
Beware of Spooks!

 Good morning, my friends, and Happy Halloween!

It was kind of a lazy day yesterday. I hadn't slept well the night before. It took me a long time to go to sleep, and then I woke up too early. It meant the hour tally for the night was short. And then I was up and out early for breakfast with Sue. We had a nice breakfast. Sue always brings me some pretty flowers from her garden. She tells me the name of this dahlia is "Pooh."

It reminds me of the Bumble Rumble dahlia in my own garden.

We're at a higher elevation than Sue, and so my dahlias are finished, cut back, and bedded down for the winter now. 

When I got home, I was tired. Mike was off doing something in town, and the house was quiet. I took a nice long nap, snuggled up with my kitties. When I woke up, I went to work on my slow stitching. There's just one color left on this one. I will finish it this morning.

When I moved to the sewing room, I knew I needed to avert a stitching emergency, and so I traced out September's block for the Joyful Journey quilt.

With November 1st tomorrow, I'm claiming this as my project for November's

and I'll link up there when the party starts tomorrow. It's a little hard to see it. Here's the picture from the pattern cover.

And then I made a little more progress on When Quilters Gather. Today's agenda has almost nothing on it, and leftovers for dinner. I should have plenty of time to finish this off today.

There was a pretty sunrise this morning. Red sky at morning, you know. Rain is returning. This was the view from the window above our bed.

Looking toward the mountains it looked like this.

Heading into the kitchen for another cup of coffee, I found this gentleman, trying to look his most dapper. He was hoping his handsome face would garner him another helping of treats.

The kitties had a lazy day yesterday too...and the day before, if you want to know the truth. The cold weather has arrived, and they're happy to snooze wrapped up in cozy quilts. Besides, they're completely tired out from helping me finish off the quilt top for Jericho Walls.

That's all the news I have for you today. We won't be seeing any trick-or-treaters at our house tonight. I don't even think we have any children living nearby, although I'm not picky about the age of our visitors. If any adults showed up in costume, I'd give them some candy too. Why should the kids get all the fun? But I'm expecting a mostly sewing day, and it's going to be a good day. I hope you have a good day planned for yourself too. November 1st is the reveal for my latest art quilt. I'll be back tomorrow morning to tell you all about it.


Barbara said...

Halloween is not only about putting on a costume, but it's about finding the imagination and costume within ourselves. ~ Elvis Duran

Quilter Kathy said...

Happy Halloween! So glad you averted a stitching crisis! LOL

Kate said...

Hope you got lots done yesterday. It's nice to have a lazy day here and there.

Cheree @ The Morning Latte said...

Sounds like a fun mix of relaxing and stitching! Hope it was a happy Halloween. We don't get trick or treaters either (too far from other houses) but I do buy a little bit for the grandkids. As much as I'd love to have little costumed visitors, I really don't want all that candy around--too tempting!

Karen's Korner said...

You achieved quite a lot after a slow start to the day.

Anne-Marie said...

Good luck with your goal. Thank you for linking up.

piecefulwendy said...

We never have trick or treaters either, so I really don't buy candy for that, although I might pick up a bag for us now and then. You did well for your slow start day!

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Halloween in our apartment building is a non-event because kids aren't allowed to go door to door. Instead, the building management shells out in the lobby. Works for us because otherwise I'd be forced to buy candy that we would just end up eating.