
Lazy Busy Day

Good morning, my friends. I don't know about you, but I'm usually feeling pretty wiped out the day after Thanksgiving. Even though I accomplished some things yesterday, it didn't feel like much. The time passed, and I was moving slowly from one thing to another. 

I took the first stitches on the Bumble Sampler.

After that, I placed and hung all the Christmas quilts. Not putting up a tree makes decorating quick and easy. Once that was all in place, I did my Thanksgiving penance on the Bowflex. 

There was just one more thing I needed to do to have the house ready for Christmas. A wreath at the front door is festive and welcoming. For that, I needed to drive into town. When I got home, I hung it up with a little Santa Welcome placard. It's a little hard to see there. I might need to make some adjustments. For sure, I need to straighten that bow.

It was nearing 2:00 by then, and I still wanted to make the Apple Pie Jammers. They mix up pretty quickly. As I mentioned, I was looking for a way to use some too-hard-set apple pie jam I made a while back. As it turns out, it worked perfectly in the jammers. 

They're like a thumbprint cookie, only instead of a cookie, it's a biscuit. They're a nice little snack with our morning cup of coffee.

And after that, I grabbed my Warmie and then snuggled up under a quilt. It was late in the day, and I didn't intend to sleep, but I took a short nap anyway. It was a good way to end the day. Like most everyone else in America, we had Thanksgiving leftovers, and so dinner was heated in the microwave.

Today will probably be even lazier than yesterday because, thankfully, I don't need to go anywhere. There should be some time to get some sewing done. I've reconsidered the art quilt I finished recently, and I've decided to do one more thing before I can call it finished. It's been hanging on the wall in my sewing room, and every time I look at it, I think I should add this one more thing. Now, I've settled on something, and I'll finish that today. 

Next up will be to get busy making the template for "When Quilters Gather." Those are a little tedious to make, but then I'll be ready to sew. It's sounding like a pretty easy-going day, and I'm looking forward to it. When I'm looking forward to what the day holds, it makes me want to get started as soon as possible. Right now seems like a very good time.

What's going on at your end today? Any sewing plans? 


Barbara said...

Laziness is nothing more than the habit of resting before you get tired. ~ Jules Renard

Magpie's Mumblings said...

A day of sloth never hurt anyone so glad you fit one in.
As for me, I'm looking forward to starting a new landscape. The Christmas 'stuff' (beyond some final putting-together of goodie tins) is done and dusted and mostly wrapped so now it's time for ME!!! I would like to be able to fit two more landscapes into my sewing time between now and when I have to present the trunk show in January. Remains to be seen if it's doable.

Marianne said...

I was pretty lazy yesterday, too, but this morning I did a few Christmas things. I'm not going to any of the 3 craft shows going on today. May go tomorrow IF I feel motivated!

Thanks for the link to Warmies. I just bought my mom some booties. She complains she's always cold, so these look just perfect.

Kate said...

Sounds like a perfect day after Thanksgiving. The Apple Pie Jammers look really yummy. I think naps the day after Thanksgiving are kinda a mandatory thing, we all napped the afternoon after. Hope you made good progress on your next When Quilters Gather block.