Good morning, my friends. It's a happy day because I finished quilting the Dot-to-Dot panel. The quilt-along was a very worthwhile effort, and I learned a lot. It gave me a new way to think about quilting designs. Also, it was a lot of practice, and that is never very much fun. Panels are a great way to practice and learn. I've done several for the exclusive purpose of practicing. You might remember the Dream Big quilts.
This one was finished on the road.
Those started out being fun too. Eventually, it becomes a chore trying to think up new designs for different sections, and filling in the whole thing. This Dot-to-Dot panel was no different...just a different way of quilting, and it was good practice with rulers.
I was determined to finish it off yesterday, and so I didn't try doing anything fancy. I was just filling in the spaces. Fortunately, my little cat was there to oversee the whole endeavor.

When we were doing our cleaning out and clearing off in preparation for the new carpet, we removed several backpacks and bags from the top of this desktop hutch. Sadie was accustomed to napping on one of the bags that was there before. A few days ago, I noticed her looking up longingly at the now-completely-cleared-off spot. It gave me an idea for a way to use this over-sized pet bed that's been hanging around unused for years. The kitties didn't like it on the floor. Kitties like to be up high where they can see and avoid getting stepped on. So, I got an idea to fold the bed in half, and I used some stout alligator clips to hold the two sides together, creating a nice-sized bed for her. Then, I covered it with a practice quilt I made some time ago. It was gratifying to see her put it to use right away.
With her enpurragement, I could finish off the quilting.
Here's the fourth and final side.
And here's how the whole thing is looking.
This is how it looks from the back.
This was Smitty's contribution to the finishing effort.
The only other sewing I did yesterday was to stitch a Tiny Heart for Day 19 of the stitch-along.
Today will probably be spent mostly slow-stitching. There will be another Tiny Heart posted soon, and I'll spend some more time on the Joyful Journey block. I'm on the home stretch with that. Also, I'll get the binding sewn on the Dot-to-Dot panel and start making my way around. Days of slow-stitching can be very relaxing, and it's always good to finish off a project that has worn out its welcome.
So with that, I'm off to make breakfast and get on with my day. The forecast continues to promise drier and warmer weather. We're still waiting and practicing patience.
If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion. ~ Dalai Lama
Great use of pet bed and space. Sadie looks very happy. I like your finished dot to dot. I must get a panel so I can do some practice quilting.
A lot of beautiful quilting on all of those projects, but I can understand being done feels really good. Quite clever new bed for Sadie. They do love those high perches.
The quilting on your panel piece looks great! I don’t do much machine quilting since I am predominately a hand quilter, bit I love the idea of using this as a practice piece …. And don’t you just love having those little feline managers around, supervising your quilting progress?! I can work much more efficiently with Cosmo by my side, or watching from a lofty perch! Even when his eyes are closed, he still knows what’s going on!
I love all those little heart embroideries! Your February one-a-day projects over the years have all been beautiful. Cannot wait to see this year’s version all completed!
I am getting excited as the time for departure on your trip arrives….hope the weather in California won’t create any problems with your planned destinations. I will be following along via your blog posts!
Sandra B
You do such beautiful quilting!! I tried some diagonal quilting on my little "109 Little Sqs" piece and am not that happy with how it came out!! I guess it takes a lot of practicing --like everything else!!
Hugs, Julierose
The Dot-to-dot project looks like it was the best exercise. Better than a class.
Sadie looks quite chuffed in her new perch!
I need to get a large panel for play - and one for my daughter, too. You are doing a great job of finishing up things. Clean slate for a trip away. Sadie looks very happy with her high bed.
I've noticed Wilbs likes to be up on top of the desk in my sewing room, so maybe I should put something up there for him to sleep on. Mainly he just wants snacks when I'm in the quilt room! Yay for the finish of the quilting practice. It looks great!
Kitties always like to be up high, don't they. Sadie looks quite regal overseeing everything.
Yay, for finishing the quilting!
I do remember the Dream Big quilts, both of those turned out beautifully. Congrats on finishing off your most recent practice quilt. Learning new skills can be frustrating, but always pays off in the end.
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