
A Little Progress

Good morning, my friends. I hoped I'd be telling you I made lots of progress on my weeding and my art quilt yesterday, but somehow the time passed by faster than expected. There was progress, but not as much as I'd hoped.

There was some progress on June's block for "Joy in the Ordinary." I'm hoping to finish this one today.

After that, I started churning the strawberry ice cream made the day before. It takes about 25 minutes to get it to the right frozen consistency. While the ice cream machine worked on that, I donned my gay apparel for pulling weeds.

Ice cream finished and stashed in the freezer, it was time to get after those weeds again. I noticed the greenhouse poppy has bloomed. It has another large bud too.

I'm happy to see this. You might remember we had to give it a new barrel to live in last year. When we'd accomplished the transplant, it looked like this:

Is that the saddest thing you've ever seen? Well, we weren't sure it would survive, but it started showing signs of life fairly quickly after this. It isn't as large as its former self, but making flowers is what it needs to do to return to its previous level of splendor. I'm just happy it's still alive.

So I pulled a bucket of weeds, but I only made it about halfway across the herb garden. I'll probably get the whole thing finished today. Yesterday's task involved cutting a lot of dead stuff off my sage plant, and so I picked more than a bucket while I was at it.

From there, it was time for a shower, and then I could get busy with my sewing. The hour-long commitment went fast on my art quilt. There wasn't as much progress as I'd hoped, but every little bit helps. Here's your peek.

There was still plenty of time, and so I cut all the pieces for June's cat wearing blue pajamas. This is going to be an orange cat. After cutting the pieces, I was getting tired of pretty much anything, and so I decided to relax for the rest of the afternoon.

There was no kitty help in the sewing room. The kitties have been making themselves scarce with all their business outdoors. Smitty has just about run his wheels off chasing squirrels.

While I was weeding, I noticed the lavender was blooming. It was time for our first Bees Knees of the season.

Check out the red stains on my cutting board there. That's where I cut the seedy sides off the strawberries for the strawberry ice cream. 

So today we need to mop the kitchen floor. It's one of our most hated tasks. While we wait for the floor to dry, I'll get outside and pick another bucket o' weeds. After that...sewing. All sewing, all the time.

Before I go, I should tell you that I'm probably going to take a day off from blogging just for tomorrow. Here's what's happening: We decided to purchase the newest version of Photoshop Elements. I'm working on a rather old version right now at the 8.0 variety. We loaded the new version onto the laptop while we were traveling, but then took it off right away. It was clear I needed to sign up for a class in order to learn how to use it. (I've been thinking of upgrading and taking a class for quite some time.) 

So, I'm signed up for the online class from Ed2Go. Their classes are offered through our local community college. (They probably are from yours too.) I've taken this Photoshop Elements course with previous versions, and it's an easy and convenient way to learn. And all of that to say that I'll need to at least cover the basics before I'll be ready to start posting pictures to the blog again. More than likely, I'll be back on Thursday. Besides...we're getting our COVID boosters tomorrow morning, and so we'll be out running around. Hopefully, the vaccines won't make us sick, but I'm sort of expecting to feel crummy for a day.

All right. The mopping awaits. One mustn't keep one's mop and bucket waiting. Mainly, one mustn't keep one's helper waiting if one is hoping for help moving things out of the kitchen.


Barbara said...

When, you know, I'm busy and Nancy Pelosi is busy with our mop cleaning up somebody else's mess, we don't want somebody sitting back saying, you're not holding the mop the right way. Why don't you grab a mop, why don't you help clean up. You're not mopping fast enough. That's a socialist mop. Grab a mop, let's get to work. ~ Barack Obama

piecefulwendy said...

Well, at least you can count mopping as part of exercise, right? I'm with you, though. I hate cleaning floors!

Kate said...

It was a very productive day, even if you didn't get it all done. Photoshop Elements does have a lot of bells and whistle in the newer versions. If you are using 08 I can see why you'd want a class. I've updated very 2 to 4 years, so I've mostly been able to keep up with the changes from version to version. But there is a huge leap from version 08 to version 2024! Hope the class is really helpful. I was so proud of myself for figuring out how to crop a fisheye lens photo with a circle earlier this week. Thank goodness for Google!

Magpie's Mumblings said...

ooooh - I think, maybe, just maybe, the mystery project might be something that's near and dear to my heart. Of course I could be entirely wrong and no doubt am.
Wish I could have a taste of that ice cream!