
Return to Central Taylor Park Trail

Good afternoon, my friends. I told you I might be posting again today, and here I am. Sorry to interrupt your day. I'll make it quick, and you can get back to whatever you were doing. There will be no more interruptions until Tuesday morning, at the earliest. As I mentioned in this morning's post, we'll be heading to Moab at zero dark thirty tomorrow morning, and so I want to put all the computer stuff away in preparation.

It was very cold this morning, but it warmed up to a lovely day. I had some time to start the second "Kittens" block this morning. First, I added the three colors on the left to the ones I already had on floss bobbins.

This is the picture of the block I'll be stitching next from the pattern cover.

When I had the floss wound on the bobbins, I took the first stitches. It seems I'll be stitching the same "Smitty in drag" kitten throughout.

It had warmed up significantly by then, and so we left the kitties preparing for their morning naps.

They look sleepy, don't they?

So before the rain moved in, we started this trail, but then turned back when the sky began to look threatening. It started out like this:

This is the nearly-identical photo taken on our first try. It looks so much different when there's blue sky and sunshine.

Continuing on, we were treated to some splendid mountain vistas.

Here, I zoomed in so you could see the aspens turning their fall colors.

About half our ride was through wooded areas like this:

In one of these areas, we spotted two mule deer. They ran off before I could get a photo. I found this one on Creative Commons.

by USFWS Mountain Prairie is licensed under CC BY 2.0.)

Toward the end of our ride, we came to this fallen down cabin. When we visited here four years ago, Mike observed that this would be a "drafty" place to live.

Since no one was home, I looked through the front door to see this. Hm...it could benefit from a woman's touch.

Walking around to the right side of the structure, I peeked through the window there.

Directly behind where I was standing was a clear-cut area that has been replanted with little evergreens.

From there, it was a quick ride back to the RV. Along the way, we passed a row of mailboxes. I knew you'd want to see this one.

Okay, so that's all I have for you. Please carry on with your day. We'll see you in Moab. Until then, take good care and do a lot of sewing.


Barbara said...

How glorious a greeting the sun gives the mountains! ~ John Muir

Kate said...

Looks like a great last outing for this park. Wishing you safe travels as you move on down the road.

Anne-Marie said...

That mailbox is the best! Hope you got out through the construction quickly.

karen said...

Some people have crazy mail boxes. giggle.
Those cows..ohh! baby moos. cute. Their brown, sparse grazing grounds like they could be underfed. Hope not.
Nice open country here. Hey! See you got a picture of the last house we lived in. What?? No curtains? Wonder how long it's been abanded ?

QuiltGranma said...

We had visitors on our lawn this morning, Flicker Woodpeckers drilling for bugs. I know there are some ant hills to the west of us, hope they got some good nourishment there before their continued trip south.