
A Day for Slow

Good morning, my friends. The week is coming to a close. I'm amazed that we still have snow on the ground from an entire week ago. In 21 years in our house, we've never seen snow for this many consecutive days. And I can't recall when it's hung around for this long either. Our temperatures have been above freezing, but we're still seeing precipitation falling as snow. We need a good melting rain to dispense with it, but it doesn't look like that will happen until the latter part of next week. For now, the crows seem to be enjoying it.

These two have been visiting the feeder and perching in the nearby trees for over a week. I've assumed they are a breeding pair. This morning, they were joined by a third. It could be an offspring since crow offspring can stay with the parents for up to five years, or even longer.

They inspired me to stitch up the bird in my Winter Wonder hoop.

It was a busy day yesterday. We had grocery shopping to do. The list wasn't long, but the grocery store was mobbed! I can only think it was a lot of people who collect their paycheck on the first day of the month. There was one housekeeping chore...a short one...and I followed through with my workout in the Chamber of Horrors. Today is Mike's day on The Rack.

Before all of that, I spent some time on the last part of the "Stitched Inchies." I had the clock nearly all finished when I needed to stop and get on with the rest of the day's tasks.

Arriving home from the grocery store, we had some lunch, and we both took naps. And then I finished off the last of it.

Here's the whole piece. It's ready to be sewn into a small wall-hanging now.

I've pulled a few pieces of fabric I might use for that, including this sewing fabric that was a gift from my local friend Tracy.

It's mostly browns, but if you look closely, you can see some blues and greens in there too. I'll probably give it a blue or a green stop border, and then use the sewing fabric around the outer border and the back.

There was no other sewing yesterday, although I could have done some if I'd wanted to. Maybe I just needed a break from it for a day. I'll get back to it today. There are four more leaves to stitch on the current round, and then there are three borders to add to the New Mexico Kitchen quilt. It seems optimistic to think I can finish all three borders today, but sometimes I surprise myself. There's not much else on today's agenda, and so it's going to be a mostly sewing day.


Barbara said...

I saw a crow building a nest, I was watching him very carefully, I was kind of stalking him and he was aware of it. And you know what they do when they become aware of someone stalking them when they build a nest, which is a very vulnerable place to be? They build a decoy nest. It's just for you. ~ Tom Waits

Anne Kirby said...

Sometimes unbonded young male crows form a group in the spring, and hang together until they find their mates.
They can be raucous, like young males are. Your inchy quilt will be cute!

Quilter Kathy said...

I love your Time to Stitch project - you did an amazing job with the colouring!

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Seems like no time since you started the inchie project and now it's done. Fun to watch evolve and to see all the little details.

Karen said...

Complete ! Your February stitch project !
Mine is half done ( which is about my normal speed). I'm very happy with all the soft colors. Thanks so much for posting every day so that I knew the stitches to use. I love her orojects.
A couple of weeks ago when the kitty's were out in the grass, I was jealous . We had about 8" . We still have the ice storm snow, but it will melt soon. A couple of 46-50° days in the forecast. Yippee Skippy !
Happy weekend.