
Short Sewing Day

Good morning, my friends. As I'm writing this, I have some Baked Apple-Blueberry Oatmeal in the toaster oven. It's one of my favorite breakfasts. I've had a Granny Smith apple rolling around in my vegetable crisper for a couple of weeks. It seemed as good a way to use it as any. I only bring this up because I might need to leave for a bit to go eat my breakfast, and I don't want to be rude. Come on over and join us, if you like. There's plenty.

After writing yesterday's post, I noticed our bird feeder pole had fallen over again. It sticks into the ground with two prongs. When the ground is saturated, it doesn't have much to hang onto. Happily, the squirrels found this perfectly convenient.

It's surprising to see these red tree squirrels at this time of year. We don't see the California gray squirrels above ground at all. I've always thought they went into hibernation, but The Google has disabused me of that notion. This guy seemed to notice he was being photographed.

It seemed like a good time to leave, but not before stuffing his cheeks with a little more birdseed.

From there, I worked on my slow-stitching, filling my hoop. I stitched a little more above the hoop, and then moved the hoop to the right. Most of the truck is encompassed now, and it's beginning to feel as if I might actually finish this someday.

From there I went for a walk on the treadmill, and then headed into the sewing room to finish off When Quilters Gather. Smitty was at the ready. He held down the parts I'd already done.

It took about an hour or so to finish the last of it. This is "Pinning to a Design Wall."

That makes eight blocks completed. Here are all the blocks I have for this quilt so far.

It was time for some lunch then. I didn't return to the sewing room for the rest of the day, except to clean up my mess. We had a pot roast for dinner, and it was a bit of a production to put it all together. I think I dirtied every big pot in the house. It was a good dinner, though, and we'll have leftovers for another couple of nights.

Today I'll get to work on the next row for the Painted Ladies quilt. For now, I'm making my way through my list of WIP's. The forecast is looking good for the carpet installation on Monday, and so we're just biding our time until then. 

Okay, and breakfast is ready. Time to get on with my day. What's going on in your sewing room right now?


Barbara said...

You can't be friends with a squirrel! A squirrel is just a rat with a cuter outfit. ~ Sarah Jessica Parker

Angei said...

Good morning from rainy NC. It’s supposed to be in 60’s today and just Monday it was in 30’s. My plan for today is to change sheets, do laundry, some cleaning. I want to work on my cross stitch and then to sew binding on 3 quilts. I do have some pillow cases cut out that need to be sewn up plus to work on Bonnie Hunter’s mystery quilt which is taking me forever to finish. I have several other quilts cut out that needs attention. Plus finally got the materials I ordered from Hancock of Paducah back in November to finish a Carolina Lilly quilt. I doubt I will accomplish everything but have enough to keep me busy and out of trouble.

Nance in Reno said...

Since we are emoty nesters,I loved cooking my baked oatmeal batter in a muffin tin so I can freeze the extras. So easy to add a little milk and microwave. I put nuts and cruising in mine. Apples and blueberries sound delucious!

Nance in Reno said...

Since we are emoty nesters,I loved cooking my baked oatmeal batter in a muffin tin so I can freeze the extras. So easy to add a little milk and microwave. I put nuts and craisins in mine. Apples and blueberries sound delicious!

Sara said...

Happy squirrels - they had a banquet. We seem to finally have the squirrels mostly frustrated enough with our feeders that they are leaving them alone.

piecefulwendy said...

I noticed yesterday that our squirrels conveniently knocked the suet feeder off and it was laying on the ground, empty of course. Fun to see all those paper-pieced blocks; it will be a neat quilt to honor our craft!

Kate said...

When Quilters Gather is a really collection of blocks. Have you decided if the 9th is the end are are you going to make all of them?

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Our local squirrels (black ones) aren't the brightest bulbs in the lights - they insist on building their winter nests in trees that lose their leaves, leaving the nest open to the winds and elements. You'd think they would choose a nice evergreen tree for additional shelter. Haven't seen any red squirrels foraging but the black ones are out every day. We had to put our seed feeder away because it was just encouraging them and then from there they discovered that chewing the wiring in cars in the parking lot made for a tasty treat. Why? It was proving to be very costly for some of our residents so we decided to just put out suet which they seem to not care about.
I really like the latest Where Quilter's Gather block. A favourite, so far.

The Joyful Quilter said...

What a sweet quilt this is going to be, Barb!