
Texas Creek/Texas Lake Trail

Good morning, my friends. Well. What can I say? Sadie was pawsitively 'zhausted yesterday morning. She spent the better part of her morning snoozing on Mike's lap.

And who could blame her when she had so many toys to slay during the night.

We had a leisurely morning. It was overcast and cold most of the day. When the clouds gave way to some sunshine, we packed up to head out. Smitty snoopervised from the back window of the camper.

I wanted to show you this nifty device Mike has for navigating the trails. Of course, we have a printed trail guide for back-up, but he has an app on his phone that allows him to download GPS maps to his phone. We can ride along, and the app tells us which way to go.

Yesterday's trail was the Texas Creek Trail. At our last visit, we saw moose out here, but none yesterday. Just for grins, here's a picture of the moose from our last visit.

We saw three moose that day...one singleton, and then this cow with her calf.

We saw no wildlife on the trail yesterday. It was rather a gray ride. We rode alongside Texas Creek. What it lacked in wildlife, it made up in scenery.

In the image below, you can see some beaver activity in the creek, but again...no beavers.

Moving on, we paused here to talk to some men on horses. They were rounding up cattle to move them down the mountain. They asked us if we'd seen any cows along our way. We hadn't.

At this spot, in the image below, we were required to traverse Texas Creek. There is a bridge off to the left, but it is too narrow for ATV's. Motorcycles could use it, and of course, people could walk across on foot. Having done this during our last visit, it was less scary than before.

Below is a video from our last trip. It's important to pick up your feet. My shoes were waterproof, but I picked them up anyway. (If you can't see the video, then click right here.)

Crossing over Texas Creek led us to Texas Lake. We found a comfortable log where we could sit and eat our Clif bars. As we sat, we could hear the call of an eagle, but we couldn't see it anywhere. 

I noticed these red berries growing at the base of a nearby tree.

Moving on, this is the same lake from a different spot.

And from there, we headed back to the RV park. I paused to get this shot of the reservoir. I wish I'd had better light for these pictures.

Riding on, I paused here so you could see the location of the RV park. We're in what amounts to a "bowl" surrounded by mountains. Oh yes, and this blog post is brought to you by the new cell phone tower in the middle of the image below.

When I went to settle up in the office, I told them I was happy about the cell phone tower. They all groused about how the company that put it there hadn't been back to make final adjustments. "You're on the list," they keep saying. We have five bars on our phones, and so I think it must be Verizon service. They were complaining that it wasn't working well for them. It's the only explanation I can think of. When I asked what service it was, the woman behind the desk responded, "Pathetic." Oh well. Sorry for them, but I'm a very happy camper.

This morning, the clouds hung in the ripples of the mountain like angel hair.

And here's how our morning is going. Two laps. Two cats. It is ever thus.

So there's rain in today's forecast, although the sky is getting brighter as I write. We could see some thunder and lightning later today. Mike has gone back to bed, and so I don't know for sure what the day holds. We've been able to stream TV with our Dish satellite set-up. Mike noticed the Barbie movie was available on Amazon Prime for the hefty price of $25. We passed at first glance, but then...it really isn't that much more than it costs to get into a theater. We haven't been in a theater since before COVID, and so I really don't know how much it costs these days. In any case, we don't really want to go to the theater, which is the reason we haven't seen the movie up until now. After giving it some thought last night, I told Mike that if it rains, I want to shell out the bucks to see the movie. Rain or shine, it's going to be a good day.

All right. Either I'm making breakfast, or I'm getting out my slow-stitching. We'll figure out the rest of the day as it reveals itself to us.


Barbara said...

Make your heart like a lake with a calm, still surface and great depths of kindness. ~ Lao Tzu

Sara said...

What a beautiful location! We've gone back to the theater for movies, but have definitely noticed smaller audiences. We went to the afternoon matinee for the Greek Wedding 3 on Tuesday. It was just as good as the first 2 - and was $6 each. Senior price on Tuesday afternoons is a bargain.

Susan said...

Sounds like you are having a good trip. We have gone to a couple of movies this past year. Like Sara, we go at the times they have the $6 dollar tickets. Before Covid, we could get them for $4 or $5 dollars depending on the movie.

kc said...

Lol, we went to the .99 movie once, on a date, before we were married. I got up to go to the restroom and couldn't find Driver upon returning to the theater...it was dark! And tbh, I didn't know him very well....sooooo, I sorta had a panic attack. And that was the last time we went to the movies. COVID or no. We just celebrated our 34th anniversary, sooo, if it's not in TV, we don't see it! Loved your video of traversing the creek, looks like fun! Kitties look oh so comfy!

Kate said...

Beautiful scenery! Sorry the weather isn't cooperating with nice sunny days. Hopefully you'll get at least one more good day before you move on.

karen said...

This is the spot where *I* go to the movies. It's the best.
Snuggly kittys...even better.
Nice pictures for scenic..glad i was at the arm chair. Thanks for doing all the work, so I just set back and cozy up.
Had to turn on the heat today. First time this year. 42 degrees out. 64 degrees in. Burrr!
Relax and keep having fun.