Good morning, my friends! Happy Blogiversary to me! Today marks the 13th anniversary of Cat Patches. Today's post will be my 5,298th post. When I started blogging, it was because I wanted to learn from more experienced quilters (I didn’t learn until July of 2008). Also, there were online groups and events I wanted to join in and participate via blogging. Over the years, it has evolved into my daily “letter to friends.” When I started writing, I never dreamed I would stick with it for so long.
Over the years, I’ve met new friends from all over the world. People from some 145 countries have visited at one time or another. It has become a personal reference manual and a great way to settle disagreements about the ”where and when” certain events took place. Like exercise, it is an important part of my morning routine. The day doesn’t get off to a good start until I’ve emptied my brain of the words that accumulated there from the day before. Daily writing forces me to pay attention and to be grateful for every good thing that happens. And I am so grateful to the many of you who have followed along over the years, and left so many supportive hints, ideas, and comments. Today I'll be thanking you with a chance to win some fabric. I'll be giving away an 8-fat quarter bundle of "Butterfly" fabric.

Pretty, huh? If you're only here for the giveaway, you'll want to skip to the bottom. Before I get to that, I need to empty my brain of the words that accumulated yesterday. No bad words today, I promise.So I was all in a tizzy yesterday about how much I have to do in so little time. With another day gone by, I'm feeling better. Now I'm realizing that getting the binding sewn onto Pieces of the Past was the thing weighing most heavily. I had just over an hour to work on it yesterday morning. Smitty was my helper cat for that.
Under his snoopervision, I was able to get that puppy sewn on, and a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders. Honestly, I don't know what had me stressing about this so much because, really, it would be okay if I didn't finish it to take along. Nevertheless, it's done, and I'm feeling better about finishing up the rest of my to-do's.
There was still a little time left before I needed to get ready to leave. Sadie heard that I was going to make up the next Domestic Affairs block. She considers herself something of a domeowestic diva, and so she stepped in to help.
We needed to choose fabrics for the dress form applique, and girl cats are way better at that than brutish mancats. With her help, I selected these two:
When those were fused down, I traced out the rest of the design.
When that was finished, I needed to get on my way for a monthly pedicure. When I returned home, I top-stitched the applique, and now this one is ready to be taken along too.
I'll finish up the current Joyful Journey block before starting this one, but it'll be good to have insurance against a stitching emergency on our camping trip. We'll be in a remote area, and there won't be any quilt shops nearby.
With those finished, I could get to work on Tiny House #26. Sadie consented to doing some papurr-piecing with me. She believes her most important task is to look adorable.
It's one of the things she does best, although it isn't particularly helpful when I have little bits of fabric and paper strewn about.
My timer was set for one hour. When time was up, I had three sections complete, and a fourth well under way. I'll get back to work on this a little later this afternoon.
Getting back to this ruler business with my mid-arm machine, I paid attention to the comments left by my friends, Ann and Anne-Marie. They both felt my foot was too high. I've always felt the foot was too high on this machine too, ruler or no ruler. And so I consulted the manual. It's a really terrible manual. The manual is so terrible, it doesn't even include a good diagram of how to thread the machine. Frankly, I'm still not sure I have it right, but it works, and so I continue on my merry threading way.
So I wasted some time looking at the stupidly-written manual, and I did some Googling. Nothing was particularly helpful. I wondered if I would need to take it in for service in order to get an adjustment. Then...something sparked my curiosity, and I took a closer look. Here's a photo from a previous post.
As you look at that, it's tempting to think you can simply loosen that screw and lower the foot. Unfortunately the screw goes all the way through to the back, and so no adjustment can be made there.
Instead, I started looking at the hex nut above the screw. I've indicated it with a pink arrow in the image below. See how the hex nut fits snug against the top of the foot?
Well. I went searching through the tools that came with the machine, and I found a hex wrench that fit that nut perfectly. So, I loosened it, and then found I could rotate the whole foot attachment, lowering it down and then tightening it again. It lowered the foot and still gives me a nice solid connection between the two.
So, then I slid the experimental scrap quilt under again, and there was plenty of clearance.
And look at how nicely it seats within the height limits of the ruler now. (That's a new ruler, by the way. It came yesterday.) Yahoo!!!
This has been a bugaboo as long as I've owned the machine. So thank you Ann and Anne-Marie for encouraging me to take a second look. I've owned the machine for around nine years. During that time I've made a significant investment in rulers and templates that I haven't been able to use because of this too-high foot problem. Now, I'm set to jet with new ruler feet, new rulers, and a properly adjusted foot height. The sky's the limit, I'm telling you.
Okay, but let's keep both feet on the ground and take a walk around the garden. The Powwow Wild Berry Echinacea has opened all the way now. I'm expecting more and more coming along.
There are more flowers on the variegated hydrangea now.
The Checkers dahlia looks just about ready to burst into bloom. I'm hoping it will bloom now or at least wait until we get home next week.
When it blooms, it will look like this:
To its right, I'm better able to see the bud on the Fuzzy Wuzzy dahlia, although it is less mature.
When it opens, it will look like this:
To its right, I can see the bud on the next dahlia. I forget the name of this one without looking.
And Bumble Rumble is looking better and better. Let's hope it continues. I keep reminding myself that it was larger than this when it died the first time around.
And on a note of supreme positivity...look at this:
Remember when we transplanted the poppy and it fainted dead away? This is new greenery appearing beneath the dead stuff. IT LIVES!!!
Okay, but enough of this. Let's get on with the real celebration. Would you like to win this?
Consider this my thank you for your readership, your many kind comments and suggestions, and your encouragement over these many years. Here's what you need to do to be a winner.
1. Just leave a comment...any comment will do. If you can't think of anything, then tell me about any travel plans you might have for what remains of summer. Please leave your comment here on the blog. If you are an email follower, simply click on the title of this post to be taken to the actual web page. You can leave your comment there.
2. Since this giveaway is to thank those of you who have followed along over the years, this prize is reserved for followers, old, salty, sweet, bitter, and twisted...just step on up and tell me how you follow. If you want to become a follower, you can find lots of ways to do it there in my left side bar. Also, I will ship internationally, so all residents of Planet Earth are welcome to join in.
3. If you're no-reply, be sure to leave an email address. You can't win if I can't contact you.
So good luck, and a big thank you for helping me celebrate the day! I'll leave this giveaway open through Friday, July 21st and announce the winner sometime on Saturday, July 22nd.
And this seems as good a time as any to tell you I won't be blogging while we're gone next week. As I mentioned, we'll be in a remote area, and internet access will be limited. That also explains the delay in announcing the winner. I usually like to wrap up a giveaway sooner than that. So good luck, everybody!
As for today, I'll be working away at my to-do list. Hoeing the garden comes first. But even "firster" than hoeing will be breakfast. Have a good day everybody! We'll chat again tomorrow.
Life is too short not to celebrate nice moments! ~ Jurgen Klopp
Barbara…just wanted to celebrate your achievement. Hope you keep on for the next 13+ years! You are a fun, interesting read every morning and an inspiration ( and enabler) always. Thank you! Don’t put my name in the hat; at my age I am trying to get rid of my stash, not add to it. Those are gorgeous fabrics, however.
Congatulations on your blogiversary! I've followed you on Feedly's RSS reader for at least a couple of years. I enjoy your blog very much, with its quilting, travel, kitties, garden and recipes. Good job on figuring out your sewing machine problem!
I'm trying to downsize these days, so please don't enter me in the drawing. Dot
Congrats on 13 years! A thought about the hopping foot height - on my longarm (Innova),that may mess up the timing and you'll wind up with skipped stitches and other headaches. I'm not sure how your machine works, but something to watch for. And please leave my name out of the giveaway. I appreciate the kindness, but have no business acquiring more fabric!
Congratulations on the blog-iversary! My blog began as a way to continue journaling my quilting, but it has turned out to be a wealth of inspiration from other quilters. There is a wonderful community out there!
Enjoy your camping trip!
I hope that foot height adjustment fixes things, Barbara. Congrats on your 13 years of blogging!
I don't know when I discovered your blog, but it is the first thing I read every morning. I don't regular add to mine, but I love the idea of daily (or almost-daily) recording my thoughts, aspirations and accomplishments. I just need to put it in practice. No plans for the summer, I already did two international trips this year, but now need to stay home for the sake of my elderly, ill puppy.
I’ve been following by email for about a year or so……I really enjoy your blog!
Congrats on 13 years! I follow your blog and on facebook.
Happy blog anniversary!!! Not sure how long I have been reading your daily blog post--but it's been a long time--at least 8 years I believe--I have to get my stitchy cat fix every day--too!!
hugs, di
Congratulations on 13 years of blogging. I enjoy reading your posts every morning. We have a lot of the same interests so I like to see what you and the cats are up to. Enjoy your trip!
I’ve only been reading your blog for last 5 years or so. I wish I had found you before that. I so enjoy reading about your quilts and embroidery along with kitty adventures and camping trips. Have fun on your next adventure.
Congrats! Really enjoy your blog and your sense of humour!
Good info about the foot on your mid arm. I have a mid arm as well so will check it out in order to expand my quilting possibilities.
Congratulations on your blog anniversary! I follow you on Feedly and Instagram. I promise I read every day, even though I rarely comment! :) I so enjoy following along on your quilting, cooking, gardening, and kitty adventures. Have a great camping trip! Thanks for the giveaway!
Congratulations !!!!
My travel plans are very exciting --I going upstairs to my sewing studio to create, create, create.
I love quilting
thank you for your generosity
Barbara I d enjoy your blog so much. I have learned a lot from your quilting tips and love looking at your recipes and the flowers you grow. We may go on a trip to NC to visit our daughter at her newly remodeled home there. Or we may just stay home and enjoy doing nothing. We'll see. Thanks for the giveaway. Enjoy your camping trip. Helen
You are the breath of sunshine in my day. I am a Cat Lover, a-z quilter, gardener and all around domestic homemaker. I enjoy keeping up with your blog.
Congratulations on the blogging anniversary! I enjoy reading about your days, your cats, recipes and quilts!🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
I have glitter in my nail polish from my last pedicure. Every time I catch a glimpse of it I think about how my grandfather would have called me a Jezebel. And that makes me happy, annoying the old grump even now. :)
I think I predicted that the poppy was just dormant and would rejuvenate after it rested. I hope the fix works on the ruler foot. I'm not sure how long I've been following (a few years). I follow by email and on IG. I've happily travelled along on your adventures, seeing places I'll never get to personally. Your humor, the recipes, garden tours, and the vagaries of daily living, and, of course, the quilts, all perk up my day. Here's to many more.
Wow Barb! What an achievement to be blogging for 13 yrs! I really enjoy and look forward to your daily blogs - gets my thoughts together and my day off to a good start. Love your quilts - you inspire me and so many others. Thanks again for the giveaway but first enjoy your camping trip.
I'm so glad you were able to figure out the foot height. It's so annoying when the manual is no help. Congrats on your blogging achievement.
Sorry, forgot to leave my email- 🥰
Congratulations on 13 years of blogging. Thirteen gets a bad rap as an unlucky number but I feel lucky that I found your blog several years ago. I check it every day to see what fun things you have going on and recently starting following you by getting an email when you post. Enjoy your camping trip. Do the kitty get to come along on this one? I look forward to reading about it when you return.
Wow, you are to be commended for sticking with your blog for so long. I try getting one or two in a week, and you do it daily - and I enjoy reading! I follow your blog via email. I love cats although we most recently had a dog but now have no pets at all. We try to travel when we can and always hated leaving the pets. When our dog passed away, we decided to enjoy the neighbors' dogs as many of them walk past our house a few times a day. Hardly any cats grace our yard, but when they do, I try to say hello.
Enjoy your camping trip - I'll be interested in how much needle work you get done. I love reading about your travels!
Congrats on the Blogaversary. Well done. Don't enter me please, I'm not a stitcher anymore. Thanks
Love the Echynacea (?!?) and such exciting news about the poppy, happy dancing here.
Barb your blog is definitely my favorite. Beside the emphasis on quilting, the gardening and recipes are fantastic but what really keeps me coming back are the kitty pics. I follow you on and really miss you when you disappear into the wilderness. Congrats on sticking with your blog, congrats to us for reading it, and thanks to Mike for driving!!
Happy Blogiversary Barbara!
I look forward to your blog every day, for quilting, embroidery, cats, fun word play (and the adorable way you congratulate yourself on it) and garden pics. Thank you for keeping us informed and entertained. I hope that you blog for 13 more years!
I follow by e-mail.
Jean Lickun
I just found you recently from another both (hmmm? Which one 🤔) I follow you via Feedly
Happy blogiversary from one of the old salty ones, I'd include twisted but my back doesn't do that anymore, lol. Enjoy your trip!
Congratulations on your blogging achievement. I am not sure how I found your blog many years ago but am certainly glad I did. Your posts are such a joy. What's not to love about cats, quilts, flowers, recipes and your adventures. I also follow you on Facebook and Instagram. Thank you for the opportunity to enter the giveaway.
Happy Blogiversary! I've been reading your blog since 2018 when I saw a picture of your barn embroidery and decided to check out the blog. I've enjoyed seeing your projects over the years, seeing your beautiful gardens, "going" on trips with you and learning history, and loving the adventures of Smitty and Sadie. I'll let someone else win the fabrics, just wanted to thank you for blogging for us.
Congratulations on 15 years of posting! I look forward to your posts - to hear about the kitties, your projects in the quilt room, trips, food. We used to live in Oregon (Salem) and moved here over 4 1/2 years ago to be near the kids and grandkids - and we both still miss Oregon. Thank you for the giveaway and your blog....I SO enjoy every one! Deb E
Thanks so much for the chance to win that lovely fabric, and many congratulations on achieving 13 years of blogging! I am a subscriber follower and your blog appears like magic on my blog list each day.
We have several things in common, as well as a love for P&Q. We like to go away on camping trips, although we travel with a caravan and tow car, and take our Birman cat Gemma with us. In fact, our recent big trip was across the Cook Strait on a ferry and down to the South Island of New Zealand for 10 week trip.
I dabble in embroidery, and have tried out several of the recipes you have featured on your blog.
Congratulations again, I really enjoy your writing style.
Thanks for sharing your slice of life with us. I love to see what you’re creating or cooking, where you’re going, and life with Smitty and Sadie (and hubby, of course). Have a fun (and safe) trip. Can’t wait to hear all about it! Candy
Thirteen years and over 5,000 posts? Holy carp! I have to say that your blog is my favorite because of the variety ... quilting, embroidery, recipes, your travels, your garden and of course I can't forget your beloved Smitty and Sadie. Oh, and also your great sense of humor ... always a chuckle or two. Have fun on your camping trip.
I enjoy your blog- mostly I love the references to the kitties. Congrats on such a milestone! You are way so organized, I aspire to be organized.
Mostly I forget what I have scheduled so I have to put it on my phone to keep me on track.
More education on the 'foot front' - thank you! Not that I expect to ever have need of the knowledge but it's good to know anyway.
Congratulations on the blog-versary! I, too, started my blog as a form of 'diary' and intitially it was supposed to keep my kids up to date on what I've been making. Neither of them reads it but the fact remains that they could!
Pretty fabrics for giving away so I have to throw my name in the hat this time. So, to answer the burning question - I follow you using Inoreader.
Congrats on your dedication to blogging! I enjoy your blog as I also embroider and quilt. And I enjoy seeing your garden and other blooming things! I’m on the other side of the country from you in Western North Carolina so it’s interesting to see the different bloom times! Enjoy your trip.
Congratulations! I started following you and another blogger when your cats were communicating back and forth between the two blogs. Love and appreciate you sharing the travel photos since I rarely get past my neighborhood. I was an Army brat, so I travelled all over with my family when I was young, so I guess that's why I enjoy staying put for a while. I'm older now and enjoy your posts because it feels like an old friend chatting with me. I'm in-between cats right now and realized how much I miss their company. Pulling cat hairs out of my food and toothbrush never really mattered to me. It's just extra seasoning.
Happy Blogiversary! That’s quite an accomplishment!! It’s nice to see a possible solution the the ruler problems. I’m figuring out how to fit a machine like that in my already cramped sewing space without a major construction project- I don’t mind but hubby might!
Happy Blogiversary Barbara! I've been following you for several years now. I appreciate all of your helpful tips when I email you with quilting questions. My next trip up is the Ohio Quilt Shop Hop starting in August and running through September. It'sthe first one for Ohio. People are excited, let me tell you! The butterfly fabric is pretty but please don't put my name in for the drawing. I'm trying to use up my stash before this shop hop!
Happy Blogoversary! I’ve enjoyed watching your quilting, camping and kitty adventures the last few years. I can’t imagine how you keep this up and put yourself out there so much. I’m always impressed. Hope you have a great time on your vacation.
Love your blog! I have a Handi Quilter Sweet 16 sit down mid arm machine. I've not had the problems you've had but noticed that hex nut situation is same as mine and your info may come in handy some day. Thank you for posting that!
Hubby and I are going away for the weekend for our anniversary. It's Golden this year :-)
Love butterflies of all sorts. I was just out today doing a Karner blue count. Federally endangered, but locally we have small populations in central Wisconsin
I’ve followed you since 2018 ?when I found your blog . I was interested in quilting, cats, and the different quilt stores you found on your travels. Because of you, I now collect fabric as souvenirs when I go on vacation! Marleen landeis. landeis
Ah.. I love turning to your blog whenever I fire up Feedly. Love reading about your adventures, your lovely blooming garden and of course, the quilts!
I read how you and Mike like blueberry oat pancakes. I ran into a wonderful oat pancake recipe that you could try.
I use applesauce instead of the bananas (I never seem to have ripe bananas when I want to make these) Anyway, my DH loves them and asks for them very often! Just add a handful or two of blueberries to the recipe.
Happy anniversary! I've been following you on Bloglovin for years and I can't remember how I found your blog. Thanks for 13 years of inspiration. I really appreciate bloggers who spend the time to share so much. I like Instagram too, but it's no substitute for the in-depth writing on blogs. Your flowers are beautiful!
Congratulations, I had a cat that would sit for hours watching the needle go up and down on the sewing machine. He was totally fascinated with it. No Summer plans, just hang out at home.
Congrats! I've been following you for years now. I especially like the recipes and, of course, the wee kittys.
My sewing machine is currently needle down in a quilt I am repairing, but my tuxedo cat Crash is napping on it because he doesn't like the sewing machine to get more attention than he gets! He's my Brat Cat.
Congratulations on 13 years of blogging. One reason I started my blog was so I could participate in your Saturday photo linky party. It's been fun to watch your projects over the years and all the kitty antics too. I'm currently using Feedly as my way to track and follow blog posts.
Hope you finish out your to do list for the trip so you can have a quilt free time away.
Wow. 13 years already. Congrats and here are my wishes for many, many more years! I cannot state that I have been a follower since the beginning, but probably about 10 years now. I do love your blog and your daily updates. You help keep me motivated and on track with my life as well!! Thanks for the opportunity to win the FQ, but, more importantly thank you for 13 years of giving your self to all of us in blogland!
Your blog is always a bright spot in my day, fabric, cats, travel, I love it all. I've been following for a number of years and learned lots. My granddaughter would love a cozy quilt made from those butterflies in the fabric bundle. Best wishes on your continued blogging
Congrats. I think I have followed for most of that time. You seem to get so much done. I do a lot of sewing and this time of the year a lot of weeding. The violets are thick this year. Cucumbers are doing really well. Tomatoes are showing. That's it on garden.
Have a wonderful, safe trip. We go to our cabin weekly. It is our time to relax of an evening.
love seeing the cats, recipes, the garden and of course the quilting. My first read every day. Will miss your column for the week of camping but have fun. Donna
Congrats on the 13 years of blogging - wish I had been following you all those years, but am happy that I'm here for as long as I have been. I enjoy your daily posts and getting to know you! No need to put me in the drawing - I have far too much fabric. Just wanted to pop in with my congrats!!
Although I have only been following you for a short time, I find myself inspired by your posts. We have coffee in the morning together and your posts always have something interesting, words or pictures, cat antics, and stitching.
Thanks, Tracy
Happy Blogversary. You are part of moving reading routine. I do enjoy your daily progress photos and the garden walks. I’m in the valley below and north of you, so we have similar growing climates. Between your garden pics and quilt patterns, you have been quite the enabler! 🤣🤣🤣
Happy Blogiversary! I haven’t been following you for 13 years but when you talk about finishing some of your “old” projects…I remember when you started them! I so enjoy your daily postings and miss it when you are offline. Congratulations!
Happy Blogiversary and congratulations on such a successful blog. I've lot track of how many years I have been following your blog. You had George and Gracie back then, but it wasn't long before George crossed the rainbow bridge. I hope you have a wonderful upcoming trip.
It is exceptionally hot here in the deep South - and we are used to being hot! Hope your heat wave is short lived - thanks for all the years of inpiration . Stay cool!
Well I'll be, a monkey's uncle, perhaps a monkey's aunt would be more accurate. My long arm foot always seemed a bit low to me, but I never thought to go looking for a way to adjust it. But daggum if my foot set up isn't exactly the same as yours! I will have to go look for a hex wrench in my own basket of tools. Thank you Barbara, and and Anne-Marie! On to more current affairs, those dahlias look fabulous and I cannot wait to see how yours turn out. Our snowball that we have been nursing along through the harsh winter and even harsher summer is just barely making out. We got three beautiful blooms from it, but it's not even a foot tall. We got it at Justice sprigg so I guess it has about doubled in size, but it's still not the big beautiful bush I was hoping for. But, like you, I celebrate the good and am glad and thankful for the blooms we have gotten.
Congratulations on your 13 year anniversary, I was hardly able to keep it going for 13 months, much less years. I'm not even sure how I've stayed married as long as we have, I don't seem to do much of anything for many years at a time. Our friends are joking us that it's time for us to move again, as we approach our 3-year anniversary in this house. I'm afraid they may be right. Although now that there is a long arm involved, along with much more furniture, I'm not sure I am up for a move as readily as I used to be. Besides, I've gotten used to the hawks, coyotes and the turkeys that frequent our yard here.
The fabrics are pretty that you're giving away, but I have a closet full of pretty fabric and don't need anymore, so if by chance you draw my name, please draw another, much more deserving number. I just wanted to stop by and say hi. I always read your words, but I seldom comment. So, just wanted to stop in to say hello and have a good trip. Safe travels
Your dahlias have a theme going, eh?
Please tell Smitty how handsome he is! I follow you like a hiker follows a trail guide--carefully but with the occasional side trek.
I applaud your writing habit. I wonder if I get more done if I accounted for my activities each day. I have enjoyed you quilting posts and have leaned many new things and found other bloggers to follow. I enjoy trying the recipes you recommend. And I enjoy your gardening posts. Keep on writing for many years to come!
Your variegated hydrangeas are so beautiful. I wish I could grow them. I follow you on Bloglovin and I also get an email every day to backup Bloglovin.
Congratulations on your blogiversary! I look forward to reading your posts. I follow you on Feedly. I don't comment every day, but I do enjoy your adventures. I have plenty of fabric, so if perchance you draw me, just draw again. Just wanted to let you know that your efforts are appreciated.
I do so enjoy your blogs.I love
, seeing all of your beautiful quilts, flowers and the cats.Also all of your travels as I have not seen much of the upper northwest area. I do love fabric (I collect)and have made several quilts but I cannot really call myself a quilter.
I admire how you've persisted with those small paper pieced blocks. I also admire how you've persisted with the amazing blog posts all these years. I much appreciate your blog posts.
Congratulations on your Blog Anniversary! I look forward to reading your blog post every day as I eat lunch! Not only do I enjoy the journey of all your quilting and embroidery projects, but also the recipes you share, and the chance to follow along as you and Mike travel to so many interesting destinations and we get to hear all about them! It is great to see your shadow selves make an appearance from time to time…. And, of course, hearing about the kitty antics going on!!
Thank you for sharing all of this with us…I hope you continue on posting for many more years to come!
Like some other commenters, I am at a point in my life where I need to reduce my inventory of fabric, so I don’t need to be included in your drawing.
Have safe travels on your upcoming trip!
Sandra B
Happy anniversary!! love your blog, it gets my day going in the right direction. I don't have a blog of my own, I just follow you by email. Love helper cats! Thank you for the generous offer to win fabric. I may even cut into it if I win. Lol
Congrats on the blogging Anniversary! I follow on IG and have given your page a coveted widget spot on my phones home page. You, Quiltville aka Bonnie Hunter, Martha Stewart and Monty Don are my peeps that bring me happiness and inspiration! I used to read daily from my desk at work but thankfully with retirement, my days are filled with activities I actually enjoy. So speaking of retirement, that means pension budget; so I'll gladly accept entry into the gorgeous fabric contest...can I take the rejected commenters ballots too ;-) Have a great camping trip!!
Good morning & Happy Blog-versary! I have been following for years. I love your travels, your recipes and mostly your quilts, and let's not forget Smitty & Sadie (and all those that came before).
Cheers to you!
Just in case, my email is or - I will respond to either.
Congratulations on the Blogiversary! I have always enjoyed reading your posts. Your kitties always make me smile as do your beautiful projects. I must say, I now how to look into purchasing some dahlias for my yard. I love the variety that you have. Enjoy your trip. Please enter me into your giveaway.
Congratulations on 13 years! I always look forward to reading your new posts and especially to seeing what your kitties have been up to. I follow you on Instagram.
Congratulations!! I admire and appreciate your dedication to blogging. I love kitties and quilts, that is how I found your blog several years ago. I'm following via Blogger and Facebook.
I'm not sure how long I have been following your blog, but I enjoy reading it every day. You put the effort in every day and what a wonderful way for you to enjoy all your memories.
Happy Blog anniversary! I love reading your blog and following along! Your Soopavisors are always a bunch of fun to read about. Enjoy the trip! Thank you for the butterfly fabric giveaway! How sweet!
Congratulations on your blog anniversary! 13 years is quite impressive. I started following you around the time you bought Big Bertha. I bought May (BERNINA 750). I love reading your adventures and your recipes. You are so very talented and an inspiration. Thank you.
I love reading your blog. I enjoy the quilts, cats, camping/traveling, and gardening that you do. And I really enjoy your humor in writing about all of it.
I’m not sure I’ve ever commented before, but read your blog daily via email, so guess I’m a lurker. I enjoy your writing and have your same appreciation of cats, so always enjoy their antics. I quilt and garden also, so enjoy those posts as well. Keep up the good work!
I follow via Feedly and love catching up with your daily letters. I’m especially fond of the kitties and when I mention anything from your posts to my husband, I remind him this is about the cats with the RV catios. I’ve been following for several years now and very much enjoy your traveling posts. You have such beautiful embroidery stitches! I have a longarm and so totally relate to the excitement of finally figuring out an issue……hurray for getting your foot height adjusted!! Looking forward to lots of ruler work in your future posts.
Issn't it wonderful to be able to go back and read your past posts? Like looking at photographs - a snapshot in time. :)
I started my blog in Feb 2006 - so a bit more than 17 years. I don't post as often or as consistently as you do, sadly. Still, it's a glimpse of the past.
I'm planning a trip tot he midwest soon - Kansas, Nebraska and Wisconsin. Family. :)
Linda (lindaschiffer at me dot com)
Looking forward to seeing your vintage angled embroidery quilt come together. I figure mine would be more a wall hanging from the ones I have.
I love your descriptions of so many things, sharing your corner of Oregon and your adventures, your schedule of how you spend your day so you don't get overloaded with just one thing and make progress in so many areas. I no longer get you in my inbox since blogging got more difficult to receive. So I have you as a search and find you and catch up with the kitties and the garden and the quilt making. I'm always delighted with what you share, have found, have done, will do what you are working on, your sense of humor! I'm in northern central Oregon formerly of WA State. A Pacific North West person for sure!
Congratulations on your Blog Anniversary! Thank you for sharing your adventures.
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