
Change of Plans

Good morning, my friends. We were planning to do our grocery shopping today, but then I realized I didn't have the things I needed for last night's dinner. So, we got on our mechanical horse and rode into town for groceries instead. That's a dirty job done until next week. I just slid things around on the calendar to make room for housekeeping chores on a different day. (One should never do too many domestic chores in a single day. Surely there's some kind of law.)

Arriving home, it was time to set free the cats. Smitty was ready for a good old-fashioned dust bath.

After that, he spent some time under his umbrella tree where he has a front row seat to the goings-on in his domain.

He seems a little better each day. His eyes are no longer weeping, and he's sneezing less. When this first started, he slept quite a bit, but after a few days, he was back to his usual activities. He's been eating, drinking, and grooming himself, and so we think this will pass soon. We're hopeful it won't be reactivated when we load him into the camper and drive him to Colorado and Utah.

As I wandered around outside, I noticed that two stalks on the Checkers dahlia were broken off and the flowers were hanging upside down. I suspect this is the work of deer. Usually, I leave the flowers outside, but I cut the affected flowers and brought them inside. They look pretty in their vase.

Also, I found a half-eaten plum on the ground. It looked as if some critter took a bite, found it bitter, and then spat it out. The bite was nearby. The plums are softening, however. I'm confident I'll have enough to make a plum torte for when Erik and Mae come on Sunday.

When it was time for sewing, Sadie was put out that we were still doing paper-piecing.

And so there was no kitty help finishing off Tiny House #32. This might be the least wonky of the bunch.

When that was finished, I went to work fusing the applique for the Whimsical Garden block #14. When I stopped for the day, I still needed to do the flowers on the left and right. I should have no problem getting it to top-stitching stage today.

When the two blocks for Whimsical Garden are finished, I'll reach the "Quilter's Choice" section of my white board. I have in mind to do a mini since I have just limited time left. On the other hand, I've wanted to do one of several panels I've had sitting around for a while...years. Maybe I'll start on one of those. Nothing says I have to finish it before we go.

Last night's dinner was surprisingly good. These are Zucchini Grilled Cheese sandwiches. We had them with some leftover gazpacho, and that was a tasty dinner. 

Using zucchini was only part of the draw for this sandwich. I had some leftover fontina cheese I wanted to use as well. It also has Gruyere and Parmesan cheeses in the mix. The recipe is from Smitten Kitchen. I love her folksy way of giving instructions and how she measures things in "glugs" and "handfuls." Those are measurements with meaning.

Okay, so grocery shopping is done. The only thing I know I'm doing for sure today is to make some dill pickles. Finally, I've accumulated enough pickling cucumbers to make a half batch of pickles. Probably, I gave myself something to do while those process in the boiling water bath. I haven't looked at the calendar today, so I really don't know what I'm doing for most of the day. Sewing will be there though. Don't you worry. 

Our weather has turned much cooler, although we're told the heat will return next week. Summer is winding down, my friends. Yesterday, I read that the first day of Fall is only 30 days away...29 now. I know my friends in the midwest will be happy for a break from the heat. From what I understand, it's going to get worse before it gets better. You have my sympathy. Stay hydrated, and try to stay cool. This too shall pass.

So, my cucumbers await. Time to get pickling.


Barbara said...

I was drawn to street photography because there are pictures everywhere there: a woman holding a dog, a baby screaming to be put in a pram, kids playing punch ball, stores with huge barrels of kosher pickles outside. I wanted to photograph life, and here it was. ~ Harold Feinstein

Sara said...

The grilled cheese sounds delicious. I love gruyere. Hope your pesky deer don't eat any more of your fruits or flowers.

Kate said...

Those Tiny Houses are going to make such a cute quilt. Looking forward to seeing what you pick next from your list.

piecefulwendy said...

It's a bit cooler here today, so I'm tackling the grocery shopping this morning. I've been putting it off. Who would ever think that zucchini would be good in grilled cheese! You find such interesting recipes.

QuiltGranma said...

Another lovely recipe saved to my word documents! Thanks Barb!

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Glad to hear that Smitty is feeling better and ready to resume his guardianship duties.
Never would have thought of putting zucchini in a sandwich but why not. Mind you we would never have that many cheese choices onhand and would have to make a grocery trip.