
Summer's Here!

Good morning, my friends and welcome to summer! I can't remember when I've been so happy for summer to arrive...probably last year, but who can remember that far? I'm probably happier this year since we didn't travel south for the winter this past year. The longer days and warmer weather will be appreciated more than ever.

Yesterday morning, I spent more time than usual on my embroidery...making up for missing it on Sunday. I stitched far enough to decide to move my hoop down and to the right.

I keep thinking I'm coming close to a finish, but there's actually quite a bit more to do on this. Nevertheless, I need to start thinking of getting the next one ready to go. What "the next one" is escapes me at the moment. 

There was rain in yesterday's forecast, and so I went out early to take a little walk around and check things out. My partners in crime accompanied me.

It was chilly, and so we didn't stay out long. I noticed the first flower buds are appearing on the echinacea. I'm happy to see the echinacea this year. It doesn't do well in cold weather, and I feared the winter snow would have killed it.

The echinacea is in three colors, and all three plants have come back.

A little to the left, the last peony is getting ready to bloom. I'm hopeful it didn't get too beaten up by the rain.

In the greenhouse, I noticed one of the newly planted sunflower seeds had sprouted. When I checked it at the end of the day, four more had joined the party. 

I'll probably hold off for a day or two before moving these to the vegetable garden. I'm hopeful I'll get some giant sunflowers going this year, but they've been a disappointment so far.

The clematis is the one bright spot in the garden for the time being. More flowers are coming, but for now, this one is doing the heavy lifting. A fifth flower has opened and a sixth was right behind it. There are many more coming.

Back inside, I went after the tiny house with determination. I still needed to complete Sections "G" through "N." When I reached section "L," I had a piece glued to the section marked "L1," and I was prepared to sew the section marked "L2." Take a look at this though. It can't be sewn together in that order.

Instead, it needs to be done like the one I've edited below:

And if you sew it together like that, eventually you'll have a tiny house like this one. This is Tiny House #23. Thirteen to go.

Most of my sewing day was spent on that, but I still had time to fuse the applique for Block #12 of the Whimsical Garden. I got confused with this because I was working from a reversed template. The flowers aren't all placed on the correct stem, but that's going to be as good as it gets.

The top largest flower was supposed to switch places with the flower bud to its left. That would have left more room for the lower large flower. Oh well. I made a design decision, and I'm sticking with it.

If I'm remembering right, I had a chicken breast in the toaster oven when I wrote yesterday's post. I made a dinner of pasta salad yesterday morning before doing anything else. This is Chicken and Farfalle Salad with Walnut Pesto. The original recipe appeared in Cooking Light magazine. I picked some of the first lettuce leaves from the greenhouse as a garnish. They tasted good too!

It took a bit of time from my morning, but it was nice to have dinner ready to go when it was time.

Today will be a grocery shopping day. We could probably put it off a couple of days, but I refuse to enter the grocery store on the weekend. In fact, I refuse to even park in the parking lot. I always went on the weekend when I was a working person. Happily, those days are over. Now I show up with the rest of the old people and shop at a less hectic pace. There might be some time to hoe some weeds when we get home, but I'll probably put that off another day or two. The vegetable garden is muddy with the recent rains.

When I came upstairs to write this post, Sadie was enjoying the morning sunshine on Mike's lap. She likes the warmth, but it's awfully bright in her eyes.

Smitty was patiently waiting for the sunshine to reach his part of the room so he could tan his bod too.

Before I go, I'll show you one more picture of little Georgie with her Chicken Feed quilt. That smile is a quilter's greatest reward, wouldn't you agree?

Okay, my friends. Get out there and enjoy the sunshine. Unless you live in the southern hemisphere, of course. In that case, you might want to get out your winter woolies. Either way...enjoy the day, my friends.


Barbara said...

What good is the warmth of summer, without the cold of winter to give it sweetness. ~ John Steinbeck

Anonymous said...

Here in Virginia, it is a very cool, very windy, rainy day! I was out running errands all morning, and it is a good thing I had on my bright yellow rain slicker or I would have been even wetter by the time I returned home. We were running dangerously low on bourbon and gin, so a visit to the ABC store was one of my stops. When I opened the door a huge gust of wind came from behind and pushed me right through the doorway, a little faster than I would have liked, but at least it didn’t knock me down! I told the employee standing at the checkout counter that I was not going to complain about the rain because we need it badly, but today’s weather gives a whole new meaning to “having a bad hair day”!!! My hair is short, but, oh my, was it a mess!
We love having pasta salad for dinner in the summer!
My husband would love the shrimp and broccoli dinner you showed in yesterday’s post… I would love it too, but I have a shellfish allergy, preventing me from being able to enjoy a few of my favorite foods! I have a number of other food allergies as well, but the shellfish is what I miss the most. But, since the list of what I can eat is much longer than the list of what I can’t eat, I’m not complaining.
Your Tiny Houses blocks are coming along quickly… you are getting close to the finish line!
Sandra B

piecefulwendy said...

While you are chillin' there in Oregon, we are melting here in MN. Phew. We're dancing with the 90s, and it's hot and sultry. I got my grocery run done, just kept my head down and got out of there quick. Good catch on the FPP piece - good thing it was a simple fix.

Anonymous said...

Reading your comments about the weather made me homesick. We moved from Oregon in late 2018 & we've both missed it ever since. But some health scares made it a necessary decision. We are nearly done landscaping our front & backyards now. All renovations on this house since we purchased it have been from the standpoint of 'what would our 85 year old selves be more comfortable with?' So out went the grass in the front yard (we bought with dirt only in the backyard and slope TO the house, so had a bobcat in to fix that), and NO trees. We've now got 9 trees planted in the backyard and 1 in the front (lots of pipes, utilities out front). We've put in over 51 plants (with 7 more being planted tonight). We chose every one with the mindset that it had to be different: textures, colors, heights, etc., and many produce scent & bloom and sway beautifully in breezy/winds (we get lots of that). We've got 2 different types of rock (and both are beautiful when washed down). The style of landscaping we've done out front is evidently totally different than what people expect as we've had a TON of enthusiastic comments ("I walk by your house everyday to see what you've done that is new - I LOVE what you're doing with it!"). Getting to the end of it (thankfully) - we will be at probably 46-47 yards of rock by the time we're done, front and back. We're tired & we're in our late 60's. But I've lost a lot of weight (still losing), great glucose numbers, low blood pressure now and my two bad knees are doing fantastic -- as long as we're working we both feel much better. When the projects run out we'll have to join a gym to keep it going! Deb

Jenny said...

Today is winter solstice here in New Zealand, shortest day and longest night. Enjoy your summer weather.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

We just had two days of relative warmth and now it's trying to rain and back into cool temps again. Summer is certainly having to work hard to put in an appearance, at least here.
I think this tiny house is one of my favourites (so far). It looks like it should be an ice cream shop.
That smile says it all doesn't it!