
Finally Nearing a Flannel Finish

Good morning, my friends. It was necessary to blow out of here early yesterday morning. My appointment with the new dermatologist was at 10:30 a.m. As a new patient, I was asked to arrive at 10:15 to fill out the inevitable paperwork. By 10:50 a.m., I was still waiting to be taken back to the exam room. It's irksome to be asked to arrive early, and then left to wait well past one's appointment time. It wasn't long before I was taken back, but then I waited another 10 minutes or so in the exam room. Oh well. I did like the new doctor, and she gave me a clean bill of health. Except for the wait, I have nothing to complain about. 

There was just a little time to work on my slow stitching before I had to leave home. I'd barely started on Day 5 of the Tiny Hearts stitch-along. When I got home, I went straight to work. By then, I needed it. This one has stem stitch, buttonhole stitch, French knot, and double lazy daisy stitches.

I had some lunch, and then made a little more progress on the Story of My Day block. It was tempting to take a nap, but I really wanted to finish the flannel quilt. Sadie was there to cheer me on.

It took most of the afternoon, but I finished it off.

Here's how it looks from the back. It was distressing to realize I'd messed up the checkerboard pattern on the back, but I like how it turned out. The quilt will be Mike's and he likes this arrangement better. Works for me.

I was kind of tired of sewing by then, but there was still a little time left in the day. Since I know I'll probably finish the second Story of My Day block this morning, it seemed like a good time to trace November's block for The Joyful Journey quilt. This one is called "Gather Together." I'm going to try to finish this off before we leave on our trip March 1st.

In other news, I received a box of happy mail from my quilting fairy godmother, Ila, yesterday. This is all flannel yardage. Aren't these pretty together? I told Ila I can already see the colors of my next flannel four-patch. Thank you, Ila. These will get used in a new quilt for sure.

So today, I'll get to work on the next Tiny Heart, and I expect to finish the embroidery for the second Story of My Day block. Of course, I want to get back to quilting the Dot-to-Dot panel. Also, I want to get to work on my challenge quilt for Project Quilting. The prompt this time around is "Inside Out." It took me a bit, but I know just what I want to do. It shouldn't take long. 

If I can finish the challenge quilt, I'll want to make February's red cat for the Cats in Pajamas quilt. I have just one block for that quilt so far.

And, of course, it's time to get clipping. The flannel quilt is lying on the dining room table, and we'll get to work on that today. I showed Mike how to do it, and I expect he'll do the bulk of the work. (I know him...that's how he is.)

Annoyingly, it's a run-around day. We have several stops to make. We accumulated dozens of cardboard boxes in which to store our stuff while preparing for the carpet installation. Those can all go to the recycling depot now. Mike has some more stuff to drop off at Goodwill. Our piggy birds have eaten all the bird seed again, so we need to stop off at the local feed store for that. Let's see...what else? Oh yes...grocery shopping. It never ends, does it? It seems as if there was one more stop, but I've forgotten it now. Probably something like car parts or hardware. In any case, it's going to seriously cut into my sewing time. A few days ago I had Rude Awakening #334: Daily life is just a series of obstacles getting between me and my sewing. (My apologies to my Facebook friends who have to read about this rude awakening twice.)

Okay, so a busy day is best started early, and I'm off to do just that. What's on your to-do list today? And if you're in California, I hope the list doesn't include digging out of a mudslide. Sheesh. It brings to mind something I heard in my youth while working on a lab experiment for my chemistry class. Everyone in the lab heard the unmistakable sound of a crucible breaking, and someone's experiment ending up literally down the drain. A funny guy in the class was heard to mutter, "Better you than me, Man." Forever after when I hear bad news, I say to myself (usually silently), "Better you than me, Man."


Barbara said...

Each life is made up of mistakes and learning, waiting and growing, practicing patience and being persistent. ~ Billy Graham

Angie said...

My day started with calling car dealership for appointment for oil change and state inspection. They could do it at 10:45, so off we go. They brings us home and we wait. Fixed lunch and wait. Got a call at 2 that it was ready and was sending driver to pick us up. Nope don’t, will bring truck in for it’s service and back home with my jeep. And wait. 4:15, they called and driver on way. Back to get truck. The heck with cooking dinner, went through a barbecue restaurant and got dinner. Now not complaining about 5he wait, I did get a lot of cross stitching down on a new chart. Going to spend the evening sewing on Indigo Way blocks. Working on taxes tomorrow for accountants.

Kate said...

Errand days are a necessary evil. But I agree it's amazing how much stuff can keep one from the sewing room. Hopefully it wasn't too evil of an outing and you still got in some decent stitching time.

piecefulwendy said...

Errand days that cut into sewing time are frustrating but ya gotta do what ya gotta do, right?! You've been busy as uaual! I like the flannel quilt, and nice that Mike can help with the clipping. Those cats in pajama blocks are going to be so fun!

Magpie's Mumblings said...

I guess in these times of not being able to get doctors at all it's not so bad to be forced to wait. It's still annoying but I always make sure to take my book or some stitching.
Nice that Mike is willing to help with his quilt (Resident Chef would too, so we're lucky girls). And such pretty goodies in the mail to make another feminine version.