
Smitty's Bad Day

Good morning, my friends! Fortunately, it's Friday, although most every day is Saturday when you're retired. Sorry...don't mean to rub it in if that doesn't apply to you, but your day is coming too...sooner than you think. Mike read a joke to me from an RVers email he receives in the morning. It went like this:

They say 40 is the new 30. And 50 is the new 40. All I know is that as I get older, 9:00 p.m. is the new midnight.

Can't say it doesn't fit for this old bird. And I'm approaching another birthday in the next couple of weeks. It's nothing to fear. The alternative is far worse.

So, poor Smitty. His day started out purrfectly fine with a morning sunbath.

The next thing you know, he was scooped up and unceremoniously dumped into this stupid crate. This is never good news for kitties.

And he's seen what happens when furry mammals get scooped up and driven away. They Never. Come. Back. (This is squirrel number four. Squirrel number five followed this one by a few hours.)

Fortunately, Smitty was just going for his annual physical and immunizations. He needed rabies and FIV vaccines, and then, because he is a rodent connoisseur, he needed two kinds of worming medications. He came home with a clean bill of health. As for the squirrels, I doubt we'll see them again. We believe we've captured the squirrels that were storing their nuts in our basement ceiling, but we'll keep trapping them for a while. Reducing their numbers is a good idea.

My afternoon was spent dead-heading the hydrangeas. I didn't take any pictures. They're still pretty much sticks with a few green leaf buds. It was a surprisingly taxing job. I think it's just a difference in movement that makes it so tiring. We're substituting time on The Rack and the treadmill for gardening time right now. It's nice to be out in the sunshine.

When I finished with the hydrangeas, I took a walk around. The daphne is blooming now. I'm so happy it survived winter's assault. It was looking iffy there for a while.

This riot daffodil is open now. It's the only one I have. I'm hoping its bulbs will divide soon. I only planted it just about two years ago. There's another fancy daffodil in a different location, but it has yet to bloom.

Just before sitting down here, I ordered some more non-traditional daffodils. Since they seem to be the only bulb flower the critters don't eat, I figure I'll plant more of them.

As I walked down the driveway to dump my hydrangea clippings, I noticed the flowering plums are starting to bloom. 

This is my favorite of the blooming trees. We lined our driveway with them when we first moved up here (nearly 21 years ago). Not all survived, but enough that I get my fill of them in the spring. Ours are always about a month behind the ones in the valley. They are ornamental only...no plums come from these trees. 

Over here, however, this Italian prune plum tree is beginning to show signs of life. 

It usually blooms around the same time as the cherry trees, but it's very slow this year. We have a trip planned for mid-September. I've intentionally delayed our start date to give the fruit and vegetables time to ripen. Even with the delayed start, I'm afraid we'll miss the plums if they don't get with the program soon.

Okay, and I was tired by then. I spied our garden bench. It seemed a perfect time to grab myself a Mike's Lemonade and sit on the bench for a while. It's a favorite spot when we've been out working in the yard, and this was my first time sitting there this year.

With all that going on, it was another no sewing day. The only sewing I did was later in the afternoon when I stitched up the rest of my hoop.

Now, I've moved to the extreme left side of my piece. I expect I still have a few more days on this. All those lazy daisy stitches take a long time.

When the embroidery is finished, I'll still need to piece together a mini quilt that will hang on the clothesline. Nevertheless, it's time to start thinking about getting the next project ready for stitching.

Today I'm limiting myself to picking a bucket of weeds. (It's a big bucket, and so filling it takes some time.) When I've done that, I expect I'll have some time for sewing. Oh yes, and it's National Blueberry Pie Day. You know me. I always follow the rules, and so there's a Blueberry Pecan Streusel Pie for Two on tap for the day as well.

There's still plenty of work to do outside before the rain returns next week, but I think we'll be able to get everything finished except for planting the vegetable garden. The vegetables will have to wait a little while longer. I'm still hoping to clean up the herb garden and spread the wildflower seeds. There should be plenty of time for that in the next couple of days. 

How does your garden grow?


Barbara said...

I wonder what spendthrift chose to spill
Such a bright gold under my windowsill!
Is it fair gold? Does it glitter still?
Bless me! It's a daffodil!

Celia Thaxter

Robin said...

Looking good Barbara! Your lazy daisy stitches are so pretty, they look like lace. Thanks for the reminder, I have two felines here in need of a vet visit. I finally planted some lettuce and green beans, we'll see how that goes. I've got several wild rabbits that frequent my yard LOL.

Jenny said...

Hopefully Smitty has forgiven you for bundling him up for a trip go he vet. A few cuddles and treats and he is sure to be as good as new.

Karen said...

Smitty, you poor baby. You 're so scared.
My baby d oessent like kitty prison either.
Hugs to you.
Happy spring

piecefulwendy said...

Well, Smitty, we all feel that way when we have to go to those doctor visits. I hope you find a lovely patch of sunshine for some good naps and recuperation! Your flowers are looking so good, Barbara!

kc said...

Oooh, the daffodil is pretty. In NC, we had hundreds, all lovingly planted by yours truly, but, down here, it's not cold enough long enough (thank God!) for bulbs of any kind to live past their first year.

Our azaleas are all drooping , waiting for any drop of rain, our amaryllis is spent, our stargazers are out in full force, and our 2 little girl hummingbirds have found their feeder. The chickadees and bluebirds have fledged, and we're hoping for a second brood before long. We have given up fighting squirrels...figure, they've gotta eat too, and, apparently, they feed the hawks, sooo...circle of life.

Hmmm, pecans and blueberries...got 'em both! Sugar, flour, vanilla, maybe some cinnamon?

Kate said...

Such pretty flowers! Enjoy your time in the sun. Hope you can get all the garden stuff done before the rain comes back. We've had rain pretty much all week here, but things are really, really green. Hope Smitty has forgiven you for all the trauma on Friday.

Carol in Texas said...

Barbara, do you have a recipe to share for that Blueberry Pecan Streusel Pie for Two? Also, I have forgotten the piece you are doing the embroidery for…..it is wonderful. Would you please remind me its name? Also, did you do a piece called Snow Day?

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Poor Smitty! How rude to be upended from his snoozing spot to get stuffed into the dreaded cage.
Those plum blossoms are so pretty. Our balcony garden is a long way off from being planted but Resident Chef has started some tomato and pepper plants in the windowsill. It's always a bit of a guessing game when to plant so the little plants aren't too leggy to actually plant outdoors and when the weather will cooperate.