
New Year, New Project

Good morning, my friends. I'm trusting you've all slept off your New Year's celebrations. We celebrated by sleeping through the whole thing. Usually someone starts shooting off fireworks or (worse) firearms at midnight, but we didn't hear a thing. If there was shooting of anything, we slept right through it. I'll tell you two people who seem to have partied too hard...these two:

They kept me company while I read my email and played my word games yesterday. When Smitty got up, he was plagued by a blep.

You may not know what a "blep" is unless you follow certain cat pages on Facebook. Well. Allow The Google to inform you about all cat and dog speak vocabulary words. But if you don't have time to study up right now, I'll just give you the definition of "Blep."
Blep [is the] portion of the tongue of a cat or dog that hangs out of their mouth. Taken from lolspeak blep was created as an onomatopoeia, after the accompanying smacking sound.

See? The year is just getting started and already you've learned something new. You're welcome.

My New Year's Eve was mostly spent stitching. I filled in the next portion of my embroidery hoop. 

Sadie helped me with that.

I haven't made any more progress on Girls' Getaway, but I have finished the first block for the new block of the month from Jenny of Elefantz. Her new BOM is called "Joy in the Ordinary," and you can find more about it right here. The little stitcheries will all finish up at 3.5 inches, and they can be done in about an hour. I've cut all the background fabrics and stablizer pieces, and I stitched it up yesterday afternoon.

Then, the  blocks are finished off log cabin style. My "logs" were all created from leftover binding scraps. I love it when I can find a way to use those. 

The rest of my New Year's Day was spent preparing our traditional ham dinner. I neglected to take any pictures, but it was all good, and we had an enjoyable evening catching up with Erik and Mae. 

So the holidays are over (cracking of whip), and it's time to get back to what passes for normal. "Normal" will be hard to come by in January, however, because our new carpeting goes in two weeks from today. We're pretty well ready. I have just a little bit of closet purging left to do, and I've been moving my clothes to whatever spare closets we have in the house. 

We'll still need to box up things that remain in our drawers and on shelves. We have plenty of boxes accumulated for that, and we've discussed where to put everything during the installation. I feel as if we're as ready as we can be at this point, and so the thought of it feels less onerous. Now, I can just look forward to getting rid of this old stuff and thinking about how soft the new stuff will feel on my bare feet. 

And, if you don't know, kitties love new carpet. If you've been reading for a very long time, you might remember how our Gracie reacted when we carpeted the main level.

Okay, so I have a bunch of glasses and dishes I need to wash by hand, and I'm going to do a little housework today. When I get back to the sewing room, I'll be making the first of this year's Rainbow Scrap blocks. 

My project for 2024 will be this Cats in Pajamas quilt from Elizabeth Hartman. beginning with a cat wearing green pajamas for January's block. The pattern includes instructions for a pillow, a small quilt, and a large quilt. I'll be making the large quilt.

Is that just too stinking cute? I found a great background fabric in my stash of cat fabrics, and I'll work on cutting the pieces for the background today. That will take some time, but I'm still hoping to get started on the first cat.

Okay, and let's finish off with me choosing my project for January's

In January, I want to finish the next quilt on the to-be-quilted pile...this French Roses quilt.

This is a flannel quilt, and so I'm going to tie it rather than quilt it. The flowers and quilt edges will be snipped so that it rags when it's all finished. I've been looking forward to this one reaching the top of the pile.

We're having our traditional Eggs Benedict new year's breakfast this morning, and that's where I'm headed next. After that, I'll do some slow-stitching on the Girls' Getaway, and get on with the rest of my day. The year is a clean slate. Let's fill it with lots of good stuff, okay? 


Barbara said...

Your success and happiness lies in you. Resolve to keep happy, and your joy and you shall form an invincible host against difficulties. ~ Helen Keller

piecefulwendy said...

I'm pondering whether I want to try RSC this year. Love the cats in pajamas pattern - that will be very fun for the RSC! Thomas, our first family cat, always had a blep. People would comment about it. Haha. Fun memories.

Vicki W said...

What a great pattern for a RSC project. The cats are sooo cute! I love all of EH's patterns.

kc said...

That Helen was a right smart lady, eh? Thanks for keeping us all educated and wise to the ways of all things cat. We stayed up to ensure all was well, celebrated with a kiss and our yearly phone call to wake our NC friends. We've been doing that since 2005, so it's nothing new. That we call, nor that we wake them. Today was spent in front of the longarm, hence, the screaming back, and getting oil changed in the Jeep (task completed by Driver). Oh, and I did get our Military Campground app renewed and updated today. We're prepared now, if we ever get off the injured/reserved lists. Tomorrow we shop, quilt so more, then head to Tampa to pick up our daughter. Gonna be a busy day! And likely long one! Last time we picked up friends, at 7 pm, the plane didn't land till 10pm! Kim's due in at 9, one can only hope she's on time, cuz if not, it'll be tomorrow's tomorrow when we get home!

Sara said...

Yes those are the cutest cats! It will be a fun project this year.

Tilly said...

The cat quilt will be cute,love to see you work on it.
Good luck with moving the clothes for the new carpet.
Greetings Tilly

karen said...

Well that's just the cat's pajamas ! I like Elizabeth Hartman's quilts too. All cute. So many pieces, Ugh. I may have to do this one, though. You have inspired me .
I'm getting more cat like every day. Ummmm, snugle sleep.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Awww - Smitty's cute little blep, a term I had never heard until now.
Looking forward to seeing your new kitty quilt evolve and I'm sure Sadie and Smitty are too.

Kate said...

You've gotten a good start on your 2024 list already. Those kitties do look like they partied way to hard on New Year's. Enjoy your stitching time this week.

Anne-Marie said...

I am also contemplating joining RSC. I have so many scraps. I haven't tied a quilt in ages. Good luck with your goal.

Judy1522 said...

Look forward to seeing the fabrics you use for the cats in pajamas quilt. I have made a couple small baby quilts and I enjoyed making them.

Judy1522 said...

Sorry I forgot to mention that the baby quilts I made were both Elizabeth Hartman patterns. That probably makes more sense as to why I mentioned them.

dq said...

Your embroidery pieces are beautiful!
French Roses is a delight in all the scrappy colors! Good luck with it!

Lyndsey said...

Good choice for the RSC. I love the cats in pj's and bought it to make for my daughter. I also have her dogs in jumpers pattern. I hadn't thought of doing one of them for the challenge.