
The Runaround

Good morning, my friends. It was another day of almost no sewing yesterday. I'm afraid it's the season for busy things to happen. We spent the morning running errands...stopping at the post office, taking our donations to Goodwill, unloading recycling at the recycling depot, and finishing it off with a short grocery shopping trip. We were just at the grocery store a few days ago, but I needed to get some make-ahead stuff for next week. Now we're probably free to live our lives grocery-shopping-free for at least another ten days or so. And let me just tell you it was good to unload all that crap we've accumulated in our purging process. We're only about half finished, but we're making daily progress.

So that didn't leave much time for sewing. I was able to get in some slow-stitching in the morning and then again later while we watched the news. I expect I'll finish up the Bumble Sampler today. This is all I have left.

There was a little time in the afternoon to start on the next two Whimsical Quilt Garden blocks. I was able to finish the fusing for Block 17. It still needs top-stitching.

I'm hoping I'll be able to do the fusing for Block 18 today, but I ran out of time yesterday. 

Our dinner last night was a bit of a production. I made Acorn Squash Stuffed with Wild Rice, Cranberries, Walnuts, and Bacon. It takes a while to make them, but the stuffing is enough for two acorn squashes. We each had a half for our dinner, and I'll freeze the rest of the stuffing to use another time. I've also done this with Delicata squash. It's a tasty dish. You can make it vegetarian by leaving out the bacon, and you probably won't miss it.

I'm giving you a screenshot of the recipe from my Paprika app. This doesn't always work very well, and so if you're having trouble reading it, email me, and I can send it to you a different way. I would link to the recipe, but I can't remember the source, and I couldn't find it online.

So it was kind of a lackluster day, but it felt good to unload all that crap. And there is So. Much. More. to deal with. We're taking it slow, and so it doesn't take up to much of any given day. The kitties are contributing in the best way they know how.

It's been wet and windy outside. They know exactly what to do.

Today I'll finally get my pedicure that was originally scheduled for two weeks ago. My toes will be happy about that. And I checked and double-checked the time in addition to receiving a confirming text message. Barring some unforeseen catastrophe, I'll get my toes done today. Aside from that, there isn't much going on. I'll try to finish off the Bumble Sampler, and then get back to the 18th block for the Whimsical Quilt Garden. 


Barbara said...

Any kid will run any errand for you, if you ask at bedtime. ~ Red Skelton

Sara said...

The squash dish looks tasty and it's always nice to have enough for another meal. The whole "purging" thing is a tough job, and I swear some kinds of things multiply at night in the dark.

Kate said...

It does feel nice to get stuff out of the house. I'm hoping to do more of that next year. Enjoy the pedicure. Hope you get in more stitchingt time.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

I'm sorry to admit that I don't think I've ever eaten acorn squash because we always get butternut. Perhaps we should buy one, just to compare.
I hate errand days. We had one of those this week and had at least eight stops to make. Took the entire morning and into the afternoon so we decided we deserved to have lunch out.