
Garden Annuals

Good morning, my friends. How is the first full day of summer treating you? I celebrated the summer solstice by getting outside and planting my annuals. It was the last task for me to feel as if I'd caught up on my share of the yard work. The squirrels kept us entertained for a while in the morning.

After I finished my slow-stitching, I donned my garden apparel and went to work. In these three smaller terra cotta pots, I planted verbena, dahlias and celosia (which I've always called "cock's comb").

In the larger pots that line the sidewalk, I planted geraniums. We used to plant petunias here, but the deer would eat them down to the ground. Geraniums do only slightly better.

Usually, I plant marigolds here, but I decided to try growing some gerbera daisies. I love the gerbera daisies, but they are picky about where they will grow. 

I forget what this next one is. It's in a pot that gets almost full shade. I was getting tired of looking at flowers when these went onto my shopping cart. I've had a hard time getting anything to grow in this pot, so I figured I'd give them a try. 

Finally, in another full shade pot, I planted impatiens. I had good luck with these last year.

With all the planting finished, I took a walk around. Nothing new was blooming, but I noticed the cherries were turning red high overhead.

The blueberries are starting to blush purple.

Sadly, I found about 1/3 of them eaten. The deer have discovered them. Seeing this, I wondered how long the flowers would last against the deer and squirrels. Not long, as it turns out. Keep reading.

Back inside, I was ready to finish quilting the embroidered blocks on the Blackwork Baskets quilt. These were the three I had left.

With those blocks finished, I switched to this pretty variegated Valdani thread on top. (Thank you, Ila.)

And then I went to work quilting the colored blocks in the quilt's center. I did the same design on all of them. This is one of the designs I learned from the quilt along with Angela Walters.

Here's how that looks from the back. I'm continuing with the smoky monofilament thread on the back, and so it doesn't show very well.

When all four of the center colored blocks were finished. I spread the quilt out on the floor to have a look. All that's left to do now are the setting triangles and the borders.

There was no kitty help with anything I did yesterday. They were busy hunting squirrels and mice. When I went downstairs after finishing my quilting, I found them both snoozed out in the living room. They were tired kitties.

It was then I discovered the squirrels had already bitten off one of the geraniums.

And two of the three colors of gerbera daisies. The fact they didn't actually eat the flowers makes me hope they just didn't like how they tasted. Maybe they will leave them alone. (Dream on.) The pinwheels are our lame attempt to discourage the critters, but they only work if the wind is blowing.

Today I want to do a little more work in the yard...continuing the never-ending battle against the weeds. Also, I need to spend some time grooming our rose bush, and I need to deadhead the peonies. Maybe I'll find something else blooming out there. There's one housekeeping chore on my list today, and then I can get back to my quilting. I doubt it will be finished today, but sometimes I surprise myself. If not today, then almost certainly it will be ready for binding by tomorrow.

Okay...time for some breakfast and some slow-stitching. Have a good day, Everybody!


Barbara said...

Friends are "annuals" that need seasonal nurturing to bear blossoms. Family is a "perennial" that comes up year after year, enduring the droughts of absence and neglect. There's a place in the garden for both of them. ~ Erma Bombeck

Anonymous said...

Bobbex works well to keep the deer away and supposed to discourage rabbits also. Not sure about squirels. But worth a try. The deer gobbled my geraniums till I sprayed them with bobbex.

Sara said...

Those darn squirrels and deer. I bought some deer repellant pellets at Menards and that seems to be keeping them from eating my plants. And so far the squirrels seem to be occupied with trying to get into the bird feeders and have left my plants alone. But the 7" of rain we got last night has flattened nearly every growing thing. It came so fast and caused flooding all over town and basically in the whole SE quarter of the state. Where my daughter lives they got over 9".

Cathy Smith said...

Your unknown multicolor flowers are annual verbena. I suspect those might survive the critters. They don't care for the perennial varieties.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

I don't know from experience if this works, but apparently if you soak Q-tips in peppermint essential oil and 'plant' them in your pots it's supposed to deter squirrels from snacking. It has to be essential oil, not the flavouring. I would think it would have to be renewed after it rains, but might be worth doing an experiment.

piecefulwendy said...

I have a mix of begonia and coleus by our front door, and I noticed that one of the flowers on my begonia has been chomped off. The squirrels don't usually bother the planter, but this year, we have an overabundance of squirrels, so maybe they just destroy whatever they can.

Kate said...

Those darn varmits! You didn't even get to enjoy them for a full day! Hopefully they didn't like those mouthfulls and you'll get to enjoy them for a bit. The quilting on the Blackwork Baskets is looking good!