

Good morning, my friends. It's Friday of a 3-day weekend. That should give some of you a boost. When you're retired, you call it "business as usual." And that's not what I'm talking about with my "Boosted" title. I'm talking about getting another COVID booster yesterday. Poor Mike also had to get a tetanus shot, and I'm afraid that made him sick pretty quickly. Tetanus always makes me sick too. Fortunately, I'm not due for another five years. 

As for him, he spent the day with fever and chills. He says he's feeling better this morning, but not yet 100%. I haven't noticed any ill effect from the COVID booster, although all the ones I've gotten since the first one have made me sick. I've lost count how many times we've been boosted, but our shot cards are filled up at this point. Neither of us has had COVID, and so we're just continuing to do whatever we're told vaccine-wise. It's working for us so far.

Before we left to face down the needles, I had some time to start on my newest embroidery piece. There is no instruction about what stitches to use, and so I'm doing whatever strikes me in the moment.

The flowers should be satin-stitched, but when working from a small center outward, it's hard to get good coverage while keeping the stitches even and straight. I decided to do a series of long and short stitches using two different oranges. The center is a triple-wrap French knot. Then I used a darker orange to stitch from the center to the edge. To completely cover, I switched to a lighter orange and stitched from the outer edge toward the center, just far enough to cover the fabric. I hope that makes sense.

When we arrived back home, we both took naps. Of course we did. We were only gone from home for about an hour and a half, but it was stressful just the same. When I was ready, I spent a little more than an hour on my "collage" challenge. I've finished the background section around the edges of the piece.

I'm thinking of this as a collage with three layers. I've completed the background farthest away. Now, there's a closer-in background to do. I'll start on that today. When that is finished, I'll be adding details to the subject of the piece. After working on it today, I might change my mind, but I think the most difficult part is finished. Trying to keep everything parallel was a challenge.

Sadie showed up about that time.

Please purrmit me to assist you.

When I told her we were going to build another tiny house, she fell over in a heap. She was suddenly 'zhausted.

Oh well...the show must go on. These are so painful to make, I've started instituting the one-hour rule on them. After one hour's time, sections "C" through "G" were complete. Today I'll try to finish it off.

Purrhaps you could make a tiny bird house next time. I really like birds.

And that brought us to the end of our sewing day. Mike was feeling too puny for dinner last night, and so it was a simple meal. He was in bed early, and I spent the evening reading. I've cleared the calendar for the day, reasoning that I might be feeling puny too. As it turns out, I'm feeling fine. I'll probably get out and hoe some weeds in the vegetable garden today, and then I'll spend the day sewing. The sun is shining, and it's going to be a good day.


Barbara said...

Vaccines are the tugboats of preventive health. ~ William Foege

Julierose said...

I like the look of the bi-color long and short stitches--nice work on those! We are having really chilly-for-May weather here. but next week they predict warmer temps to prevail. Hope so...we actually had to put the heat on last night!! Enough already!! :)))
I am planting my marigold seeds in pots this weekend to surround our front patio...that is the extent of my gardening this year...you do what you can, right?
Hugs to you and the kitties Julierose

Sara said...

Love the technique you used on the flowers. They would be so plain without the variety of color and stitch length. Wow!

piecefulwendy said...

I hope Mike is feeling much better by now. Glad you didn't seem to be affected. Sadie - hahaha! Enjoy your holiday weekend!

dgs said...

Lovely and fun projects. Sorry Mike is under the weather after getting another booster, but glad this time you appear to have made it thru without any serious reaction. I'm quite curious which # of booster this is for you guys. I was thinking I got #5 last Fall, but DH says #4. I'm wondering if CDC will advise another one for us this coming Fall, or if I missed an opportunity before setting off for summer travels. Good friends in the early 80's recently caught covid, even though they were both fully vaxed. And both have been down for the count for a good 3-4 weeks, which has surprised me. I will be so happy when Covid is truly in the rear view mirror, but I'm also very happy the vaccines have truly helped to return the quality of life to close to pre-pandemic status.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

So far we've had six shots for covid and one wonders if it will ever end. We're dutifully doing what is advised and also still wearing masks. Sorry that Mike had a reaction - perhaps getting two different shots at the same time was a little much for his system to cope with.