 10 years now and I do love your daily discussions with Sadie and Smitty. Thanks again for sharing your life with us.
Happy Blogiversary! Love your blog - as a quilter who used to live in Oregon, you keep me feeling connected to one of my favorite places! Bonus: you have a great sense of humor! ��
I follow you via your blog. Since I too have a sitdown, I enjoy watching your quilting. The line tamer is on my list to order. I do look forward to your Alaska trip. I have wanted to visit Alaska but family health is keeping us home.
Yes, congratulations on your blogiversary! I enjoy everything you write about and your sense of humor!😻 I get your blog in email 🥰
I always enjoy your blog, Barbara. Your travels are so informative. You start my day. Congratulations on your blogiversary.
That’s quite an accomplishment! I love seeing your flowers- it’s miserable in north Texas 🥵
right now so I’m on two a day watering sessions -Even my native plants and looking rather tired- once the house is clean it’s a sew day!
Congratulations! I always enjoy reading your posts and have followed for many years now. Love the antics of the kitties, your quilting and embroidery projects (many of which I've saved to make one for me), reading about your trips and what you see, etc. I especially LOVE the little reminders of Oregon. We lived there for 14 years and LOVED it. We would still be there if it weren't for some health scares, the last of which was very scary. From there it was a quick decision - time to move where the kids were and enjoy life. We did, and never looked back. But we both still miss Oregon so, so much. Not so fond of California but we love being near our kids and grandkids! Thank you for the chance to win and most of all, such a lovely blog to follow! Best wishes to you and family (both with fur & without). Deb mdenders@msn.com
Congratulations on your anniversary!! I've been following since shortly before your eclipse trip. I have you loaded in the Quilt blogs bookmark on my computer. Next month I'm taking a road trip with my two sisters. We're going to an all years school reunion for schools we went to when we lived in Japan. My father was Air Force and the housing area closed so elementary - high schools closed. This year marks 50 years since they closed. We have reunions every couple of years and this year it's in Louisville. It's exciting to catch up with folks and hard to believe that much time has gone by! Thank you for the giveaway!
I don’t comment often but I do read everyday since I need to know what is going on at the three cats ranch. Congratulations on another anniversary. I do so enjoy your post. I am a quilter too so I often compare what you have going on in the sewing room to my shenanigans. I have a long arm which I enjoy. I do not quilt for the public just me so there are times it sits idle. Waiting for me to get the urge to load something up. July has been for Americana quilts since it seems I have given most of mine e away. I needed some to display. I finished up a top today now I need to find a back and get it loaded . I have a Halloween one waiting in the Li farm room for me to determine how I am going to navigate all the thread changes I think it will need. It may wait a bit li get … while I make that determination.
Hope you have a great day…
Wow 14 years. Who knew you had that many words. I have loved following your blog over the years. I get my cat fix thru your blog. I think I started following you shortly after I lost my Isabella. She passed away at 15 years. She had been a rescue kitty. We made the tough decision not to get another cat since our son is allergic and two of his kids are also. So I have adopted your kittys. Last week we processed pie cherries in 100 degree weather. Why do they always need attention when one would rather not? Good job getting back into the exercise routine. As much as it is a pain to do we all need to keep moving as we age.
This week I got a wild hair and decided to deep clean my sewing room. One the dust. It is taking much longer to do this project than I anticipated. My mom used to cay - takes twice as long and costs twice as much for any project my dad stated. I have the twice as long down.
What an impressive number of posts you have done! Congratulations!
I did a lot of traveling this spring and it has continued through the summer. At one point I will even be in Oregon.
Thanks for the chance to win your wonderful giveaway.
Congratulations on your blog anniversary! I have followed you for several years now. I don't comment often, but I read you almost every day. If I miss a day I always go back. I think I found you through Karen at Quilts Etc. You blog about so many of the things that interest me. Thank you for all your work through the years in keeping us informed!
Hi Barb, and congrats on 14 great years of blogging. I’m a long-time follower (currently through Feedly). But please exclude me from the drawing - I honestly don’t *need* more fabric! Just wanted to drop by to say hi and congrats and thanks for all your wonderful travels - always a vicariously victorious voyage! (Awesome alliteration, as you would say!) xo
Congratulations on 14 years blogging. I started my blog in 2012 and yours was one of the first I started following once I'd worked out how to make blogger work and where to find quilting blogs and all the other things that were a mystery to me. I love you eclectic mix of quilting, adventures, cats, cooking, family and friends and everyday life, it makes great reading. I find a lot of inspiration in your posts and I really enjoyed your NewFO and the Quilting bag ladies stitch along.
Congratulations! I have been reading your posts for a number of years. I can't remember exactly how many, but I have noticed when you talk about your "older" quilts I can remember when you were working on them. I enjoy reading about your daily adventures with the cats, the quilts, the travelling, the food and those dastardly squirrels. Keep it up!
I’ve kept up with you for quite a few but not all of your years blogging. FB makes it easier. Happy blogoversary. I enjoy seeing how much you get accomplished with your quilting. Mine is a bit more random. My embroidery project will take years since I introduced EPP to it. Looking forward to following along on your trip to Alaska. We did the cruise and it was wonderful. My last state!
Your cat quilt is looking really nice. I like the straight lines since it's a kind of busy design. Will be so pretty! I no longer sandwich my quilts as my long arm quilter does that job. Yayyy! Good luck with that job.
Your Joy in the Journey is going to be amazing also. Beautiful embroidery work! Thanks for the chance at the giveaway. Helen
5653 posts! Wowzers - wonder how many of them I have read and commented upon.
Really wish I could help relieve you of some of those cherries. And that blue hydrangea is stunning!
(and I follow you via Inoreader)
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